in an attempt to throw all common sense out the window, here is the infernal hellhole that is [quite a lot] of CURSED CMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!11111!!!!!
these will be in random order-there's over 200 of these... [not all will be listed here, check youtube playlist for them all -----
[I will list the YOUTUBE video titles]]]]]]
-1995 Betty Crocker Gushers CM
obvious starting point. you've got CG FRUITHEADS. basically just explains WHY it's on here.
-Creepy Kinder Egg CM
creepy egg-thing with a face. looks like something from Poundland. "god, you're not from Poundland, are you?"
[name way too long to list here]
when Mcdonald's had a promo for Sonic Heroes, how do you think they reacted?
"alright, we've got ourselves a sponsorship with Sega to help promote the latest video game. any ideas?"
and it's like they did exactly that. it looks HORRIBLE. I mean, come on, Rouge [the bat] looks like a MOUSE. how DID they screw that up?!?! did they mishear it????
"yeah, we've finished making the advert, boss."
"OK then, I'll release it before you see it."
just goes to show that I'm rigght. I nevver meess upp.
Cash Banooca looks alright, but Ned Climax looks like a annoyed guy giving a thumbs-up for no reason whatsoever.
-Maynard's Wine Gums - Hoots Mon 1993 Uk
here's what happens when you take drugs. you get a dream like this. those gums MUST be drugs for things to star dancing around like that.
-Little Baby's Ice Cream -- Eyes Scream
a clever play on words, this CM has a person's eyes replaced with more mouths. yep, not nightmare fuel at all!
-Protegent ad at 4K 60 fps
not only a Super Why clone, but the guy in the advert looks like he can't be bothered to fix the other guy's problem.
JT's Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Deal-Tastic Me (2013, USA)
the acting is alright, but the minions - they look like yellow blobs of nothing.
it's actually one of the BETTER ads on this list.
Mathnasium Transformations (US)
not only a strange name for a advert alone, but the CG is creepy, as it tries to do a Viacom and CG EVERYONE, which [spoilers] DOESN'T WORK.
​ Scion xB CM "surgery" (1:38 ver)
this is a car advert. not a horror show. DO NOT TRY THIS ATHOME.
Chewits - Grin (2005, UK)
extending mouth.
Chewits - Extremely Sour (2005, UK)
pushy face.
Munchsters - Cartoon (2002, UK)
kids get killed through things. also includes talking mental bag bloke.
Little Baby's Ice Cream "This is a Special Time"
guy eats himself.
-What's In Ned's head Ad (2018 Spain) (Widescreen)
bloke's nose is his entire head.
Fruit Gushers Sneeze 2006
kids heads turn into fruit again, and they sneeze all over the walls.
FDS TheStimulators -
a animated bloke dances around and saves money in this ad.
Kellogg's Real Fruit Winders -
fruit gets stretched out by characters...I don't understand it, either. [there's actually more than one of these.]
Blue Tax 30
a big-head man tries to get all of the idiots he's facing to buy his product [or something].
Wrigleys - Dog Breath
a guy vomits a dog. 'nuff said.
Matressman YouTube Advert -
budget 'SOOPERHERO' does nothing but stand still. WELCOMETOTHEYOUKAY
Cash Train TV Advert
welcome to the world of adverts where people scream in your face to buy their stuff.
British Gas - Tied Down (2012, UK)
people with massive heads that live on planets in British Gas's mental marketing team's brains.
Skips -
a talking TUNG does things.
such as -
gets a pair of lips to make him glow in the dark. "OK, LIPPY! BLACKOUT!"
has a hand put a skip on him while a ear watches him "OKAY, YOU WIN!"
gets another hand to put a skip on him while a nose watches him. MENTAL