the BBC and ITV are TV channels......
ok, let's skip that bit. its too long
the BBC has made some weird shows for CBBC...
BUT first I'll cover gameshows for CITV, because, well, BLA
first up, a thing from 2018-2019.
a army-general look-a-like named [rather lazily] GoldFist [who happens to have a really heavy hand and likes sugar. lots of sugar] wants to take over the world or something.
to stop him, SPy sChOoL has recruited 2 [yes, 2] cadets. helping them is agent J, a secret-service type guy who looks like he doesn't know what he's doing. helping him get his act together is agent L, who looks like she knows what J's job is.
also, there are other agents, who all belong to the same group. it is really easy to sus that out, because they all have names like 'agent x' or 'agent Y' or 'agent BHNJYTFVGBHYGFGHYTGHB', who got fired for having a weird name.
anyway, GOLDFIST will stop at nothing to make his plan work. he hasn't got a clue what to do if it works though.
anyway, cadets have to pass a 'training course'. of COURSE [BAD JOKE!] they do. there is also a LUDUS-style holo-screen.
anyway, gimmicks include...
barbed wire fence [crawl under, nothing wrong with that...]
walls [climb over]
air vents [not really, more like something that you find at a softplay thing]
lasers [light FX + wire]
some roof background-thing
punchy bags
rope [dubbed 'skyrope', cos just 'rope' would be to bloody boring]
a train model [move across it]
shark tank [monkey bars above blue crashmat]
in series 2, they add a few more gimmicks...
- shoot cameras [in like 2 episodes/laser guns]
- volcano swing [rope swing]
- trash crusher [that doesn't actually crush them]
-toxic pit [just 'shark tank' except there's a green light instead of blue crashmats with fake shark fins]
finish that, and you get a microchip. microchips as big as your hand
then you go to the 'room inside the big ben clocktower gimmick room'
then it's just LUDUS style touchscreen games.
there is also AI [not really] involved in all of this, called BEN. stands for something...Biologically Enhanced Network - yes, it's that long. it's a nod to the producer's first name
a LOT of this stuff looks like its ripped right from LUDUS, how?!?!?!?!
next, the final game... the cadets go to [INSERT PLACENAME HERE], and finish another game.
if they finish it, [and 2 other LUDUS-Y games] and they get their own massive microchip.
EDIT 17 DEC 2021 - as far as I know, this madness NOT getting a 3rd series. THANK GOD*
[they also nicked the concept for a 'spy show' off the BBC, cos of CBBC 2007 show SUSPECT]
right, next show.
project Z.
AKA-actors/ zombies go round some school and if anyone touches them, they get infected.
well, that just sums up Z.
final game, LUDUS X2. touchscreen extras.
#reusingideassince2019 #itvhasrunoutofideas
[but this one is from the BBC, so don't bother with that 'meme']
final show...
don't unleash the beast -
weird FX, POUNDLAND glove, digitized screaming...that's this show in a nutshell.
and a BBC guy presenting...
feels like JUNGLE RUN. well, thats cos it kind of IS
I've done this joke where the beast gets art of him on e6 and itv gets really frightened of it
EDIT-4TH JUNE 2021-the guy who presents this also did a thing for CBBC called "wait for it!".
yes, that's what I had to do while sitting around WAITING for the show to come on.
EDIT 17 DEC - series 2 of this confusing MESS is on TV - they changed a few things...
-they now collect big 'simian fruits'. what this really means is the crew found a bigger version of the prop they were already using, and decided to buy out all of the bigger ones. they award more time in the final game.
-they now collect 'fruit' at the end of any and all games [?} no matter WHAT.
-there is a new gubbin, in which they collect puzzle pieces that look vaguely like...well, IDK, if they miss 1/2/3, they have to build that piece in the room before the final game [the one where they do the bungee jump]
-there are new SOUND FX added in post production if they fail the final game. yes, the stupid sliding door closes, but the change makes it sound a bit more real [they have everyone pretend they've been killed*. and yes, this caught me off-guard - you will see why if you read the footnote I put at the bottom of this page.
now for cbbc's gameshows...
