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Trapped! escape the tower...


Wall of Sorrow - Body Shock, basically.

Goblet of Ice - move around the ice blocks, and the sab has a button which tips the goblet. you need to be close to it, though.

Poison Harvest - touch the trees to collect wheedleberries. the sab has a button which puts a poison berry into the closest player's basket. at the end, the berries are counted up.

Giant Appetite - Body Shock

Toxic Treats - shown a picture of present. guess 3 times out of 5.

Black Widow - move to collect spider eggs. if there are blackouts, sab will suck up a spider.

Mutternot's Tales - Wall of Sorrow.

Botherer Blocks - Body Shock.

The Lost Invitations - shown 1 envelope at a time, if it contains a invitation, move to the booth. sab has a button that rips them.


Feed me Lies - a question comes on the audio, and move to the plant head to feed it, the role alternates.

Freaky Factory - you can only see you own booth, but the sab knows who's in what booth, and can mix colours, steal boxes and throw eggs.

Deadly Medley - type the words on-screen, the role alternates. [timed]

Septic Sewers - drag the plugs into the holes before the blackouts.

Spooked - move towards the books to look at them, then pass them to Miss Mutternot.

Beware the Crowman - Exploding Toad in the Hole.

The Frozen Princess - move to put flowers in her hands. sab has a button which wakes her up.

The Midnight Bride - Green Fingers.

Poisoned Hollows - Septic Sewers.


Snake Attack - click on a hole to try it. the role alternates between each player each round.

Witch's Brew - shown 10 jars per round, only one is correct. vote for the right one.

Exploding Toad in the Hole - move toward a hole - the role alternates between players.

Horror Heads - control the Horror heads using the keyboard.

Green Fingers - shown the 3 plant pots, vote.

Two-Faced Liar - works like Feed me Lies, but you don't move.

Split Ends - Green Fingers.

The Wolf and the Nut - Green Fingers.


Wicked Wardrobes - Sleep Creepers.

Poison Banquet - shown 3 cakes, vote.

Extraction - shown all the teeth. vote.

Camp Fear - Septic Sewers.

Forbidden Chambers - you are shown 1 room at a time, select the crates you want to move. the sab knows who's in what room.

A Child for Tea - Poison Banquet.

Scallywag Wood - Green Fingers.

Millicent and the Moths - Wicked Wardrobes.


One way out, and there can only be one winner - quickfire questions. each player gets their own amount of time, and can trade time for clues.

Fight for Freedom - OWOATCOBOW*, but can trade time for steps, but that amount of time goes to your opponent.


the EVER AFTER challenges show up on their own [with a part of the different tower].


if there is a TIE, do DrawStraws.

if both players win/lose floor 2, do a tiebreak question. time limit is 10 seconds, and you can still trade time for hints. if no one gets it, do DrawStraws.


as an added bonus, here's some of the Bitesize differences...

the start of each flash game has a intro like the TV version, BUT, there's 2 unfortunates locked in a room, and the window closes on the NORMAL tower. you can't mix Ever After and normal Trapped! together!!! [oh, and 'This is not a fairy tale...OR IS IT?' is played before 'YOU'RE TRAPPED!' and a trapdoor closes. again, EVER AFTER WITH NORMAL!!!

and The Key of Freedom is generic. 


Forbidden Chambers has red crates, and lightbulbs in each room


Wolf and the Nut and Midnight Bride are shown with cartoon versions of the challenges played that never were in the TV version. you also are the saboteur in Wolf and the Nut. a catapult is also used, and Two-Faced Liar's music is used in Midnight Bride. the Bride herself is in a frame on the wall


Wall of Sorrow - you are also the saboteur in this one, and there is also a catapult


A Child for Tea - the sweets get swapped around, and there is a gold frame with an unfortunate's reaction to the sweet you picked


Poisoned Hollows - shoot the apples into the holes



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