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please note, this is not my idea. I did it cos it's a popular idea or something.[we went on may]


we just would buy a pack of post-it notes [or sticky notes] to write down reminders for this... thing

all the stickynotes were from TESCO [or TESC as I call it] in holyhead


on the topic of shop names - here's a list!


tesco is TESC [obviously]

sainsbury's is SAINS

morrisons is MORRI

asda is ASD

aldi is ALD

lidl is LID

poundland is POND

waitrose is WAIT!

home bargains is HOME BARG

argos is ARG

co-op is COP

B&M bargains is bum bargains [because I too think that the stuff in there is cheapo, not just ashens]



here's what when down...


fri. 21 - we arrive. it was a loooong drive

I was blown away [kind of] at how big the house was. we run round like mad putting stuff in place

the front room TV is a bit broken. [had no wifi ether] I connect my switch to the dining room tv. while I use my switch, the other tv goes into standby mode [or so us lot thought] 


sat. 22 - everyone [minus me] wants to watch EUROVISION. only thing was, the tv was still broken. [it was turning on, but it was glitching] we had to call the owner of the house to fix it. she had a electric man help remove it. they put the dining room tv [the working one] in the front room. we watch eurovision. everyone hates it though - that's 5 million hours they'll never get back [they also fixed the wifi password]


sun. 23 - the poundland we went into had some cheap tat gubbins.

I'm going to do a ASHENS and record all these items here... [EDIT 24 SEPT 2024 - I'm on holiday again [different house though] and I'm here to take the piss outta my old self for doing this :3]


BRIX PLAY-a cheapo lego ripoff. re-creator series green train 2 in 1. the 2nd one looks like a green block of tat


combat heroes-more tat lego, this one looking like a minifliger in a split-legz pose


another brix play set - just a box o' brickx


a ninjago ripoff this time, a firedragoff. it's go fire coming out of it's nose, not it's mouth. 100+ pieces it says. 106 it says on a big sticker. POINTLESS [as an added bonus, they had this in the biggest co-op I had ever been in]


slime!-trying to copy the old NICK slime


if you want products so lazy, try the party section of poundland. blandest packaging ever, and unmarked packs.

speaking of the party section, there is a thing called magic markers. THEY ARE MAJIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also-the biggest barcodes on the planet


block tech-ASHENS has already taken a look at this, so no comment. [weirdly, they also have this in the works in affinity/freeport]


bauer - a weirdly named lego ripoff [with a firefighter with a blank look. no eyes, you SEE]


see, you can LOADS of fun laughing at ripoff gubbins


24-mon/25-tue - nothing much obvs


26 - wed we went to the sea zoo...

the seazoo is a sea life-copy [kind of] that is a bit run down at this point

there is a golf thing-that needs some renovating. [its also kind of creepy - they have this old coin operated ride thing that looks like that it had been there for decades without being touched]. actually, this lot hasn't been updated in A G E S . . .

enough! next day...



27-thurs-we come back home. another looooong drive

we had someone do deco, so some items were different colours*


SO THAT'S WHAT WEE DIDD ON HOLIDAYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!""!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**











*they wanted us to come back really early the NEXT day. so, we were all like "no. what do think we are? crazy?". thus, we came home later the day before

**we also hired a big van-like vehicle to hold all our stuff. it was about £1 WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW

[they also had a home bargains and B&M there too/got a power star pack from HB - the drago zord star pack*]


*for 69p. I kid you not. eyyyyy, the funny number!!!11!!1111111111111111









EDIT 8 NOV 2021- we just got back from festival park! why FP you might ask? well, they had another HB and POUNDLAND!!1! 

took the iPOD [yes, an ipod - too bad there wasn't a train full off 2 million ipod users] and took loads of photos - WOW!!1!


we went into HB first -  

-fart putty [can't really comment as I did not touch it due to OVID]

-buildn' bricks [you guessed it - lego knockoff time again!! this was a 1000 piece set]

