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masked rider mythicards [ryuki]

masked rider kode [555]

masked rider edge [blade]

masked rider beat [hibiki]

masked rider techsects [kabuto]

masked rider kurse [kiva]

masked rider ZI-O [zi-o]

masked rider ZERO-ONE [01]

masked rider dragon sword [saber]

masked rider copysaur [revice]



EDIT 13 MAR 2022 - I decided to do some monsters, too


hybrid revvers -


furnace bot/engine block [furnace] [shoots fire out his pipes]

hose bot/water hoser [hose] [sprays water]

spade bot/gopher bot [spade] [digs up earth]

spray bot/nozz bot [nozzle] [sprays mist]

magnet bot/magnetron [magnet] [attracts objects]

speaker bot/boom bot [loudspeaker] [blasts noise]

gas bot/rust bot [sprays fire]

tank bot [tank] [shoots bombs]

camera bot [camera] [takes photos]

mirror bot/reflex bot [mirror] [copies]

dish bot/sat bot [sat dish] [detects nearby movement]

electric bot/lightning bot [elec generator] [generates elec]

gatling bot/gat bot [gatling] [shoots his gatling]

boiler bot/broiler bot [boil] [spills acid]

oil bot [oil can] [shoots oil]

dynamite bot/dyna bot [explosives] [blows stuff up]

cleaner bot/vacuum bot [vacuum] [sucks stuff up]

sawblade bot/saw bot gen 15 [hand saw] [saws through stuff]

chainsaw bot/saw bot gen 16 [chainsaw] [upgraded sawblade bot]

balloon bot [balloon] [inflates stuff]

cloth bot/textile bot [textile] [covers people in clothes]

bug bot/rod bot [bug] [shrinks to the size of a bug]

manhole bot [manhole cover] [charges with his manhole cover]

hammer bot [hammer] [crushes stuff]

drink bot/chemical bot [straw] [uses toxic liquid]

drill bot/roto bot [drill] [drills stuff]

heater bot/heat bot [heater] [heats up an entire room]

zord bot/engine banki [NOT IN US] [monster truck] [transforms]

shower bot/shower banki [NOT IN US] [shower] [sprays water, can be turned off by someone]

carnival bot/yatai banki [NOT IN US] [festival game] [summons an evil akared]

bottle bot/bin banki [NOT IN US] [bottle] [throws bottletops]

weight bot/dumb bot [dumbell] [drops dumbells]

fusion bot/scrap bot [spare parts] [has combined powers of previous roboblokes]



elemental slash - 

piranhatants/moogers [piranha + combantants]

crocojaw/spitfangs [crocodile] [bites]

paper bot/papyrox [paper robot] [flattens itself like paper]

lobsterface/tooya [head looks like a lobster + GIANT FACE] [splits itself in half]

scorpiodrill/scorpionic [scorpion + looks like a drill] [drills using his tail]

slimeclaw/rofer [looks like slime + giant hands] [stretches his arm]

gashin/doubletone [looks like zenkaioh] [splits himself]

flayghost/dreadhead [looks like blood + looks like ghost] [shoots people so they resemble him]

eyespy/negatron [has loads of eyes on his back] [removes his back eyes]

junglestench/yamiror [looks jungle-like + bad breath] [uses his green hands]

freakshow/madimot [tames tiger drill zord] [throws conch shells]

umbrel/desperaino [umbrella] [throws acid rain]

smokedevil/robtish [looks like fire smoke] [removes his metal armour]

mansnatcher/nakinakite [NOT IN US] [replaces young kids with his own 'kidsnatcher' clones] [throws his balls]

blazer/hachouchin [NOT IN US] [fire] [spits fire]

patternz/gred [pattern] [spilits his red and green sides]

hardshell/armadeevil [hard shell] [rolls up]

birdflector/vulpes [bird + mirror] [flies]

mightyedge/steeleto [mighty + sharp edge] [removes swords from his body]

toxikator/antberry [toxic object] [throws poison berries]

soulstealer/splitface [steals your soul] [throws the red mouth balls off his body]

animalsmasher/sasamatage [NOT IN US] [turtle + lava jug] [throws lava]

whalewave/urawadachi [NOT IN US] [whale + sea] [throws his arms as projectiles]

arachnablast/arachnitor [spider] [splits forms]

ghosthorn/rhinosnorus [ghost of a deceased rhino] [splits forms]

doubleo/switchbeast [2 + lion heads] [splits forms]

skeledoom/duplicator [skeleton] [splits forms]

puppetor/kugutsukai [NOT IN US] [puppet] [splits forms]

octoreef/eyescar [octopus + coral] [splits forms]

barnireef/crustor [sea life] [shoots barnicles]

doom door/skarf [door] [blocks attacks]

bonebuster/sharkjaw [jaw bones] [shoots his jaw]

glueteeth/epoxar [glue + teeth] [shoots glue]

B-lazer/maldan [fire + laser [they call shotguns lasers in US]] [shoots fire]

spiritmouth/grinotaur [mouths of ghosts + big mouth] [shoots smaller mouth things]

ribbonbug/pestilox [ribbon + bug] [ties people up]

fyrebyrd/fiera [red + crow] [flies]

toxikdoom/gigertox [toxic gas] [splits forms]



sky guardians - 

zomblobs/loogies [zombie + slime]

scaraclump/scaraba [scarab + big] [shoots explosive scarab]

transforma/yuffo [transforms to UFO] [UFO mode]

freeza/ICE AND SNOW  [NOT IN US] [ice] [shoots ice spikes]

rakcet/dizchord [racket/noise] [shoots soundwaves]

clonrus/virox [turns humans into zomblobs] [shoots toxic gas]

dragondasher/dragonflay [dragon/fly + fast] [flies]

cyberslicer//RESEARCH [NOT IN US] [robot + knives] [splits forms]

styingdryller/NONSENSE [NOT IN US] [bee stinger + drill] [shoots sting laser]

beemander/beezara [bee] [flies]

freezeflame/5000 C [NOT IN US] [fire core in ice] [changes to fire form]

zZaApPeR/ELECTRIC SHOCK [NOT IN US] [generator + electric shock] [shoots laser]

