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CBBC/CITV IDENTS-because I have lost my mind, here are the [old] idents from CBBC and CITV.




CBBC-these ones are C/B/B/C. that means there are different types for each letter.


C-submarine/b-fox dance/b-paint work/c-STS-balloon

c-magnet pull/b-brain lab/b-shop close/TDG-unicycle

c-pirate ship/b-earthquake/b-basil brush box/c-igloo

c-car suitcase/b-RAVEN/b-alien work/c-balloon maker

c-flytrap/rainbow barf/b-IDK/hedgehog food

c-dog chomp/b-mech walker/b-TMI golf/c-racetrack

c-pirate ship/b-rainbow barf/b-MI high lift/c-balloon maker

c-STS-bugs/b-SHS flyer/b-SHS-sheepdog/c-SHS monster

c-ice cream truck/b-???lift/b-bug plant/c-green snake

c-bugs/b-SHH lift/b-stuntz/c-cow fart

c-submarine/b-CBBC lift/b-disco/c-TDG unicycle

c-cheerleading bots/b-STH sticky/b-bug plant/c-printer

c-STS metal/SHS alien/SHS sticky/c-SHS balloon

c-monster monster hunter/b- DNN lift/b-birdie poop/c-breakfast creature

c-goat byte/b-HH lift/b-birdie poop/c-football

c-cress grow/b-M.I. high lift/b-noise tent/c-football

c-adventure rock/b-superhero/b-boombox/c-Ed and oucho

c-witch teeth/b-STS sticky/b-boombox/c-printer

c-witch teeth/b- scooby doo lift/b-boombox/c-STS balloon

c-bug aliens/b-motorcycle/b-kick/c-Ed and oucho

c-flytrap/b-earthquake/b-STS spaceship/c-racetrack

c-monsters/b-BP rockwall/b-wall kick/c-sea monster

c-explore monster/b-shopping mall monster/b-birdie poop/c-breakfast creature

ice cream truck/magic/parkour/snake

goat chomp/cannon fail/SK8 transform/postbox invasion

witch teeth/motorcycle/Tracy Beaker/parachute

DIY launch/pants slingshot/meteor miss/cat chop

rollerblade factory w/ snails/scorpion island/disco/cow fart

cyber lab/pants slingshot/meteor miss/cat chop

flytrap/TDG lift/STS UFO/race car

cyber goat/WOLFBLOOD lift/SK8 transform/postbox invasion

cress grow/??? lift/noise tent/football

cyber goat/pants slingshot/ice cream truck/postbox invasion

BLAST LAB/noise tent/MI HIGHT lift/diamond robbery






BUMPERS- [and other stuff]

regular logo

logo with closedown message

basic ident [1st one] with closedown message

info bumper

morning loop box


logo w/ NEW

SUBS box

bigger info loop box


EXTRA bumper

double/triple bumper [next, later, now]

coming up next

next screen bug

extra bumper [for things to do]

coming soon bumper

trailer banner

BRAND NEW screen







startup promo loop-


Tracy Beaker [based off a book series]

the Sarah Jane adventures [doctor who spinoff]

young dracula [ripoff of halloween proper stuffs]

the revenge files of Alistair Fury [based off a book series*]

M.I. high [spies stop blokes]


ADVENTURE ROCK [online gubbin]

TRAPPED! [gameshow in which they capture kids in the BBC'S press office]

best of friends [gameshow in which they [the BBC] try to start rivalries]

beat the boss [gameshow in which kids attack the adult biz] 

raven [gameshow in which kids beat the pants off metal-face-mask-man]*

prank patrol [an excuse for the BBC staff to muck around]


blue peter [SHIP BOAT]

newsround [news magazine for the under 7's]

sportsround [sports programme ripoff for the BBC]

hider in the house [gameshow in which BBC staff stay quiet like they are still in [STRIKT] school]


TMI [saturday show where they screw around]

hedz [spoof show in which they pretend to be billionaires]

TWF: thumb wresting federation [bonkers show from 'MERICA in which talking bits of cloth fight]

the basil brush show [puppet who's been everywhere]


Shaun the sheep [claymation sheepy sheep does stuff]





startup LOOP 2


copycats [gameshow in which they try to get hated on by every school to ever exist]

Dani's house 

deadly 60 [because they can't afford 70]


scoop [anti-newsround]


Shaun the sheep


blue peter

the big performance

TRAPPED! ever after... [gameshow in which they bring back a popular concept]