6 kids get moved to a tower on a boat somehow and are forced to play games...a bit like my old school.
who owns this tower? voice. no, not that talent show on ITV, a mouth. oh, and some weird GEEZER lives there as well.
so how did these kids get moved from LONDON to TOWER??? well, I'll tell you. well, some teenager named Wily Sneak was convinced to do so.
so, the games, eh? 'ow do they work?
well, there are timed and mental games.
but there is 1 thing you NEED to know first.
the voice randomly selects 1 of the unfortunates to be the saboteur. they will try to make the team FAIL.
the voice helps them do this by talking to them via the whisper clip.
at the end of each challenge, the unfortunates must vote on who they think was the saboteur.
if the saboteur fails to sabotage, or is voted for, the saboteur is TRAPPED!.
however, if the saboteur does the opposite of what is stated above, then the unfortunate they most voted for gets TRAPPED!.
if there is a tie, then they use drawstraws [can be done with 2, but once it was done with 3 - S1E4. very nearly done with all 4 remaining contestants on floor 4 in series 4 [split ends], but they passed, so it was never executed.
NOW FOR A LIST OF CHALLENGES/GAMES............... [S = saboteur]
floor 6-series 1 [yes, there are 6 floors but no floor 1...the number of kids remaining matches the floor #]
black widow-suck up all of the [white-egg] balls on the floor. S might try to suck up a black widow spider ball [green/yellow] that makes more white balls come down] [timed]
[HEH! balls...thats not funnie]
toxic treats- [mental] open boxes with a good sound. S will try to get them to open boxes with a bad sound [fart].
[bad boxes will have certain colours on them [white/purple/green].]
wall of sorrow-[blackout] build the wall with the not-really-convincing stone blocks. when a blackout happens, S will try to knock the wall down.
the wall can cry in series 1, but not in series 2 and 3.
goblet of ice- [timed]
fill the goblet using snow.
touch the floor, and the goblet will tip. S will try to do this.
floor 5-series 1
feed me lies [mental]
basic true-or-false game, except they have to feed talking plants. S will try to get them to choose wrong.
freaky factory [timed]
fill 5 egg boxes with matching coloured eggs. [green/purple/white] [there are black eggs and boxes in S1E10]
S can: mix up colours/steal eggs and boxes/smash eggs.
deadly medley [mental]
find 3 good words
S will try to get them to make a bad word [bad words contain a certain letter: D/C.]
the other letters are-A/B/F/G.
floor 4-series 1
snake attack [mental]
find 3 safe holes. [top/middle/bottom]
S will try to get them to pick a bad hole [one with the 'snake' in.] if they find a bad hole, they get black gunk on their hand.
witch's brew [mental]
find 2/3 correct ingredients.
S will try to get them to pick wrong ingredients.
horror heads [timed]
get the ball from the black/white side to the red/black side using r/c cars. they do not know who is controlling what car.
S will stop them doing this. S is also the only one to know who is controlling what car.
exploding toad in the hole [mental]
find 3 foods in the holes. marking each hole is a sign [green/purple/black/white]. signs indicate holes.
S will try to get them to pick a bad hole [one with a 'toad' in.]. if they DO pick it, they will get black gunk on their hand.
floor 3-series 1
wicked wardrobes [S alert]
switch all the lights on. when they are on, hide in a wardrobe. if they hear the music playing, S has turned a light on.
S will try to switch on 1 or more lights, but they've got to be quick. the music will play when a light is on.
poison banquet [mental]
eat 3 good cakes.
S will try to get them to pick a 'poisoned' cake.
sleep creepers [S alert]
turn all the alarms off. when they are off, get into a bed. if they hear an alarm ringing, S has turned one on.
S will try to switch on 1 or more alarms, but they've got to be quick. the alarms will ring when they are on.
floor 6-series 2
body shock [blackout]
build the body.
when a blackout happens, S will release the botherers to destroy the body by turning the wheel.
poisoned harvest
pick all the good wheedleberries [red/yellow] and put them in the baskets strapped to their backs.
S will try to put 2 poisoned berries [purple] in the baskets.
floor 5-series 2
septic sewers
block the drain.
S will try to remove 1 or more plugs, but they've got to be quick. they've got 5 seconds to get back in their drain from when they first touch a plug.
find 3 safe books.
S will try to get them to pick a spooked book.
fairy trials
correctly deal with 3 fairies. if they are good, they must release it. if it is bad, they must exterminate it [blow up/burst].
S will try to get them to choose wrong.
bad fairies-red hair/happy or smiling/blue flowers/no gloves
floor 4-series 2
green fingers
find 3 magic bulbs from plant pots [purple/green/white]
S will try to get them to choose a plant pot containing green fingers.
two-faced liar
it's feed me lies, but the unfortunates don't interact with the challenge character.
floor 3-series 2
pull out 3 rotten teeth from the werewolf.