-max build more [the SAME stuff they had in that other poundland and CO-OP, [and the works, the on in affinity] except along with the trademark ninjago knockoff, [y'know...the dragon with fire coming out of its nose and not its mouth] they also had something called 'space hunter', something that looks remarkably like something from HALO, that first person shooter gubbin



they also has a bucket load of old zomlings guff from 2017. we got dem!!!1!1!1!1!1

plus, a creepy skylanders trigger happy costume, and enough chocolate to sink a battleship

on my way out, there was a thing that says- 'your feedBack* helps us improve!' it was 2 buttons- green with a smiley face and one with a red face with the same smile turned upside down and flipped. the buttons themselves light up*


plus - when we got out of the car, the smell of mcdonalds hit us hard, as there is one right next to HB





next - poundland! this one has 2 floors


ground floor-​

poundland monopoly! they even had a stand for it

the famous gonks! [I think the same as the halloween ones that ASHENS has, minus the pattern on the hats]

another lego knockoff- buildX. it's a notabaseplate

right next to that [no joke] is a knockoff hasbro game thing called 'ultimate family game night' by 'games hub', known for knockoff games


1st floor- 

more knock off lego now, just called 'POLICE' and 'ARMY'. I think they want kids to join forces with the law*

yet more knockoff lego, brix play [think I've seen this before]

yet another lego knockoff [poundland is getting good at this] called inta brix [becos the youf lik it when youu missspell fingz]*

final lego knockoff now - combat heroes [I could swear that they has this in the wales poundland]


I, for some reason, thought it would be a good idea to photo the view from the first floor and come up with the slogan 'poundland - land of fun', because you don't see people going into pound shops to photograph everything shoddy...



EDIT 18 NOV 2021- we went to another HB, in affinity - there was a load more knockoff tat in there! [not quite as much as poundland, but still]


-what's up with wally?!, a shameless knockoff of Who's The Dude?! a REALLY STRANGE GAME

-bet on it!*, another gubbin from GAMES HUB, a sub-gubbin of GRAFIX, a company who does things

-thumbs down! - yet ANOTHER thing from GAMESHUB, but the real game exists, but I can't remember what it's called!!!1111!

-who is it? - knockoff of guess who.* the only knockoff not by gameshub. they also have a FULL case of them*

-oh my dough. the 2nd playdoh knockoff I saw in-store*

-the same fart putty they had in the FP one

-the same NOCOOF lego they had in FP'S POUNDLAND and CO-OP




-the last bloody thing I thought I would see in HB - the chase board game. now you can have Bradley's face on your shelves!

-a DC comics stretchy figure.* it's got a really messed up face*

-a reindeer whose body is stretched into a shape of a spring

-a LOAD more zomlings [very much] like the other HB

-and a penguin flattened into a disk

-bonus - yet MORE chocolate to sink a battleship.* ALLEUJAH


and, in closing, I am going to add, that, this HB doesn't have a light-up-face-system* like the other one*





EDIT 25 NOV 2021- TADA!!!!! I said that I would be going to the Burslem HB, and I was right. here's some tat to gawp at-


-the same DOCTORDOCTOR game, but I noticed that it was by the SAME company who made those connect 4 knockoffs [y'know, the one where they had a full case and I took the mickey cos of that...]

-four in a line. NUFF SAID

-falling monkey*, by, you guessed it, the SAME GUYS! [they're 'KIDS CLASSICS'. THATWASACLASSICNAME*] [this is a knockoff of KERPLUNK, by ASBRO*

-some FABRIC PENS, by A company called 'the sew shop'. the logo looks like a HOBBYCRAFT knockoff*

-a YANKEE CANDLE* knockoff* called 'WICKFORD & CO'. they had a LOT, and I mean A LOT. a WHOLE SHELF FULL OF CANDLE COPIES*. the ones I could see were a GINGERBREAD* and APPLE PIE*.

-TEAMSTERZ. ASHENS has looked at these in a POUNDLAND SPECIAL. the quality is inferior. [as far as I know]

-very much a SUPER SENTAI RIPoff, in the form of 'power botZ*' nothing more to say, really

-who is it?, a knockoff of guess who?, from hasbro. this cheapy version, however, is from KIDS CLASSICS - TRAVEL, implying that these are more shoddy versions of their 'BIGGER*' games

-the same shoddy 'oh my dough' guff from the FP HB, except there were more sets to explode your wallet on

-the same fart putty from FP, but they just shoved all the boxes into the display [so they look really untidy]

-more of the same MAX - build more gubbins from the other HB's I've been into* 


more non-knockoff items now-​

-more copies of the CHASE game

-a 'snoop alarm'*, a gadget that stops kids from looking at there gifts on Xmas. what it really is - it's a block of plastic that does nothing but give you a headache*

-a thing from WALL'S [the icecream company] called 'funny feet'. why? ITSTHEKIDSMARKET,INNIT