DNAnnihilation/MUTATION [NOT IN US] [dna] [gains extra arms]

metalfender/SATELLITE [NOT IN US] [metal + reflect] [shoots satbeam]

toxisnake/hisser [venom + snake] [shoots poison]

mummy [mummy] [spilts forms]

hyper kapper/psychotick [kappa] [shoots water]

fluff bluffer/kesaran [fluffy] [shoots fluff]

gryemylin/gremlin [gremlin] [hacks technology]

nesserpent/shadow serpent [nessie + serpent] [swims]

futurebot/skyfish [future robot] [splits forms]

voretex/distractor [vore + vortex] [creates vortexes]

leafster/YOUSEI [NOT IN US] [leaf] [throws leaf]

tengjoke/nojoke [tengu + joke] [fans]

warterfish/NINGYO [NOT IN US] [war + water + fish] [swims]

catchspier/SHAKOUKIDOGUU [NOT IN US] [big eyes] [shrinks]

baku/dreamsnatcher [baku] [invades your dreams]

rocketshell/rotox [rocket robot] [shoots rockets]

feather tron/MACH [NOT IN US] [feathers] [tickles]

tool bot/SCAN [NOT IN US] [tool robot] [uses tools]

earthbreaker/VITAL [NOT IN US] [plant life] [shoots bullets]

clockblocker/TIMER [NOT IN US] [clock] [controls time]

D.A.T.A./IMITATION [NOT IN US] [imitates Bulleteer] [


pirate skies - 

X clones/Xborgs [X [ref to SMF + clones]

Y heavies/bruisers [bigger]

Z hot heavies/royal guard [angry + bigger]

metalight/headrige [metal + light] [shoots his beams]

tentacuss/tentacus [tentacles + cuss] [shoots his beams]

electrovein/salamandam [NOT IN US] [electric + vein] [starts electric fire]

syber samurai/skatana [cyber + samurai] [shoots his beam]

metal muscle/cybax [metal + fighter] [shoots his rifles]

twiddler/nanonanoda [NOT IN US] [slime] [has coloured forms]

magno/pacha chamak [has a magnet ability] [uses a magnet ability]

spikestone/sneak brother [NOT IN US] [spike + stone] [shoots his older brother]

fangster/general peluso [has a claw on his right hand] [launches his left hand]

card doubler/yokubarido [NOT IN US] [shoots cards] [shoots cards]

clawdevil/matacore [fingernails] [grows thorns]

mega mouth/zaggai [NOT IN US] [alien mouth] [splits forms]

infectoclone/invidious [human clone] [splits forms]

goonin/wateru [NOT IN US] [slime + ninja] [melts]

phisman/gorgax [fish + man] [swims]

spikeminer/osogain [spike armour + gold miner] [shoots a beam]

stinkbones/skeltox [fishbone + SMF ref - changed him so he stinks instead of removing people's spines] [shoots his left hand]

bronzetron/TSUKKI [NOT IN US] [bronze] [shoots his shoulder beam]

jinxxor/sirjinkor [SMF ref] [has a secret form  underneath]

blazearator/meran [NOT IN US] [fire] [starts fire]

tripletooth/senden [NOT IN US] [3 heads] [4 forms]

swapser/transferer [swaps bodies] [2 forms]

the red knight/kiaido [NOT IN US] [shoots a back beam]

octoshell/desolar [octopus + sea shell] [2 forms]

cyberbot/zaien [NOT IN US] [robot] [shoots nozzles]

hardface/turtlelini [shell has a face on it] [shield]

stomperchomper/zakyura [NOT IN US] [giant mouth] [bites]

skelebug/vannine [NOT IN US] [bug skeleton] [shoots beams]

sherruff/chirakashizky [NOT IN US] [sheriff + rough] [shoots pistol]

metalmud/doroin [NOT IN US] [metal + mud] [shoots shoulder cannon]

vinestar/moririn [NOT IN US] [vines] [shoots beams]

super stinger/yellzor [sucks blood] [shoots arm guns]

freakmas/bilbabu [NOT IN US] [attacks only on xmas] [uses magic]

templemaster/juju [NOT IN US] [has a cult following] [steals bones]

shocking shine/geronpa [NOT IN US] [shiny] [stuff reflects]

sunboss solar/solar [NOT IN US] [end sun god, gokaiger ref] [holographic]


super ops -

virudrone/buglars [virus + drone]

diggerbot/shoveltron [digger] [scoops up attacks]

firebot/infernotron [fire] [starts fire]

needlebot/needletron [needle] [injects poison]

cutterbot/slicertron [cutter] [uses his 9 blades]

tirebot/cycletron [tire] [shoots hand blaster]

sprayerbot/meltatron [spray] [sprays gas]

trainbot/railtron [train] [super speed]

drillbot/drilltron [drill] [shoots drillbits]

pistolbot/vargoyle [pistol] [shoots pistol]

fanbot/turbotron [fan] [flies]

camerabot/clonetron [camera] [takes photos]

tubabot/tubatron [tuba] [blasts noise]

cleanerbot/vacuumtron [vacuum] [sucks up attacks]

signalbot/antennatron [antenna] [picks up signals]

forkbot/spiketron [fork] [has a spike fork]

wrenchbot/tooltron [spanner] [dismantles stuff]

filmerbot/gamertron [film camera] [creats projections]

weightbot/dumbelltron [dumbbell] [throws dumbbells]

keybot/keytron [key] [opens doors]

magnetbot/jisyakuloid [NOT IN US] [magnet] [attracts stuff]

flossbot/shockatron [candy floss machine] [throws candyfloss]

candlebot/burnertron [candle] [starts fire]

eraserbot/keshigumuloid [NOT IN US] [eraser] [erases stuff]

spybot/trappertron [security camera] [has 6 extra eyes]

rhinobot/ryjack [rhino] [charges]

timerbot/digitron [sand timer] [freezes time]

puppetbot/controlatron [puppet] [controls stuff]

bulldozerbot/bulldozertron [bulldozer] [shoves stuff]

tiarabot/tiaratron [tiara] [extra shield]

boxerbot/boxertron [boxer] [power punch]

fighterbot/karateloid [NOT IN US] [karate] [fight expert]

shadowbot/thieftron [thief] [hides in shadows]

warriorbot/knight prisoner [sword/shield] [fight expert, has 2 forms]

stagbot/clawtron [NOT IN US] [robotic stag beetle] [grips with claw]


electrosaur -

blibz/vivix [slime drips]

spiker/spikeball [spikes]

freezeframe/iceage [cold fire] [shoots ice]

scrapper [scrap, PRDC ref] [crushes stuff]

slammer [prison, PRDC ref] [locks people up in cages]

mahojewel/spellbinder [maho = magic, jewels] [flies and attracts jewels]

chef waster [chef, foreshadowing] 

-wasted form [influenced by toxic stingster]

toxic stingster/stingrage [toxic sting] [copied his DNA into chef waster/infects people]

heatbasher/duplicon [heating metal] [clones himself]

mazemaster/puzzler [maze] [locks people in mazes]

skelehead/bones [skeleton] [steals bones]

smokeblinder/smokescreen [smoke] [uses smoke bombs]

scissorslash/shearfear [scissors] [cuts stuff in half]

prof. evilton/prof. strickler [evil teacher] [very clever]