S will try to get them to pick a healthy tooth.
heathy teeth-2 points/1 point/cracks/white/yellow/bottom jaw/top jaw
one-eyed watcher
find the 'eyeball' under the cup 3 times
S will try to get them to choose the wrong cup.
camp fear
assemble the campfire. when they've done that, the must hide in their tents.
S will put out the campfire and remove the logs. they've got to be quick though: the moonhowler will appear and make a right racket!
forbidden chambers
stack 2 towers of coloured crates in the matching colour chamber. [green/purple/orange/yellow]
and they can only enter another room if its empty. they can only carry one colour at a time.
S will mix up the crates.
floor 6-series 3
giant appetite
assemble the table. when the sound plays, they must hide under the table.
while they are hiding, S will destroy the table.
floor 5 series 3
beware the crowman
blow out 3 safe pumpkins.
S will try to get them to pick a bad pumpkin.
bad pumpkins-small/triangle-like eyes/yellow/teeth
floor 6-EVER AFTER/series 4
mutternot's tales
stand the books up.
when there are blackouts, S will knock the books down
botherer blocks
it's like wall of sorrow except they have to build it in a rug that's small - and S will release the baby botherer
the lost invitations
one of the hardest [I think]
find 5 invitations, stamp them and post them in the booth
S will know where the invitations are. they will RIP them.
floor 5-EVER AFTER/series 4
the frozen princess
put 5 flowers in her hands.
there is always a code word that will make her scream when S says it. [and only s]
the midnight bride
it's just spooked and beware the crowman but there are portraits.
poisoned hollows
septic sewers but there are apples and cos of that it's harder to pass. how?!
floor 4-EVER AFTER/series 4
the wolf and the nut-
find 3 scrumble nuts.
S will try to lead them to the wolf.
it's snake attack but with WOLF
split ends
remove 3 bows from split end's hair [red/yellow/green]
1 of these bows is a screamer. this will cause a jumpscare-like thing.
floor 3-EVER AFTER/series 4
a child for tea
find 2/3 good sweets [there are 3 per round [red/blue/green]
2 sweets are poisoned!
it's poisoned banquet but...the chances of finding a poisoned sweet are higher.
scallywag wood
pick 2 animals that turn into scallywags
S will get them to pick animals that turn into chickens.
Millicent and the moths
wicked wardrobes, but turn the lights OFF not ON.
PHEW, that's ALOT of games.
the final [floor 2] is one way out, and there can only be one winner. long name for quickfire questions.
for series 4/ever after, they changed it to FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. best of 3. get it right and you take 1 step towards the key of freedom [TM] get it wrong [or don't bother] and the other person takes your step.
HH gory games.
a show expanding on the horrible histories brand.
a quiz...and games...!!
list of games -------------
a massive big head alien bloke captures 6 humans and turns them into holograms.
don't forget, this was 2014/2015 when this was put on telly!
play 6 touchscreen games on 6 levels to win them back.
play the final game on the final level to win your own ticket home. fail to do that and BAM! you're trapped in space FORever....
here's the story -
3 earthtwerps [or kids] attempt to save their friends and family from the evil LUDUS by completing a series of touchscreen games on a total of 6 levels. if they WIN, they load the hologram of their saved 'earthtwerps' into a holobox, which will be downloaded on earth. LOSE, and LUDUS uploads them into his game 4-EVA!1!
