if you are confused by the title...it proves that I have too many leaflets that I collected across the years.
a ton are found from SHOPZ. yes... ytghjuytguytgiuytjiuytrfyu8ytr....[that's me when I figured out how many I have. UwU.][
let's get it-on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a bunch I will put here...wow....
1st - power ranger megaforce acg AD-IDK where this came from [probably from gosei morpher], over 180 sounds [already typed them somewhere] someone lost their marbles cos it shows "gallery mode" not "card-matcher mode" www.bandai.com/powerrangers/cards... uhhhh... just grnrngr.com
2nd-micro predasaurs*- no reader, you have not clicked on something from 1980 - this is from 2013 [or something]
what's it all about?! INSECT INVASION or something [he said, sounding like ashens]
here they are...
predasaurs-triassic/jurassic/cretaceous [T/J/C] [yes. TJC]
insectasaurs-scorpiosaurs/mantosaurs/beetlesaurs [S/M/B]
plus-volcano [V] [rare gold]
also-glow in the dark teeth. don't ask
"BLIMEY, this lot glow in the dark!"
-strange hill high figures
3rd-top trumps - a card game - send in barcode pack to get RUBBER
"MUM, can I have all 20 of these TOP TRUMPPS packs, so that I can get the black rubber?!?!?"
4th-invisimals-not a drug trip-these were real
base cards-372-all normal packs
metal-50-metallic-1 in 2
silver-15-holo-1 in 4
gold-15-engraved-1 in 4
diamond-18-plastic-1 in 8
fire/ocean/ice/desert/jungle/rock/dark/dragons/hunter team-friend-diary/vector-bite-burn-charge-toxic-cut-sonic/shield-beginner-student-collector-researcher-tracker-hunter-avenger-shaman-champion
diamond-metallic plastic
[there was a PS vita game [download], but I remember none of the cards working, for some reason. there was also a TV show, whenever it was cancelled I don't know]
dont kno Y I put all these here...WoW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
here's some extras-
construct-a bugz [thing from 2012/extra ver. of lego] [character building [subset of the "character" brand-y'know, the ones who stock goojitzu and treasure X in the uk?? no? oh, ok then]
zombie zity [another strange thing made to sell out along with moose's trash pack at the time. what's the story? you've got a evil mayor, who wants complete control* of the 'zity*'. as part of his 'plan', he turns everyone into zombies!!* to stop him, a bloke called Diesel Dan and his crew set out to stop him. there are also glow in the dark, silver and gold zombies to find*.*
citv idents/promo:
CITV STAX-early 2000's
"RIGHT YOU LOT!!!!!111!!!!!!"
"get in line!! GET IN LINE!!!!"
"MONDAY! you're showin' 'orrid Henry, 14 in a row!"
"WEDNESDAY! wednesday?"
SGT. STAX'S BEST SHOWS BACK TO BACK!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!
2009 next-later-after that
"next, the sweat turns cold, the hairs on the back of your neck stand to attention...it's the Eliminator"
[then-MPAA/later-Globo Loco]
closedown [2012-2013]
"that's it for today, but the fun doesn't stop! log on to ITV.com/CITV for more, more, more! how do like it? how do you like it? quite a lot, thanks."
boomerang bumpers [2012]-
"it's kids VS cartoonies in the crazy quiz Skatoony, up next on Boomerang."
[speakin' of crazy, OUYA.]
*I actually think ASHENS did a blind bag video on this thing
*but why would he want complete control when he is ALREADY the mayor?
*yes, it's really called that
*ooo, nooo, horror show!11!
*who knew zombies out of all things could come in gold?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
*also, on the subject of gold, they look BRONZE, not gold. GETYOURCOLOURSRIGHT