G-BO [kyoryuger + PRDC ref] 

gold minor/goldigger [miner] [hunts for treasure

skysmasher/meteor [meteor] [throws metors]

changepyre/memorella [changes + vampire] [flies and changes forms]

galaxstar/wishstar [galaxy + star] [grants wishes]

nightshock/nightmare [nightmare] [stars nightmare]

shadowshinobi/ninja [shadow + ninja] [hides in shadows]

torture/hunter [hunter] [sets bear traps and land mines]

gold-jewel/spell-digger [gold + jewels] [combined gold minor and mahojewel]

island krab/loafer [island + crab] [can swim]

sporty/gameface [sports] [shoots balls]

planet incinerator/half-bake [planet + fire] [shoots fire]

fish catcher/hookbeard [fishing] [shoots a fishing line]

castle/fortress [fortress] [locks people in a prison]

kut/ackshun [filming] [controls time

kreepmas/heximas [creep + xmas] [starts bells noise]


rail runners [NOT IN US]

robbsterz/kuros [train robbers]

bag shadow [bag] [unloads random attacks]

sword shadow/saber shadow [sword] [metal strong]

chain shadow [ball and chain] [chain whip]

stove shadow [stove] [blasts fire]

bin shadow/baketsu shadow [bin] [eats attacks]

emboss shadow/hanko shadow [wax] [shoots sticky wax]

bomb shadow/bakudan shadow [bomb] [explodes]

marionette shadow [puppet] [creates evil ranger]

typewriter shadow/type shadow [typewriter] [pushes his buttons]

lamp shadow [lamp] [emits a bright light]

magni shadow/loupe shadow [magnifying glass] [burns his target]

cleaner shadow/soujiki shadow [vacuum] [sucks up attacks]

hammer shadow [hammer] [smashes his fists]

ring shadow [ring] [jewel spear]

fence shadow [fence] [fence spikes]

jack-in-the-box shadow [jack-in-the-box] [jumpscare]

soap shadow [soap] [shoots bubbles]

tower defender/keeper rook [chess] 

stage shadow/pinspot shadow [stage] [shoots a bright light]

coin shadow [coin] [shoots a lucky coin]

bishop defender/keeper bishop [chess]

bottle shadow [bottle] [has an evil persona]

wig shadow [wig] [locks wigs on to humans]

table shadow [table] [back is a shield]

chair shadow [chair] 

poison needle shadow/chuushaki shadow [needle] [shoots needles]

pool shadow/billiard shadow [pool] [shoots pool balls]

pen shadow/mannenhitsu shadow [pen] [sprays ink]

knight defender/keeper knight [chess]

film shadow [film] [shoots film reel]

grave shadow/boseki shadow [gravestone] 

dollhouse shadow [dollhouse] [shrinks people]

castle keeper pawn [chess]



ninjaroids/kudabots [ninja robots]

ninjadroids/basherbots [droids instead of roids]

fox shadow/foxbots [toqger ref]

skulljaw/skullgator [skull + jawbone]

chainsaw ripper/ripperat [chainsaw + PRNS ref] [uses chainsaws]

kappa slowdown/slogre [kappa + slowdown, lag] [shoots fog]

blazing bull/spinferno [fire + bull] [throws fire, deeps repus*] [*ASHENS REF]

freezeweb/tangleweb [fridge + spider web] [freezes targets]

tracker/hacktrack [info tracker] [tracks your location]

tenwind/badpipes [tengu + wind] [creates noise]

katicker/cat O' clock [cat + ticker] [controls time]

karpetmajik/abracadanger [carpet + magic] [uses magic/flies]

stonesmasher/stonedozer [stone + smasher] [claw and scoop]

fyrepot/toxitea [fire + teapot] [flies]

shoespeed/shoespike [shoe + speed] [super speed]

copyvoice/phonepanzee [copies voices] [creates noise]

clearvoice/jabberon [PRNS ref] [shoots beams out of her glasses]

penshell/spyclops [fountain pen + sea shell] [shoots ink]

airwave/doomwave [air + wave] [floats]

spikeshredder/gamegoblin [spike + shredder] [shreds stuff]

tooltroll/drillion [toolbox + troll] [screw lance]

pursecatcher/smellephant [purse + catch] [unloads random attacks from previous youkai]

blockstopper/forcefear [blocker + stop] [blocks attacks]

icewave/snowfright [ice + wave] [shoots ice]

boltnight/deceptron [bolts + night] [shoots bolts]

pyrevam/fangore [vampyre spelt backwards] [flies]

furfang/dreadwolf [furry + fang] 

flyingforce/speedwing [flying +force] [super speed]

metalhorn/rygore [metal + horn] [super speed]

antter/kuroari [NOT IN US] [ant] [stag claw]

wolfdoom/wolvermean [wolf + doom] [saw shield]

hivefight/venoma [bee] [sting blaster]

maetal/blammo [metal] [shoots bombs]

shockdragon/voltipede [electric shock] [shocks]

spinemangler/megamauler [skulljaws combination] [crushes stuff]

compuype/typeface [computer + type] [pushes buttons]

metalblade/stabberous [metal + blade] [covered in blades]

skullmas/versix [skull + xmas] 

flag club/gorrox [flag + club] [crushes stuff]



infektors/moeba [virus]

edgebreaker/jagged [edge] [shoots spikes]

speargate/halbergoi [spear] [shoots spikes]

targun/bowguns [target + gun] [shoots bowgun]

vikung/amigarudo [viking] [axe]

crocodoom/gaburio [crocodile] [jaw]

bikeblast/yabiker [horn] [emits noise]

jarden/hanayaida [garden] [thorn whip]


knowlage/hattena [teacher] [very clever]

cristal miner/noborizon [miner] [pickaxe saber]

bombubble/dorobozu [shoots bubbles] [shoots bubbles]

ruckus ryfle/hantajii [rifle] [shoots bullets]

manter/mantor [manta ray] [turns invisible]

kard king/trumpas [cards] [shoots cards]

blowlingblast/bowlingen [bowling] [shoots bowling balls]

up-lock/prisionable [prison] [shoots handcuffs]

misterie/illusion [magician] [shoots magic]

kyannon/cruiza [cannon] [shoots bullets]

kamera/jashinga [camera] [creates flashes]

mystery man/omoteurya [has 2 forms]

demon destroyer/sumotron [sumo] [very strong]

jibblejabble/sanbaba [nonsense] 

double trouble/saguiru brother [X2] [duplicates]

