WARNING: these ideas will probably never be used thanks to editing software, and I started doing them and then sort of... stopped doing them
YTP ideas -
Meth Mansion [Maths Mansion, intro only] -
pay attention, it's Meth Mansion
the gameshow where you get to test your meth ability
feel the tension in Meth Mansion
let's see how good at learning meth these kids are gonna be
if they want out, then they must learn it
there's no leaving, 'till they earn it
the only way of getting out is methamatically
the original concept would've been like this -
pay attention, it's Meth Mansion
the gameshow where you get to annoy the BBC
feel the tension, in Meth Mansion
let's see how good at learning meth these kids are gunna [insert gun picture] be
if they want out, then they'll must earn it
there's no leaving, 'till they learn it
the only way of getting out is music-ly [insert Music-ly logo]
things changed. now - Mister Faker!
Mister Faker [Mister Maker - in all episodes bar 1, has no Shapes segment (and no intro in all episodes)]
S1E1 - [Mister Faker]
when he move the fluffy things, put a Shrek face over has face
when the doodle draws open and close, have random things/logos pop up, and bass boost the voice of it
"you ARE full, aren't you?" - put small text 'you don't say' over the doodle draws
"there's no more room in my doodle draws" - zoom in on his face
"an elephant trunk?" - extend it, and have it pull him into the draw, then explode
censor the entire table after he says "now, you can arrange your bits any way you like"
censor the entire screen when he says "now all of my junk has a new home!"
"those shapes are GREAT!" - picture of cheesegrater
"are you ready?" - "NO!"
"don't put me off, I'm on a roll!" - The Price is Right losing horn FX
"when it's hard" - zoom in on his face
S1E2 - [Mister Faker's evil trouble blade]
"some white, sticky PVA glue" - zoom in on his face
when about to run off somewhere, zoom in on his face
every time the scissors mark is on-screen, zoom in on it
"hello, it's only me" - jumpscare sound
"big enough to get your hand in and out of easily" - censor bar over the jar
"some white rice" - big text - RACIST
"remember your straw?" - NO text OR censor bar over it
S1E3 - ["I can't use the same joke twice!!!"]
"it's a bit windy today" - big text 'THEN WHY'D YOU OPEN THE DOOR AGAIN?!?!?"
"this tree's looking a bit bare" - censor bar over it
"what on earth...?" - replace the train with an explosion with big text 'TRAINS WON'T SELL!!!"
"a piece of cardboard, like this" - small text 'obviously'
"some paint" - zoom in on & follow his hand
"these [?] look good" - insert 'NOICE!'
"OOH, WRONG DRAWER!!" - insert anything Japanese-related
S1E4 - [MF is an ABSOLUTE NUTTER!!!]
replace chomp sound with 'GABU!'
"oh, they're heavy sleepers" - when they land, crack the ground
"when it's dry, it goes hard" - censor bar over it
"it sounds like a MASSIVE WAVE!!" - zoom in on his face just as the wave is about to hit
S1E6 [squishy cows & stiff worms]
"the toy cow shape has been stuck in my face!" - do as it says. freeze frame, then do exactly that
as he's struggling to get his washing-up glove off, pull his entire hand off
"a small cardboard box, with a lid" - big text 'BUT YOU HAD THAT IN YOUR HAND JUST A SECOND AGO!!!'
"be very careful with scissors, because they're sharp" - big text 'DELAY ON THE ON-SCREEN GRAPHIC!!'
"you need to make the hole big enough to fit your finger through!" - censor the box
"if I put this on my finger..." - censor it
"stick on your eyes, like this..." text - OMG! it's the new TWF person!!
"now you're ready to put your bug in your box!" - text on censor bar covering the entire screen - "OH, NO! WE'VE ALREADY HAD WAY TOO MANY OF THESE JOKES!!!"
"be careful, because scissors are sharp." cut back to the intro, slow-mo the scissors part
S1E10 - [MF loses the plot]
text on screen as soon as he knocks his marbles over - 'HE'S LOST HIS MARBLES!'
S1E11 - [MESS]
"dab some paint over the holes" - big text 'WRONG ON-SCREEN GUBBIN!!11!!2
"leave it to dry for a couple of minutes, which will give you time to do whatever you want, for a couple of minutes" - big text 'OBVZ"
"WOAH! that was a quick couple of minutes!" - big text 'AHHHHHHHHHH,ITSTWOFUNNEY"
when he says it again, play Tocky's 'ready to paint! again!' with a bass boosted effect
the entirety of the ant make part - replace it with a picture of Ant from Ant and Dec
"there's something missing" - insert picture of Dec
S1E15 - [these titles are getting insane]
"I'm just filling up my draws" - censor it
when he knocks the first spring over, zoom in on it, and insert explosion
"how?! we just told them how!" - put some audio effect over his voice
every time he rips a piece of paper, insert an explosion
"some brown paint" - big text 'WRONG PROP!!'