here are the games [or some of them, at least - there's more, though I'm not sure if they were played in-show or not. if they weren't, which was the case for the LEVEL 7 games, then they might be LOST 4-EVA, since if you use a flash player on Pale Moon browser on the Wayback Machine, the game just doesn't load, and gets left on a weird word [nini] and doesn't do anything, saying to me the game devs left it like that on mistake before removing it altogether]
level 1 -
spinner - fling ticks into a turning wheel to light up pink, yellow and blue sections to light them up. land a tick into the wrong section, and a light goes out. each part has 5 sections [app/'puter version only has yellow [right] and red [wrong] sections]
ice breaker - fling ticks to smash the moving ice block. there is a bug in the way, also
spot on - fling ticks into the target. 6 ticks will do it, but there's a bug moving round, and one looking to knock the ticks out
square shot - fling 9 ticks onto the gold square. land them in the middle, and it gets sucked into the vortex
level 2 -
[1 player] - a series of bugs will flash onscreen. then tap the matching ones on the next screen. choose wrong, and the bugs will scramble
[1 player] - retrace the green
path towards the tick. choose a wrong tile [red/bug], and you start from scratch
level 3 -
crack the code - drag 4 bugs into the code-breaker. a right bug turns green, a right bug in the wrong place turns orange and a totally wrong bug turns red
[3 player] - tap bugs from the line-up at the bottom. if the bug isn't there, hit the blue arrow
[3 player] - tap the green, yellow, blue and orange lights in order. press the wrong light, and it turns red with a bug. you need 4
level 4 -
[1 player] - tap the numbers in order, then drag it to the correct total. need to get 4 right to win
[1 player] - turn the cog to hit the lights. the tick can also turn the lights off, and there also is a bug
[1 player] - drag 50 ticks into the target. bugs don't count, and red ticks remove 1 point. any tick can turn silver, also
level 5 -
rebound - move the bats to stop the tick from hitting the spikes. bugs will get in the way, and you can only touch the spikes 6 times
level 6 -
make it count - count the ticks that fly into the vortex. bugs and ticks that fly out don't count, and you need 3
tick flick - push the tick toward the target. steer with the paddles, and avoid the bugs. push it too far, however, and it'll hit the laser, and you'll need to start again. you need to land 2 to win
laser dash - guide the tick through the maze. don't let the laser catch up, and there's bugs in the way
final level [though it counts as level 7 in the app and on monkey's screen]
[3 player] - 1 of these ticks is a return ticket home!* [who knew?] the other ticks are slips of paper with pictures of bugs on. if they get a ticket, they get to go home. if they choose wrong, they stay on the LEVELSOFLUDUS [TM] and mop his walkway.
*because, APParently, he's a stingy wotsit
this show only lasted for 2 series. it also has a app, which, after the show ended, failed to work correctly.
"also, the music has no right to be as badass as it is"
RELIC-guardians of the museum
HH/doctor who ripoff [kind off]
list of games -
there are 3 locks. take a key over the bridge, and try it in all 3 locks to unlock the doors
guess higher/lower than the number on the card/previous number. simple
answer Glutus Maximus's questions. simple
build the pyramid. if there is a thunderclap sound, go onto the trolleys. there is a person that runs on-set and destroys the pyramids, and a contestant will be frozen out and put in the ["well I don't know what it is"] until person is gone
4 dragons have been trapped in blocks of wood. chop them to release them, and a lantern will light up
decide what object was used for [the only game where you need 2 correct answers]
find 5 circles. move trough the space in the wall, put the circles in the wagon, then roll back into the main room
answer Cleopatra's questions. put your hand into the true/false pot. get it wrong, and a 'asp' will bite you
dust off squares in a grid. if you find 3 scorpions before you find 3 gold bracelets, you fail
same as the 7th one, but you dust off letters to spin tiles around. don't dust off a letter, and a mummy awakens
choose a box. find grapes, but if you choose wrongly, [Pandora's box] the evil [gargoyle-like thing] comes out
choose a bag. if it contains a fight card, a 'slave' is removed. pardon scrolls do nothing
answer the dark lord's questions based on the visions seen throughout the episode. get 3 wrong, and you become relics yourselves
other things-
airmageddon-droning on [didn't last 5 seconds/wanted to be like Robot Wars]
bamzooki-AI rulz, OK! [they were looking at NOTHING!!!!] [brought back in 2010 for BAMZOOKI STREET RULES [just a more CBBC-like thing]
the dare devil-don't try [game shows] at home [AltonTowerz PRISE!!!!!11!!!!]
dick 'n dom in da bungalow-A+ [and quite funny. wouldn't be allowed nowadays]
fee fi fo yum-CGI rulz, OK!! [weird concept for a KIDS game show...]
dick N doms's HOOPLA-the final game is SCARY STUFF [y'know...FOR KIDS!!!!] [also got canned thanks to OFCOM]
it's torture! [CITV]-stage-show gubbins [y'know...from the 90's!]* [part of the MOTORMOUTH block/Y'KNOW...FOR KIDS!!1!]
mission-2110-from 2010. doctor who wannabe. [WARNING: will no longer be good in the year 2110]
scratch n sniff's den of DOOM-you are doomed to fail!!!!
the slammer-at thorpe park [OH REALLY?!?!?! YOU DON'T SAY?!]
splatalot-Great Gunge Games [from the CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
DAS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!
also, there was an online game for TRAPPED! with these games -
Body Shock/Fairy Trials/Sleep Creepers/The One-Eyed Watcher.
I figured out how to make the other games work on this page -
*now, the reason I put that is I think about it, it was kinda cringe
*yes, this is CITV we're talking about. aimed at a YOUNGER age target than CBBC... PRETEND DEFF