chef scales/chefudon [chef] [controls the weight of things]

nature stinger/kirumenchi [bee, but is actually a gingaman ref] [shoots fire]

mentaltiste/gakkarize [mental + artist] [shoots paint]


shadow league VS police patrol - 

quakers/podaman [shatter]

froggo/ruletta gerou [frog] [long tongue]

scratch clause/garat nago [cat] [scratches]

mutater/namero baccio [alien] [mutates plant life]

danger jaws/rabrum jaws [shark] [bites]

knightsaur/bundolt peggy [knight + dinosaur] [armour]

rocker/golam [rocks] [armour]

lyasher/merg arita [claw] [scratches]

oh deer/brez arenishika [deer] [spiky]

chicken cock/pitch cock [chicken] [cock claw]

glomp/jenko kopamino [slime] [flattens himself]

scratchcat/naiyo kapaja [cat] [scratches]

dark shot/togeno aves [hunter] [death shooter]

doughpounder/odord maximov [baker] [pound crusher]

manta tide/manta bayashi [manta] [swims]

metal defender/nero kilmer [guard] [armour]

octoface/sudaru urukyu [octopus] [lashes tentacles]

monkeyjaws/zarudon ho [monkey + teeth] [bites]

jawsmasher/gabat kababatch [mouth] [bites]

freakifyer/demeran yatomis [magnify] [burns stuff using the sun]

dogger/laimon gaorfangue [dog] [bites]

bull.S./ushibarock the blow [bull] [horns]

plague doctor/guiwi newzie [infects stuff]

pynecone/gristo lloyd [pinecone] [shoots pinecones]

cock chicken/pyodor [chicken] [bites]

fishbone/ryugu tamatebacco [fish] [swims]

longhand [safe face]/modified podaman [length/safe] [quakers' commander]

rocketshot/kunks butylmercaptan [missile] [shoots rockets]

hiddenface/yoshi uraza [mask] [hides behind a persona mask]

mutationazer/the experimental body [mutation] [has 2 forms]

dead nest/envy childa [bird] [shoots skeleton birds]

huntsman/kerbero gangan [hunter] [death shot]

seereal killa/doryun sanb [murderer] [death equipment]

shotter/pecker zeppelin [war] [electrocone]

craback/yadogar gohome [crab] [launches a skeleton]

kinga/janake saucer [royalty] [transforms to UFO]

frya/iselob starfryed [fry] [shoots fire]

boatcrasher/dugorn manatti [boat] [swims]

sharker/tokagale nakushark [shark teeth] [bites]

seehorse/narizma shibonz [seahorse] [seahorse shot]

fishster/samon shakekistantine [fish] [swims]


metal soul - 

faceless troops/hengemen [cursed armour]

drillhorn/shockhorn [drill + unicorn] [drills]

venomighty/vypeera [venom] [shoots venom]

octoshot/brineblast [octopus] [shoots water

bonewolf/wolfgang [wolf bones] [3 forms]

birdblast/roostafa [bird] [flies]


rockblocked/smashstone [rock] [has a form inside]

seaspook/fogshell [seashell] [shoots fog]

piramyd/tombtress [pyramid] [pyraspear]

beachfreak/tidemare [beach creature] [swims[

magnomental/boneswitch [magnet] [attracts]

shipbreaker/trawler [ship] [swims]

asteroidbuilder/stone triplets [asteroid + construction] [crushes]

freakrachnid/spider sketch monster [spider] [shoots venom]

skullwitch/reaghoul [witch] [uses magic]

toughhorn/sugarhit [horn] [rams]

skareskream/bitscream [frighten] [WIFIblade]

krabeye/occulo [crab + eyeball] [shoots eyes]

whaspskhull/fleabug [wasp + skull] [flies]

housefraid/junkalo [house] 

metal mekhanik/trackenslash [metal] [armour]

hallokreep/squashblight [halloween] 

silverblade/quickspine [blade] [sharp]

scaresplash/crashflood [water] [shoots tidal waves]

hexazard/wizard minosaur [NOT IN US] [wizard] [shoots power hexagons]

saturn satan/lothorn [WHY INCLUDE THE ONE THAT COULD LAND YOU IN TROUBLE, 'ASBRO?!?!] [satan] [shoots spikes]

freakship/hexcurio [ship] [swims]

cyber doctor/clawfare [doctor] 


vehicle flash

mudfreak/bechats [mud]

runner tap/jaguchi [tap] [shoots water]

rugby volger/rugby [rugby] [shoots rugby balls]


head vice volger/manriki [vice] [puts a vice on your head]

mammoth/kyusekki [mammoth] 

kontroller volger/joystick [controller] [controls things]

klaw/catcher [claw] [uses claws]

kapture volger/digital camera [camera] [takes photos]


phreezer volger/freezer [shoots ice]

phlame volger/oven [shoots fire]

flake and flame/renetsu [icefire combo]


musik volger/music [creats noise]

stage/stage [shoots light]

reset button volger/reset button [resets the battle]

fyre button/hassha button [shoots death rockets]

lava rock volger/inseki 


phlytrap/haejigoku [snaps traps]

smoke train volger/SL [charges]

hoopz/wanage [shoots rings]

marshmellow volger/marshmallow [stuff bounces off it]

hammer [smashes stuff]

whac-A-mole volger/whack-A-mole 

darkrock volger/dark monstone

house volger/sumikae 

glue volger/sectchakuzai [glues stuff]

rod volger/fishing rod [shoots a line]


safe volger/safe 

gold/gold bar

speaker volger/speaker [blasts noise]


bomb volger/bomb [throws bombs]


mannequin volger/mannquin 

phone/pinch in/out 

mystery volger/nazokake

tank [shoots bullets]



golf volger/golf

golf cart/cart


tooth volgar/mushiba [gives toothache]

beartrap/kiba [traps mecha legs]

wire volger/wire [tangles stuff up]


lucky cat volger/maneki-neko

cat can volger/cat can


full-force - 

robonoids/kudakks [robo drones]

hexabot/kudaitest [hexagon bot]

digizone bot/new kudaitest [digital bot]

robowildroids/kudaiters [fury robonoids]

mushrobo/mushroom world [shoots mushrooms]

icerobo/ice world [shoots ice]

boxingrobo/boxing world [punches]

sushirobo/sushi world [shoots sushi]

trashrobo/garbage world [sprays trash]

doorobo/door world [can unlock any door]

kashiwa mochirobo/kashiwa mochi world 

noonrobo/noon world [burns the floor]

rabbitrobo/onigokko world 

snailrobo/snail world [slows stuff down]

recylingrobo/recycling world 

retrorobo/retro world 

magnetrobo/magnet world [pulls stuff towards him]

invisiblerobo/invisible world [turns stuff invisible]

loverobo/love world

horn beetlerobo/kabutomushi world 

starworld/hikoboshi world

copyrobo/copy world [copies stuff]

bullrobo/bullfighting world

holidayrobo/vacances world

sundialrobo/sundial world

comicrobo/manga world

tennisrobo/tennis world

persimmonrobo/dried persimmon world

cowrobo/milk world

invertedrobo/inverted world [has 2 forms]

schoolrobo/school world

halloweenrobo/halloween world

diamondrobo/diamond world

jack-in-the-boxrobo/surprise box world

icingrobo/daikon world

bonnrobo/bonn world

shougatsurobo/shougatsu world

noodlerobo/noodle world

klawrobo/kotatsu world

headwindrobo/headwind world [blows a powerful gust]