"PHEW!" - zoom in on his face & bass boost his voice
"it looks like a splat" - big text 'THATSBECOSITIZ!!!111!!!'
"some sticky stuff" - censor it
S1E18 - [clay invasion]
"an old"
"now, for your designigngn"
"it's a spoon! look, its a plastic one!" - bass boost the entire thing
"IT'S NOT FINISHED!!!" - explode him
"empty bottles have their uses, y'know" - zoom in on his hand
"an egg box" - bass boost 'BRILLIANT, JOANNA' from S1E3 of Trapped!
S1E19 - [creep clone]
during the intro, scream 'GO TO HOBBYCRAFT, PHIL!!!'
"never needs watering" - text 'OF COURSE IT DOESN'T WATER, ITS CARDBOARD!!!'
"YOU MUST BE JOKING!" - text - yes, of course I am, this is a YTP
text [while screwing up paper balls] - 'HIS BALLS EXPLODED!!'
S1E20 - [WOW" 20 EDISODES!!111!]
"masking tape" - 'HIKARI SENTAI MASKMAN!!!'
S2E1 - [ITSA NOO SERIEZ!!!111!!]
"splat picture" - play SPLATALOT!'s intro
"that's blow, and not suck" - play a kirby and the forgotten land trailer with bass boosted effect
"once you start bubbling" - insert puzzler song with bass boost filter
"wait a minute, what's this? wasn't this the..." - insert random nonsense with bass boost effect
"come on, you lot" - put it in comic sans text
"that's right, I said coffee powder!" - bass boost the second time he says it
"spotty worms!" - insert Something Special intro
when he slaps the newspaper-floor, insert explosions
"this one is going to have lots of windows" - insert microsoft windows logo
"that was just plain silly" - insert Caddy's "BAD JOKE!"
S2E8 -
"what terrible weather" - big text - 'ITS THE YOUKAY, INNIT'
"great but gruesome" - insert bass boosted Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids intro
S2E9 -
"a paper plate" - stick a face on it
when the minute make sheep falls over, explode it
"half paint, and half...GLOOPY GLUE!!!" - bass boost the part in caps lock
for the entire bit before the first make, put the D.I.Y Dan background music
"plus, we'll need some air-drying PLUS!"
"a bowl of ice cream that will never, ever melt!" - insert bass boosted Wonka Welcome Song
"a vacuum cleaner!" - insert bass boosted Grizzly Tales Sick to Death sped-up
speed up the entire thing for MisterMakerFlakes
"they're very tasty" - text - 'YoU Don'T SaY!!111!'
explode him when steam comes out of his ears
"a pinecone creature" big text - 'AUK AUK!!!'
"YOU'RE HAVING A LAUGH!" - bass boost it
S2E17 -
"YOU MUST BE BONKERS!" - bass boost/big text - 'NEW VOICE!!'
S2E19 -
"hold onto your horses!" - insert Caddy's "BAD JOKE!"
"come on, you lot" - bass boost it
"it's time for me to blast off!" - do exactly that
S3E1 -
"a piece of card!" - bass boost it
"PERFECT!" - bass boost it
S3E2 -
"I DID IT!" - insert Caddicarus
in the vehicle smoke fumes, insert Polluto ["WORLD DOMINATSION!!!1111!!"]
"AHA, some paint!" - bass boost the part in CL
S3E3 -
"or maybe, this really big one" - insert explosion when it lands
S3E5 -
"local jelly superstore" - insert every local shop logo all at once
every time he knocks the drink over, insert an explosion
S3E7 -
"some googly eyes, that I got from the shop" - big text 'TIMESAVER!!'
insert the Splatalot logo
S3E10 -
"OH, GREAT!" - bass boost it
"an old, long sock" - zoom in on his face
"sticky material fastener" - text 'rugarbghdgtbsfzdbxnstrshhtrhjae'
"scissors are sharp" - big text - 'ERROR ON THE ON-SCREEN GRAPHIC! AGAIN!'
"A STICK!" - bass boost it
"hang on to your handlebars!" - text - 'oh, I give up'
Alistair's Furry [The Revenge Files of Alistair Fury, replace the text on the startup with anything you want]
S1E1 - it exists in only this location station mason
"I think I might be broken" - shatter the screen
"I haven't thought about revenges for...1 SECOND!"
replace the buzzer sound with Barry Scott's "BANG!"
"hey mum, you'll never guess what, I've ran out of clothes" - small text 'you don't say'
"THIS IS WARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" - insert explosion
"dad said I'm not allowed to walk around naked for the rest of my life" - big text 'WHY KNOT!11!!111!1!!1'
"do you think 5 hearts is too many for 1 skewer?" - Mel and Will vanish
S1E2 - the scrapped scrap bugs
every time someone says 'testosterone', censor them
"we had some fun, didn't we?" - big text 'FOR ONE EPISODE!!!"
