you prob don't know me, but this is MY website.
you should prob read this one first.
SO, what's this all about???
well, it depends on the website you look at.
here's a guide [sort of]
WEBSITE 1-this one talks about magicbox's brands [gogo's/zomlings/star monsters/superzings/things]
WEBSITE 2-this one talks about other brands [mainly MOOSE]
WEBSITE 3-this one talks about SWITCH games [and PS vita games, but don't tell the MarioLimited]
WEBSITE 4-this one talks about alton towers/thorpe park/legoland
WEBSITE 5/CRAZY [the one you are on]-this one is NOT like the others. it talks about youtube, adverts, random stuff, sentai, kamen rider, among other things.
WEBSITE 6/IT'S BRAND NEW!-it only is a thing cos the text scaling feature glitched back in march 2022, you can read about it if you visit it on the 'site links' page. it now talks about random stuff from over the years between 0100 BC - 9468 AD
other things I like to do are-
-go through my never-ending "watch later" on youtube. I like to write about these, too [sometimes]
-deepdive for new superthings leaks [or at least I used to, thanks Amazon. it was stressful anyways]
EDIT-6 JUL 2021-the whole leak thing will stop anyway. nearly all the info has been leaked. [check "WEBSITE 1" for more info]
[we're talking leaked superthings names, BTW]
EDIT-7 NOV 2021- this page will be well out of date. there's like 20 pages not listed here
EDIT-25 NOV 2021- the superthing thing is switched back on, for there is a NEW series coming FEB 2022*- so that'll mean yet more searching for guff!!11! [guardians of kazoom]
*as well as one coming AUG 2022.*T-racers series 3 and 4*
*that'll be series 9 and 10. the first double digits!*
*kind of a stretch but...series 11 and 12 in 2023...nah*
*and possibly 5 and 6*
*and maybe 7 and 8 if those do well.
*no chance, mate. T-racers will replace SuperThings, because Fire and Ice [series 3] is in production. that means series 4 is coming soon, and THAT means series 10 of superthings will be the last. TAKEALOOKATTHIS -
2022 -
feb - superthings 9/T-racers 3
aug - superthings 10/T-racers 4
2023 -
feb - T-racers 5
aug - T-racers 6*
so that means superthings could finish in aug of 2022 [this year] and let T-racers take over.
EDIT 11 JAN 2022 - I have all the superthing leaks. [packs, kazoom kids, kazoom jets, nearly all superthing names]
EDIT 8 MAY 2022 - there is a NEWER series entitled 'rescue force' coming soon, and it has the ultimate reason for series ending - 2 BLINKING ULTRA RAREZ!!! I CAN'T BELEAF IT!!1111!!1
OH! you found me [I'm a Doctor Chessington ref]. this is where I explain what pages do what.
"tech trouble" is a "storytime" page, where I explain about that 1 tech fault what happened in 2021
"ITV and BBC stuff" is gonna talk about cbbc/citv gameshows.
"marketing: why?*" is me screaming about the BONKERZ marketing of magicbox
*EXCEPT ITS NO LONGER THIS - it's now "A-X-C", and it's about collecting history as well as marketing rubbish
"appz" is talking about BONKERZ mobile games
"BANG!!!" is a page about what HAPPUN if I press the number keys on CILLIT BANG ads [don't ask]
"NOT IN SENTAI!!!" is a page about PR mess-ups
"super zenkai time" is where I list all sentai/PR series
"random leaflets gubbins" is where I show you some promo stuff I have kicking around
"gokaisounds" is a list of all the codes in the mobilates
"nexo power" is a page where I list all the nexo powers from lego's [old] nexo knights line
"tablet takeover" is a page where I do my own take on unboxing blogs [that never took off in TextForms]
"lego series" is a list of some lego themes
"lupin collection" is a list of the lupin collection pieces from LUPINRANGER VS PATRANGER
"bandai power" is where I list megazords and weapon role-play toys from bandai [and hasbro]
"sentai grunts/kaijin" is a list of monsters/villains from selected series
"combined weapon" is a list of sentai in-show weapons
"gokai change" is a list of gokai changes in Gokaiger
EDIT 20 OCT 2021-a lot of the stuff is up now, I just have to put links to the pages. ENJOY!!!!1!!
EDIT 18 DEC - SCREW THAT, I've put a page with buttons to ALL of the pages. the button is at the top of this page, and is called 'MORE pages'