S.D.ENZI.robo/SD world

omikujurobo/omikuju world

carrotrobo/carrot world

jewelrobo/sapphire world

batrobo/bat world



blobzoids/anoni [digital slime]

demonizer/benitsuki [izer side of enzerizer]

demonenzer/shisotsuki [enzer side of enzerizer]

dinoknight/kishiryuki [ryusoulger/PRDF ref]

railrider/resshaki [rail runners ref]

shadowster/kaitouki [shadow league ref]

piramyid/choriki [pyramid power ref]

policetrol/keisatsuki [police patrol ref]

digizal/doubutsuki [digimals ref]

superglobe/chikyuuki [super V ref]

flashprince/mashinki [vehicle flash ref]

wildops/tokumeiki [super ops ref]

raging seas/kaizokuki [pirate skies ref]

nynjer/shurikenki [ningers ref]

starstrike/uchuki [star squadron ref]

elektro/zyudenki [electrosaur ref]

hyperspeedster/kousokuki [engine speed ref]

hyper engine/gekisouki [super engine ref]

RAO/kyoryuki [GAO ref]

wingman/choujinki [birdman ref]

hibrid/engineki [hybrid revvers ref]

cherge/goseiki [QI charge ref]

elemaenal/samuraiki [elemental slash ref]

P.O.W.E.R./denjiki [SPACE ref]

wild fury/jukenki [wild beasts ref]

shadowy ninja/ninjaki [ninja shadow ref]

cryztal ruinz/daiki [crystal V ref]

moose attack/mahouki [magic attack, moose toys ref]

C.R.Y.N.A./kagakuki [DYNA ref]

rampaging dino/bakuryuki [dino rampage ref]

flesh/choushinseiki [flash ref]

zardian/tensouki [sky guardians ref]

desventure/gogoki [treasure adventure ref]

soler/taiyoki [solar planet ref]

police-1/tokusouki [police-10 ref]

DNA booster/choujuuki [animal booster ref]

super danger/kyukyuki [super rescue ref]

nature endangerer/seijuuki [roar of nature ref]

sparker/denshiki [sparkborgs ref]

cardos/jaki [cardborgs ref]

space racer/miraiki [time racers ref]

GURA/hikariki [AURA ref]

five fail/himitsuki [five force ref]

triotron/choudenshiki [biotron ref]

wild mauler/hyakuujuuki [wild claw ref]

misstick changer/dengekiki [mythic change ref]

globetrotter/sekaiki [world fighters ref]

royal driver/ohsamaki [creature drive ref]

engine force/kikaiki [full-force ref]

weatherstorm/ninpuki [ninja storm ref]



MOVIE MONSTERS + OTHER STUFFS [birdman, wild claw] - 


Turbine blower/turbine org [blows air]

Socket claw/plugma org [gives electric shocks]

tangleface/barbwire org [tangle stuff up]

Shutter real/camera org ['reel' and 'real' sound the same] [takes photos]

metalslammer/shrine bell org  [creates a powerful noise]

Rubber racer/tire org 

Dress horn/wedding dress org 

wrecker/boat org [shipwreck] [floats]

lightflasher/signal org [shoots traffic beams]

contracter/cell phone org [contact + contract] [can make phones ring]

Shovel chest/bulldozer org [shovels stuff]  

Heavy samurai/samurai doll org 

copyblock/copy org [copies stuff]

freezerface/freezer org [shoots ice beams]

gutsucker/vacuum org [grizzly tales ref] [sucks stuff up]

roadcrasher/bus org  [has a bus form]

clockwatcher/clock org [controls time]

Class glass/glasses org

Motor menace/bike org [fast]

Menacing motor/scooter org [fast]

skeledrone/human body org 

mouthchopper/lawnmower org

animera/chimera org

noisemaker/karaoke org

China flyer/vase org

hardhead/bowling org [uses bowling missile]

gravesight/tombstone org


Plane drain/propela [flies]

Dry heat/charcoal-grill org [shoots fire]

hardsmasher/anvil org

Toon tune/magic-flute org [merican accent]

clownface/juggling org

Demon circus/animal tamer org

Montiter man/monitor org

robogrinder/tinplate org [flies and uses tools]

Furry santa/Christmas org [furries]

Snow santa/kurushimemas org


Shade rangers 

2003 terminator/new year’s org [broadcast year ref]

Rust engine/steam engine





JAKQ trump/duke trump [JAKQ ref] [throws cards]

combined force/great king ojaru [gattai] [has the combined powers of other monsters]



vilehorn/rakushaasa [unicorn]

Good gods group/hades org, zeus org, poseidon org [GGG]



firelord/empress maki [true form] [fire]

lionfire/raiken [PRNS ref]

Tough troll/gokumaru [troll]


Bar bot/nunchaku banki

Hydra flesh-bot/long banki [human rather than robot]

cercitbored/noizoon [technology] [uses foreshadowing for go-busters]



souleater/manpuku aburame 

toolkit/batcheed [uses tools]

Berner/homurakogi [fire]

luckchanger/trickster [changes reality]



thorna/supernova [thorn]

stretcheye/morning star [eyeball]

twoface/madakodama [X2] [2 forms]

General fusio/chimatsuri [fusion] [combined evilton]

Freakseer/king bibi [sight] [mutated bibi]



Cross king/black cross king [goranger ref]

darkskull/los dark 

Head soldier/combined combatant [foot soldier leader] [creates infinite foot soldiers]

edgecone/ashurada [drill] [drills stuff]

Blue body/badley 

Red head/rem




steambot/steamloid [creates steam]

Lord horror/bacchus gill 

redevil/waredonaiyer [clawdevil red version]

clawskull/azazel [grows spikes out his body]