-'head butt game', a concept I really HATE. why?! YOUKETCHBALLSONYOURHED*

-another SHEDLOAD* of zomlings*

-RYAN'S WORLD robot gubbin that look remarkably like something from a TOKUSATSU series


finally, let's take a look at more of those CRAZY DC BENDY FIGURES!*


meet the crew, there's...​

superman, who has been smashed into the side of the packaging

robin, whose mouth is too small

green lantern, who is asleep while also being awake

cyborg, who has a automatic give-up function

aquaman, who has eyes bigger than the moon

lex luthor, who is on the wonk

and right at the back is another superman, who has his mouth stretched way too far*


and, in closing, this HB did not have a 

light-up-face-smiley-system [updated name]



I don't know if there are any more HB'S or poundlands anywhere. I do know, however that there is a poundland near to where our local VUE cinema is, so I might be going there, but can't say for sure


if I don't, I will just put a thing called 'stock updates', which is lazy name for updating the pound-shop tat on this page*



EDIT 19 JAN 2022 - WELCOME TO NEW YEAR, CHAPS!!111!! I have some guff from FP POUNDLAND, HOME BARGZ, and new for this year, BUM BARGS!!!!! yes, all 3 are here


here's the guff I found -


HB -​

oreo ripoff - NOADDEDSUGAR
light up sword - ripoff minecraft item

more TEAMSTERZ guff


poundlund -​

tranbot-360 - transformers ripoff - HASWILLSOO

the same lego ripoffs from last year [2021]


andnow, the 1 thing I found in BUM -​

YETANOTHER LEGO KNOCKOFF called 'brick by brick'. WoW



also NOO for this year is added PHOTOS! yes, I have figured out how2 upload FOTOZ from the ipod onto this PUCK*.

so, here you go -






















​​​​​​​​​​​​​​EDIT 18 FEB 2022 - HERE'S SOME MORE - 








*actually, don't bother with that. the tank has rockets that don't fire [or do anything for that matter]

*I actually thought that it was 'insta brix', as in, instagram

*the old ELC/Mothercare [now I think about it, this page is now a POUNDLAND advert]

* 'B' is caps lock because it is the only letter in green. OUYA

*but only 1 button lights up at a time. what are they try'na say?

*a rather strange concept for a kids game, knockoff or not

*a lot more knockoffs have appeared since NOVEMBER. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

*I just said that just to prove how hard it is to shift them

*the first one was in POUNDLAND - unmarked crap bags

*kind of wanting to copy MOOSE'S HEROES OF GOOJITZU

*the kind of thing ASHENS looks at

*yes, I am going to be calling it that for all time

*although, there is ANOTHER HB in Burslem that I have only been into ONCE. may that change!

*except, of course, this is one of the first things you see

*reminds me of the ASHENS video where this monkey hits his head on a tree

*kind of a re-used joke, but JUSTGOWITHIT*


*hasbro, minus the H

*maybe because that it IS a knockoff

*were you not expecting that?! truth is, neither was I

*but I just looked on AMAZUN.COMM and found out that it has good quality. I'LL BE THE JUDGE OF THAT*

*except no, because I did not buy it.

*candle copies?! I meant HUH?! 

*VERY like YANKEE CANDLES. also, I do not know why I keep putting brand names in CAPS LOCK.

*this one is called 'WARM APPLE & CINNAMON'. 

*the Z is in caps lock because it is in a different font

*put in caps lock for a cheap joke

*HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, maybe they could not fit all of it onto one shelf, so they carted it over to other HB's. BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY. A TAT THEORY!

*actually rather sounds like something they would do on ART ATTACK* if they had massive nuclear bomb launchers

*but it's a play on 'heart attack', so the best thing would be to not bother with any of that.

*not even joking - the box boasts '90 decibel siren'. GOSH! FANKS, HOME BARG, I NEVA THOUGHT I COULD BLOW MY EARDRUMS TO BITS WIF A BLOCKK OF PLASTIC!!!1111!!11!!!

*I really need to stop using that joke

*okay, not as many as the other HB at FREEPORT

*but these were sold for [I kid you not] 79p EACH. the price tag says '£4.99' was the original price, but the back of the display says '£2.50.' MAKEUPYOURMIND!*

*ENOUGH! no more using that joke!

*they are called 'monster flex', despite the tag-thing saying 'stretchoids'

*this one got me laughing for a while

*d'you notice how the page starts with me talking about my holiday in May 2021?! I DID


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