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MORE POUNDSHOPS [first edit - 18 feb 2022]


HELLOAGAIN. I've been to my local shopps again to se what new guff they've got to impress the kids! [SPOILER - not much impressing, more face-palming]. this was during INSANE winds and rain, so it's ALL WORTH IT*.



first up, homebargains. they update stock every so often, so there was no better time to visit!!1!

I'm actually gonna put these photos though google drive, so you don't have to look at strangely scaled images again. ENJOY




a list of ripoff games!


Mr. Funny Face. DEMENTED MAN 



don't fall down! = "JUST DON'T!!!1!" 



don't buzz the wire - "JUSTDONT" 



right, notice how all these are from the same company you may remember from a few EDITS back [Kids Classics - TRAVEL]. FIX YOUR GAME, LADDS



-world's biggest pop-it. ITSAYOOTOOBTREND,ALROIGHT 



-ROX. NICE! Ashens took a look at these in a Poundland special - HEARTHEYARRRR - 


-Stretchy Sticky Hand. ah yes, SSH. THEBEST - 


as an added BOUNS, here's what that company is called - 


final item from HB, a META-gubbin - 




now for Poundland's guff - 



-bluebunn - 




-INSECT EGGS. it's a fox, not an insect. 


-the same bunny eggs, but with unicorn horns, for some reason - 


-poundland trucks, like the one Ashens looked at. but there's another design, and notice how they are marked 'SERIES 1'. it's like they KNOW it'll take off*.





-baby shark pop-it. these are POPular*. looks creepy. 


-superripoff now, with 'FUN TIME', a rip-off of Little Tikes, and they've even copied the logo. 



and now for B&M, but they actually stock GOOD things, but a few naff gubbins get through, like these...


Sonic hedgehog thing. the figure looks good, but his nose is pink, and not black. WHY 




so that's all the guff for this edit. 




EDIT 8 MAY 2022 - right, update. this page will no longer be updated as I have decided to stick all future pound shop stuffs on my YouTube channel. visit it on the HISTRY page under MORE pages button





*DISCLAIMER - some readers might think otherwise.

*WARNING - trucks don't fly.

*haha, BAD JOKE

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