Goldus maximus/neo grifforzar 

Platinum knight 

White pirate/arslevan



Count hideous/count nair

Hound shadow

shuttler/creator devious 

Fire dragon/saramazu

Clock shadow [controls time]

Duke livid/grand duke hei

Tank top shadow



halface/juza yumihari [2 face] [has 2 forms, one resembles *vekar*]

rodoctor/mavro [robot doctor]

Train chest face/wanyuudou



cirdus/domidoll [circus]

petalru/gilmarda [petal] [shoots petals]

Black boss/pocane daniro



dectivedge/herlock sholmes [detective + edge] [has blades]

armer/wilson [arms]

Red ring/don arkage 

redtower/rirus lippig



icesaur/primogenitor minosaur [ice dinosaur]

metalshard/griffon minosaur 

hibrid/ganima noshiagalda [hybrid] [has combined powers]



Mrs. killer/minjo


Reel camera volger/movie jamen

Skull team/director minosaurs



gattairobo/super waromono world

General fear/asmodeus 

Cursed force white/sentai megid [hijacked five force white ranger]

Dragon sword robo/rider world

King kuber/king potdeus

Fox doc/dr. Local

Beef robo/beef rib world

paincone/doetamu [pinecone]


BIRDMAN monsters - 

General gutcage/radigan [human body]

masser/raguem [heavy]

silvoid/grey [robot]

boneflow/magical beast juuza [bone]

explosas/grinam soldiers [fire]

Transmutational bug/dimensional bug mother 

plainface/fighter jigen [jet fighter] [flies]

Water nose/faucet jigen [tap] [shoots water]

Traffic triclops/road jigen [road signs, traffic] [shoots out traffic beams]

Scraper/house jigen [tower block] 

reflecto-glass/mirror jigen [mirror] [reflects attacks]

Ruby ruler/jewel jigen [jewel] 

Sizorizer/fashion jigen [sew] [scissor blade]

Ramen rider/god ramen [ramen, kamen rider ref] [fork hand]

Vendor bendor/vending machine jigen [vending machine] [shoots out powered cans]

Wild wheels/bus jigen [bus] [wheel claw]

Clickersnapper/camera jigen [camera, transformers rippersnapper ref] [takes photos]

Livid lips/voice jigen [speaker] [shouts]

Origami offender/paper jigen [paper] 

Devil flier/semimaru [devil knight] [flies]

Misfortune master/fortune teller jigen [crystal ball] 

skeleblokes/reapers [skeletons]

pipey/vacuum jigen [vacuum] [sucks attacks up]

rabbish/gomi jigen [fury terminator mode] [rubbish] 

Blinder flasher/light armadillo [armadillo, light] [flashes]

timmoth/dimensional mammoth [mammoth, clock] [controls time]

Salon slaughterer/dryer jigen [hairdryer] [shoots air]

Clone snake/armour snake [snake, armour] 

Mud monster/majin mu [mud] 

Stone rocks/majin ramon [rock] 

Amphi swimmer/majin gorg [swimmer] 

hellclaw/devil ramon [demon] 

toxroach/adhesive cockroach [cockroach, spray] [sprays gunk]

Poison tail/toxic rat [rat, toxic gas] [shoots gas]

Armoured ant/ant bazooka [ant, bazooka] [shoots a bazooka]

Vicious fish/torpedo piranha [piranha, torpedo] [shoots torpedoes]

Beam lizard/laser lizard [lizard, laser] [shoots a laser]

toolfreak/hammer chameleon [chameleon, tools] [uses tools]

snyaiper/sniper cat [cat, sniper rifle ['sniper' has 'nya' in it so it sounds the same] [uses a rifle]

Greater crater/meteor BEM [meteor bug] 

Scoper bot/G2 [spy bot]

Bloody drill/leech drill [leech, drill] [uses drills]

Evil red/tomato great king [tomato, Evil Dead ref]




redeye/chief of staff kaku [red knight]

turqblade/shiryu [turquoise + blade]

skeledragon/garouki [skeleton dragon]

creepnessmen/cotpotros [posho vampire]

not knot/baron string [sounds the same, string] [tangles stuff up]

moneymind/purse monk [purse]

keyhorn/key jester [key + horn] [unlocks any door]

facepainter/lipstick songstress [lipstick, not facepaint] [

edgeblade/archbishop saw [sawblade] [uses sawblades]

black samurai/iron face chouryo [samurai]

reflecto portal/master makeup mirror [vortex] [reflects attacks]

blossom bore/cherry blossom viscount [cherry blossom]

magnethead/magnet priest [magnet] [attracts stuff]

tofu trouble/tofu hermit [tofu]

kabuki fury/kabuki boy [kabuki]

rust force/kabuki monster [rust robot]

deadstone/president gravestone [gravestone]

telewhoan/telephone sensei [telephone]

kamikaze master/general kamekaze [motorbike crash]

veiltriloquist/funeral figurine ventriloquist [veil + ventriloquist]

redhands/lady ring [gloves]

furnace/hooded heat haze [furnace] [blasts fire]

copy empress [copier]

pot grin/pot taoist [pot]

mike mic/fast-talking wanderer [mike and mic sound the same] [picks sound up]

fourface/combined four heavenly kings [X4]

cager/birdcage vagrant [birdcage]

reel camera/media magician [camera/media stuff]

get the point/general cactus [name pun] [spiky]

gianthead/sergeant cannon [cannon] [shoots a cannon]

twister visual/count kaleidoscope [eye]

thunderhorn/ikazuchi [thunder + horn]




count crunchula/nurarihyon [kiramager sub ref/mouth]

crossface/daimaou [across]

gutskeleton/gashadokuro [rotting skeleton]

ravenator/nue [crow]

metalfist/daidarabotchi [metal knuckle]

metalspike/yama-uba [spike]

rangerbusters/dorodoros [ghostbusters ref]

fatal flier/kappa [bird]

squidhead/rokurokubi [squid + head]

terror texi/oboroguruma [taxi]

rubbish monster/azukiarai [bin]

woeful wall/nurikabe [wall]

eye insides/mokumokuren [eyes]

bigmouth/gakitsuki [mouth]

crazed cat/bakeneko [cat]

scareranger/dorotabou [scarecrow]

circuss/konaki-jiji [circus]

shifty swirl/shirouneri [swirl]

hunter/tengu [hunter]

gambler/kanedama [slot machine]

tribaler/keukegen [tribal mask]

brutal brothers/shuten douji brothers [brothers]

cyberwizard/amikiri [wizard]

brainface/zashiki-warashi [brain]

stingerer/tsuchigumu [spider]

funky monkey/sarugami [monkey]

