hello and welcome to a website. [well, you're on the internet, so you WOULD be on at least one website...]
anyway, this is a website made by, well, me, [OBVZ] but on a site called WIX.COM. [as if you have not noticed the whopping big ad for the place at the top of this page]
A-X-Cs = me talking about how far companies go to market their stuffs, plus random own histories
ITV/BBC stuff = 2000's + 2010's UK kids stuff in a nutshell
sounds = phrases from 2013's gosei morpher from PowerRangers MegaForce
not in sentai!! = me talking about how bandai/hasbro screwed power rangers toys up
poundland anti-ad = a page about poundland/home bargains/B&M bargains and other such BudgetShops
GRAFIX = a page about... Grafix, a brand that would frequently appear in Poundland, and I decided to take some jabs
moshings = moshlings list from moshi monsters
[oh, and I go on for quite a bit about pound shops. POIFECT- oh, and DAISO JAPAN. they have some questionable stuff]
[and I now have made some KAHOOTS. they will be on here too [under "more pages" - because WHYNOT]
PS-read "intros" first. plz. plz. pls. PLSSSSSSS
and yes, I know ELASTIKORPS sounds like a random thing from the 90's, but they are really a GOOJITZU ripoff from Spain, out of all places
"but why would you want that?!" [AKA anti-YouTube item]
EDIT 7 JUNE 2024: this used to be a thing I'd say every now and then,
but I barely use this "catchphrase" nowadays