Sam and Mark's TMI friday

me and my monsters

live N deadly




ludus [gameshow in which kids battle eviltons from space with stupidly big heads]

fee fi fo yum [gameshow in which the BBC go mental idea-wise and pretend to kill more kids than ITV did]

mission 2110 [gameshow in which kids battle evil doctor who knockoffs]

the dare devil [gameshow in which the producers tell everyone to not do crazy stuff at home with a rip-off satan]

don't unleash the beast [gameshow by CITV in which they copy jungle run - but with pretend MURDA]

spy school [gameshow by CITV in which kids stop a doctor claw like baddie with a lazy name]

project Z [gameshow by the BBC [Wales] that was passed over to CITV to air in the UK in which zombies use the letter Z a lot]

eliminator [gameshow by CITV in which a evil man stands behind a group of kids and looks at them forever if they lose]

hoopla [gameshow in which Dick and Dom pretend to go really insane in a...FUNNIE TENTT]

it's torture! [gameshow by CITV in which the producers grab the TARDIS and go back in time to make a TV show]

the joke machine [not-really-a-gameshow in which some human-alien zaps kids in order for them to become comedians in 2090]

jungle run [gameshow by CITV in which kids raid a cave that has technology in it]

keep your enemies close [gameshow in which BAMZOOKI crosses with BEST OF FRIENDS in order to create a crazy gameshow]

last commanders [gameshow in which they use facetime to lag and introduce real-life viddygums]

relic- guardians of the museum [gameshow in which kids stop a baddie who might as well be called 'goldskull massiveface']

scary sleepover [gameshow by CITV in which the cast and crew attempt to make everyone hate the tv channel]

school of silence [gameshow in which the BBC tries to emulate school/in series 2 an evil school - which is how all kids see it]

scratch N sniff's den of doom [gameshow by CITV in which the entire company goes insane with puppets...HANG ON, DHMIS ref!!!]

the slammer [gameshow in which there is a prison with strange rules. and Des Lennis as the owner of a sainsbury's rip-off]

splatalot [gameshow in which DICK N DOM make a right mess in a country where they don't live]

spook squad [gameshow in which ghosts talk with editing]

terror towers [gameshow by CITV in which vampires do stupid things*]


*stupid! [sketch show by the BBC in which royalty makes commoners to stupid [like in the name!] things]







here are my FAVEZ-



next-quick tricks. that's tricks that are quick. tricky quickys trickie quickies quick tricks

GORF. that's a backwards frog!

I painted my whole house yellow and wore my trousers inside out cos I was SO excited!!



hes your fave, hes my fave, hes my mates DAVES fave, hes the cats fave, HES EVERYONES FAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except maybe moody Margret's.

what go wrong..OR RIGHT!


5D'S-I remember when it was just 3!

ITS A SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11











*a book series that happens to be by the same guy who wrote the Grizzly Tales series/the TV show even got a website that looks like the one used on the show- FANTASTTASTTASTIC!!!1!!!!111!! [but some of the episodes are lost*]




*except, someone uploaded them ages ago, but removed them. the ones they uploaded contained the ones that are lost. [I'm talking about Alistair Fury, but the same applies to series 7 and 8 of grizzly tales, as a small amount of episodes were uploaded, but got taken down and are now missing*]



*speaking of lost stuff off the CBBC side of things, someone [who I think is the same person who uploaded those Alistair Fury episodes] uploaded the full series 1 of LUDUS. you can guess what happened: they got taken down. and now those episodes are lost once again.



EDIT 31 MAR 2022 - BRILL NOOS, BLOKES!!! the lost episodes are going to [hopefully] be found of TRFOAF [ep 2, hopefully more - thanks childhoodncstalgia [YouTube]


EDIT 3 JUL 2022 - BRILL NOOZ, BLOKES! AGAIN! the entirety of LUDUS S1 has been uploaded, and childnoodncstalgia is on S2. they're also on TRFOAF, and there's 1 episode left [E12]


EDIT 19 AUG 2022 - hopefully, someone might upload S7 and S8 of Grizzly Tales, since those episodes are on Amazon


EDIT 19 SEPT 2022 - there's some hints of another YT user uploading said lost GT eps - if so, I'll update again]




EDIT 21 FEB 2023 - ALL GT EPZ HAVE BEEN FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


*this part used 'danger! high voltage' song. I looked up the music video. 'NUFF SAID

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