X-tinger/enraera [fire hydrant]

fishface/unibozu [fish]

glue ghost/ittanmomen [superglue]

powersol/kasabake [parasol]

no-face/nuppefuhofu [puppet]

mindbender/amanojaku [confusion]

ERROR: UN-USEABLE.EXE/sunakake babaa [refers to the strick 'merican TV guidelines]

ratwarz/kamaitatchi [rat]

vampire mage/bakuki [vampire]

bull blast/ushioni [bull]

zombody/nopperabou [stitch]

furry fright/kyubi kitsune [cat]

livid lantern/lantern novice [lantern]

aqua oozer/daradara [slime]

centiroller/omukade [centipede + rollerskates]

mangamole/mujina [manga + mole]

burnie/kasha [fire]

icy/yuki-onna [ice]

klownie/bimbogami [clown]



pyramid power - 


ruler king cog/emporer bacchusfundo [cog]

ruler queen build/empress hysteria [body shape]

younger leader blob/prince buldont [blob]

young leader kaiser/kaiser buldont [steals his counterpart's name]

young female archer sextant/princess multiwa [kyutama ref]

even younger not-leader sweetness/bulldont jr. [not-leader - JOKES WRITE DEMSELVEZ]

hardcore assistant nuker/bomber the great [nuke]

rushed robot junkhead/butler acha [junk]

well-constructed orb spherus/butler kocha [sphere]

female bird tamer sextent/machine beast tamer keris 

metalfaces/cogs [robots]

drilling master bigchest/bara drill [drill]

golder/bara saucer [gold]

big balls/bara vanish [decontaminator]

bonebiter/bara crusher [robot]

spikey/bara cactus [cactus]

emperer eveil/bara brain 

5-spike/bara separate [starfish]

rocketeer/bara missiler [missile]

spidornator/bara darts [spider]

crash-test/bara hacker [computer crash]

one-eye/bara printer [printer]

creepy clown/bara baby [clown]

screwed-driver/bara magma [construction]

puppetbot/bara pinokiller [puppet]

defectonator/bara revenger [pike]

time magic/bara devil [magician]
metalneck/bara vacuum [vacuum]

tanglebone/bara ivy [ivy]

toughbot/bara builder [muscle]

roboboxer/bara boxer [boxer]

kendooma/bara kendama [kendama]

metal madillo/bara madillo [armadillo]

clothestealer/bara clothes [steals clothes]

pesky pirate/bara kakka [pirate]

blob-flier/bara hungry [blob]

weird wolf/bara goblin [wolf]

powered golden king 4-eyes/bara king [evil kingranger]

spiderage/bara tarantula [spider]

sleepy guard-bot metal mask/bara guusuka [sleep]

water-repair bot tapnose/bara jaguchi [tap]

mental metal/bara nightmare [killer]

mad mammoth/bara mammoth [mammoth]
skunkblower/bara skunk [skunk]

metal menace/bara police [policeman]

golden terror tank/bara gold [gold tank]

hunter-bot chrome class/bara hunter [chrome hunter]

crafty crime/bara fraud [fraud]

tool-tron/bara guard [toolbox]

war dragon/bara micron [dragon]


fusing-class king/locker knight [combo]

signal-wrecker [carranger's rival] leader trafficmasher/cat signal [trafficlight]

pumpkin mager/kabochumpkin [pumpkin]

big eye vehicle-class eye-engine [steam-punk]/steampunk [train engine]

camera eagle/camera trick [camera + eagle]

grinder/bara cog [cogs]


super engine -


lord goldface/exhaus [gold]

zombie-lord metalider/gynamo [metal]

super-harsh instructer arm-y/ritchhiker [army general]

supralien longface/zelmoda [stretch]

space indaver/grotch [kyuranger ref]

power rangers virusons [but we still use face-masks cos goldface told us to to boost ratings!!!] [bootleg power rangers]

firestarter/reckless-driving fire engine [fire]

toughburner/donpa [toxins]

tough tool-master/rii [toolbox]

doublemouth/mogu [mouth]

unfair fairoh/kyuutan [pharaoh]

clowngrin/nerenko [clown]

speedking/bingo [monster suit ref]

cybot/esu [cyclops + robot]

japun/onene [caddicarus ref]

kalkoter/rappa [calculator]

sharpjaw/wurin [teeth]

funderbolt/elekinta [thunder]

musicroach/goki-chan [music + cockroach]

bigjaw/jetton [jaw]

delisha/zeri [Power Rangers Turbo ref]

flmaeface/oopa [fire]

bullzock ball/deeo [carranger ref + baseball]

flying fatale/waritcho [bird]


netbug/chakkoo [bug cage]

romain/goriin [torch]

ticktock/terin [clock]


MORE  - 





jewelhorn/yabaiba [royal]

dreadwitch/armoured tsuetsue [witch]

Royal pain/onihime [royal]

claweye/shuten [claw + eye]

slimeface/ura [slime]

jawz/rasets [jaws]

King jewelhorn/senki

Shadow slayer/rouki [shadow]

Grey gooies/orgettes 




Bolt bracket/yogostein [bolt]

Steam funnel/kitaneidasu [funnel]

Perfecto scales/hiramechimedes [maths]

Manufacturer breaker/yogoshimacritein [factory]

Cleaning shiner/kireizky [cleaning]

X-energy/chirakasonne [X-racer ref]

Lancer knight/uzumaquixote [lance]

Prince metal/nigorl zo arelunbra [shakespear]

winder/horonderthal [wind-up]




batbone/doukoku [bat]

corrupto/dayu [corrupted human]

squidder/shitari [squid]

skelelite/juzo [skeleton]

Corruption king/akumaro 




commeter/buredoran [comet]

mothell/doreiku [moth + hell]


bonecruncher/makuin [boneless]

bluegar/kingugon [blue]

robobo/robogorg [robot]





Emperor elite/akudos gill

Prince shine/warz gill [jewel]

Damn bronze/damarasu [DAMarasu + bronze]

Poison trigger/insarn [gun]

ciberwaste/barizorg [cyborg]



monkang/sally [monkey]




viroportal/messiah cell [virus + portal]




greenper/deboth [green + creeper]

gardenator/god deboth [flower]

firetail/chaos [scorpion]

heartinator/canderrilla [heart]

rager/dogold [rage]


Doom doll/luckyulo [doll]

heatanger/endolf [heat + anger]


bighorn/killbolero [trumpet]

canducter/icerond [conductor]




Lord edge/Z [edgelord] 

Tophat doctor/baron nero [evil doctor]

Queen acid/madame noir [evil queen]

General ruthless/general schwartz [evil general]

Miss acid/miss glitta 

dreadboy/zaram [cowboy]