"I think we get the picture" - saboteur frame boarder
replace the 'non-stick railings' font with comic sans
"THAT'S MY EAR!" - insert 'that's my ear!' from another YTP
"I'm back!" - insert Among Us meme for sound effect
"5,4,3,2,1..." - insert Split End's scream
"just get a smaller camera!" - play a clip of Diddy TV
"hold still!" - replace her voice with Uncle Grizzly's one
while everyone is screaming, insert a few massive explosions behind them
S1E3 - crazy car drivey ride
replace the bowl with a random meme
replace 'out of order' with 'can't be bothered' in comic sans
"MMM, *censored*!"
cover him in memes
S1E4 - funny psycho adventures
when they smash a spider, insert a explosion
"I've got memes in my pocket to prove it"
"if this is well-behaved, then I am a teapot" - do exactly that
"your mother is having a personal moment with her new extractor fan" - censor everything
"about the perils of playing with monsters" - play a clip from Grizzly Tales
replace "Alistair must've put these there as well!" with Caddy's "HOW DID THESE GET HERE?!"
"BBC!" - on-screen 'B...B...C!!!"
"Alistair, you've grown, sadly not enough" - stretch him
"that isn't just a load of HOT AIR!!" - bass boost the part in caps lock
"so it would operate on the same frequency as the remote control that controls the remote control!"
S1E6 - dosh eviltons
when he swings the cat, insert a load of explosions
"Roger the Roger!"
move the 00 in £500 to fit his eyes
have Steve Minecraft pop up from the animated hole
"rich pig" - insert Peppa Pig
S1E7 - absolute news breaks
"the local expensive paper" - insert £1,000
"pull the other one" - censor the screen
S1E8 - tonguesnip
replace the airhorn sound with a much quieter sound
when the grabby thing appears, insert numbertaker sound
"extra big heads - like him!" - when Will is next in-shot, shrink his head
every time Sean comes back into the house, insert a clip of DIY dave
"if it's not visible to the naked eye, then it's not going to kill you" - have Sean's head drop off
every time she slaps him with tape, insert explosion
S1E9 - funny eyes
when he runs into the false door, insert explosion
"I haven't blinked in 1 minute"
"what's wrong with my fingers?" - remove them
S1E10 - privacy invader raiders
when Miss Bird faints, explode her
explode Tara's car
S1E11 - The Mate Factor
"the Mate factor!"
replace 'wine' with 'Y??'
zoom in on 'celebrity judge: Celia Furry' with big text covering entire screen: 'FVRGTDYJ7U54YWEGRBFSNEJHT5RGQERGFREG'
speed up the revenge text
stick YouTube Kids logo on Mel + Will's faces when they play
S1E12 - LES DENNIS WANTS HIS SHOW BACK!!!!!!!111111111
S1E13 - cash crazies
"Miss Bird NUKES thum"
"if you ride a motorbike, that's what it will do to your head" - insert Uncle Grizzly's head
"BAKUHATSU!" over the final explosion
TearAChildsTongueOutMan - it's a right laugh.
the numberjeks invade the neverending trapped! tower - [Numberjacks/Trapped!]
in an ordinary sof, in an ordinary room, are ordinary heroes who are standing by to joom! [insert Joom logo]
to wherever they are needed, they aren't speeding out today, the numberjeks are on their wae!
they will not help you with your problems
they aren't waiting for your call
every problem is too big for them
no problem is too small
things will be going on, but you can bet it is for long
they really can't be bothered to do anything at all
[cut right to next bit]
this is a fairy tale, come and play the geam
if you want to take the tower on, you don't have to say his name
it's Wily, Wily, Wily Sneak - small text 'you don't say'
now it's off to the ower, you'll be up against eachother
sabotage the game, my friend, but do not blow your over
I am waiting for you iddieys, who will take the wrap?
cos only none will escape, and the rest...YOUR TRAPPPPPPPPPPPED!!11!
[insert any Caretaker skit]
[insert any unfortunates]
this is my watch [pic of a watch] tank.
from here, I gets to see everything that goes on in The Ower.
6 fortunates starts here, at the bottom, and works their way upwards.
if they makes it are the top, [O]-9GTKI580TUJ-FR95KIT-0RO0OP-=POp9098yu
but it IS that easy. to escape each floor, they have to complete a 'allenge. TOGETHER.
but none of them cannot be trusted. the savvotear [rip a piece of paper with 'SAVVO ' written on it]!
the savvotear's 'job' is to make sure they. all. fail. the. 'allenge.
the voice [insert ITV'S VOICE] chooses a new savvotear on each floor.
and she talks to them secretly using the shouting clip, a obvious device that goes right inside their hole, which means, SHE can be murmuring helpful, stinky BIG tips to them, WITH the others hearing!
if the team seedsucc, the savvotear will be trappppppppppppped on THAT flour.
if the team FILA, it COULDN'T be any one of them.
in the end, only NONE will escape, and the rest. will. be. TRAPPPED!!!
[insert numberjeks 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 launching for no reason whatsoever]
[for every room, put a numberjek on the room number]