Mork master/marchioness mork 




bone-shatter demon/gengetsu kibaoni 

Flesh-eater demon [male]/raizo gabi 

Shuriken-wielder demon/masakage tsugomori

Flesh-eater demon [female]/ariake no kata

Flesh-burner demon/mangetsu kibaoni

Spirit-taker demon/kyuemon




Monster master/ginis [gamemaster]

Poison chest/naria [poison fruit]

geninrater/azald [geninrager/azald legacy] [generator, geneRAGER]

fleshwaster/quval [wears skin]

Assault pirate/bangray [pirate]




safekeeper/dongranio yabun [masterlock]

bakunade/destra maggio [bakuhatsu + grenade]

telien/gauche re mede 

octozard/zamigo delma [octopus]




volboss/eras [volcano]

Tower master/tankjo [tower]

Chess trouble/wizeru [chess]

capflain/gachireus [captain]



2-eye/saden [twin of 1-eye]

chessblaster/gunjoji [gatling]

snagurai/yabasword [samurai]

gooshroom/kureon [goo + mushroom]




tentacal/emperor yodon [tentacle]

Armed dangerous/shadon [army]

moonhead/garza [crocosaw/lord garza] [moon, crocodile + saw]

Miss devious/numajo




Giga cyber master/bokkowaus [great king overseer/battle mode] 

Armed master tankark/barashitara [tank]

Metal stretch force rocketmaster/ijirude 

Anti-ranger commander negafar/hakaizer 



"who are those 31 other teams?" "oh, they are just more rangers who missed a TV show slot, therefore you have never seen them"


"I am Red Rescuer! yes, I know the V doesn't make any sense; they [Hasbro] just wouldn't listen to my ideas!" "why? was your idea rubbish?" "no, I was going to call myself 'Victory Red!" "OH"


"why are they robots?"




other masked rider arms - 


555 belter [faiz driver]

555 phone [faiz phone]

pointtacker [faiz pointer]  phone pointer [conbined mode]

camazer [faiz shot]

lazedge [faiz edge]

A-gear [accel brace]

X belter [kaixa driver]

X phone [kaixa phone]

eXgde [kaixa blaygun]

D belter

D grip [delta phone] D ender [delta mover]

555 driver [faiz blaster]


ace belter [blade buckle]

acedge [blay rouzer]

heart belter [chalice rouzer]

hearrow [chalice arrow]

heartclaw [wild slasher]

jack belter [garren buckle]

jackshot [garren rouzer]

ace/jack maxer [rouze absorber]

ace king edge [empowered type]

clover belter [leangle buckle]

cloverstaff [leangle rouzer]

ace max maxer [king rouzer]


zekt belter [kabuto zecter]

doublaster [kunaigun]

zekt brace [za bee zecter]

zekt grip [drake zecter]

zekt slasher [sassword]

staglaw [double calicbur]

zekt sword [perfect zecter]


skyliner belter [den-O belt]

skygasher [dengasher]

liner belter [zeronos belt]

linergasher [zerogasher]

devilphone [ketarous]

maskgasher [denkamen sword]


gyabu belter [kivat belt]

sword slasher [garulu saber]

croco cannon [basshaa magnum]

hand hammer [dogga hammer]

cyber slider belter [ixa belt]

slider saber [ixa cailbur]

gyabu bracer [tatsulot]

blast phone [ixa riser]

kinger slider saber [zanvat sword]

racer belter [sagarc belt]


delter belter [decadriver]

delter slashblaster [ridebooker]

belter blaster [diend driver]

delter toucher [KTOUCH]


W belter [double driver]

metal shifter [metalshaft]

trygger trigger [trigger magnum]

techseckts [memorygadget]

drive belter [accel driver]

engineslasher [engineblade]

blaster booster [prism bicker]


medal belter [OOO driver]

slotsword [medajaliber]

medalspinner [tajaspinner]

cell belter [birthdriver]

cell blaster [birthbuster]

bitebuster [medagabryu]


switcher belter [fourze driver]

charge charger [billy the rod]

hoser gun [heehack gun]

planelter [meteor driver]

galaxy grip [meteor galaxy]

meteor staff [meteor storm shaft]


wizard belter [wizard driver]

handarmer [wizarswordgun]

beast belter [beast driver]

dice sword [dice saber]

beast blaster [mirage magnum]

king breaker [axcalibur]

darker belter [white mage driver]


samurai seed belter [gaim driver]

seedslasher [musou saber]

orange sword [daidaimaru]

energy electrocution belter [genesis driver]

energy bow [sonic arrow]

DJ buster [hinawadaidai DJ ju]

grape gun [budou ryuhou]

banana spike [banaspear]



hyperspeed belter [drive driver]

wheel slasher [handle ken]

chase laser [break gunner]

door gun [door ju]

max belter [mach driver]

rev cannon [zenrin shooter]

formula carry cannon [trailer cannon]

signal axe [shingou ax]


eye-spirit belter [ghost driver]

spiriter slash-sword [gan-gan saber]

handy cannon [gan-gan hand]

sunglasses slasher [sunglasseslasher]

cyber-spirit bracer [mega uluouder]

great spirit belter [eyecon driver G]

hypeglassmasher [deep slasher]


digi belter [gamer driver]

digi smasher [gashacon breaker]

digi slasher [gashacon sword]

digi blaster [gashacon magnum]

digi bow [gashacon sparrow]

infecter blaster belt [buggle driver]

digi double sword [gashacon key slasher]

digi doublegun [parablagun]


hybrid belter [build driver]

drill slasher [drill crusher]

gatling shot [hawk gatlinger]

panel slasher [4koma ninputou]

tox shot [transteam gun]

valve saber [steam blade]

jelly belter [sclash belter]

screw gun [twin breaker]

tox shot mk 2 [nebula steam gun]

hybrid smasher [fullbottle buster]

hybrid robo belter [evol driver]


time belter [jikyuu driver]

space buster [jikangirade]

allslasher [rider heisaber]

future belter [beyondriver]

digispear [jikan despear]

timespace saber [strongest gilade]


cyber belter [hiden zero-one driver]

cyber gunner [A.I.M.S. shotriser]

carryslasher [attache calibur]

carrygunner [attache shotgun]

darkend belter [forceriser]

perfecter belter [ZAIA thouandriver]

perfecter saber [thouthand jacker]


slashing fire belter [holy blade swordriver]

smashersword [gekido]

poisaber belter [calibur]

double sword [onjuuken]

shurikensword [fuusouken]

X-max belter [saikoudriver]

Xross sword [xross]


50SAUR belter [revice driver]

stamper armer [ohinbuster 50]

BladeBlaster belter [two sidriver]



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