Fort Boyard DIM [because I wanted one when I was like 9].
Vertical Ascent - use the guff to climb to the top.
Pots of Fear - there are 20 jars, with stuff in them. the key is hidden in one of them.
Slot Machine - push tokens though the slot to push the key towards the exit. you will run out, and will have to go through the spinning tunnel to get more.
Giant Catapults - launch balls into a spinning target.
Giant Chopsticks - use to chopsticks [1 for each player], and carry 2 containers into 1 of 2 baskets. there are obstructions in the way, too.
Round the World - get the packages out of the cargo net. there is a treasure chest at the bottom, and that has the first country name. find the correct package, and continue until you find the key.
Rapid Ascent - fancy way of saying 'rock climbing'.
Submerged Cage - while underwater, you need to find a red tube with 4 bolts. unscrew these to find balls with the code on.
Human Bell - you need to pull the rope to swing the swing. swing it high enough to get the code.
HAMMER TIME - the first team to hammer all of their nails wins the key.
Tension Bridge - move along the rope bridge to get to the sack containing the cartridge. then make your way back to unlock the code.
Running Water - tip buckets of water from the ceiling into a cylinder to push the key up, but you're on a conveyor belt
Spider's Web - climb across the rope web to unlock colour-coded boxes in order.
Infernal Ladder - race to the code using the ladder rungs, but there isn't enough rungs.
Spiders and Scorpions - find the 2-part code that's on the belly of a spider and in the claw of a scorpion.
Candy Roll - there are 5 spinning cylinders. you need to move across them to get the key.
Terror Walk - walk along a narrow edge to get a cartridge with the code, then make your way back.
Giant Loom - carry corn in 2 buckets across a giant loom to act as a counterweight to make the key pop up.
Leap of Faith - bungee from the top of the fort, and grab the code from the cord.
HANG NAIL - remove 1 nail each, but don't remove one that will move all of them.
Raft Race - throw the red bags you are given, and swim to the raft on the sea. use the bags on the raft to help you reach the code.
Mission Impossible - you have got to get across the room [without touching the floor], and use the magnet to open the key box.
Walk the Plank - move along a beam. there are some jets of stuff that come up. the code is at the end.
Power Pull - pull up the skeletons [weights] to get the code.
Red Alert - avoid the cables [lasers] to get the key. after 4 mistakes, the key will be out of reach. in S1-3, there is an exit at the end, but in S4 you need to make it back - any more than 4 mistakes will close the exit door
Raging Sea - zipwire down to the sea, find the key and get the code on the buoy.
Creature Code - there are 3 boxes with animals in. there is a code at the bottom of each, and the matching balls have to be put into the machine to get the key.
Tightrope - walk along a tightrope, and at the end is the code.
WEIGHTS - lift the weights for as long as possible. if you touch the string, you are out.
Poles Apart - use the pegs to make a ladder. the key is at the top.
Snake Pit - find the 2-part code that's on 2 different snakes. it could be anywhere, in drawers or on the sides.
Face to Face - 2 team members have to edge across a rope to reach the code.
Hanging Tough - move one end to the other using hooky-things.
Boiler Room - move the key through the pipes, spin wheels and move it through the oil, and out of the room to unhook the key.
Rock the Boat - search for the key in a rocking room.
Trapdoor - the code [2 parts] is hidden in 2 of the traps, but there is some stuff that is also in them.
Rocket Launcher - push the heavy rocket up the ramp to the swinging key, and hook it.
Human Catapult - bungee jump to grab the code.
TOWER BUILD - build a tower out of the blocks, but don't knock it over.
Key to the Sea - swim up to the buoy, grab the matching cartridge, swim back, and climb the net to pass the cartridge to their team.
Coffee Grinder - scoop coffee beans to fill up the machine and raise the key [push button], but the floor is spinning.
Swings - move along the beam, along the swings and climb the rope for the first part of the code. then jump into the sea, and swim to the buoy for the second part.
Caterpillar - shuffle the blocks along the rope bridge to get the cartridge, then go back to unlock it to get the code.
Cold Room - like Boiler Room, but there are cold obstacles [ice tunnel, ice tank]. move the small key along the pipe to unlock the box with the key in.
Dark Decent - move through a dark tunnel, and into a room with mice to find the key.
REFLEX - catch the cylinder before your opponent.
Pole Position - climb up 1 of 9 poles, and push the button. if the number lights up red, it's wrong, but if it's green, it's right. you need 3 greens in a row.
Ladder Race - climb up the ladder to get the 2-part code.
Power Pedal - use a handbike to reach the key - but if you fall, it resets.
PunchBall - punch the ball onto the target to lower the key. but the floor is a conveyor belt.
Unstable Chair - move the chair along the beam. once it's at the end, stand on it, and jump for the swing, then reach for the code.
LETTER PICK - use chopsticks to grab cubes with the letters of 'BOYARD'. get them all [and right way up] to get a key.
Underwater Dome - you have a tool. you need to drag it along a rope, until you get to a dome. use the tool to undo the bolts to release the code.
SURFACE TENSION - drop coins into the container, and if it tips over, you fail.
Monkey Ladder - monkey bars, but race.
Gyroscope - push buttons when they light up. get them all to get the code, BUT you will be spinning in all directions.
S4E8 [ZeeKay] - "don't focus on the spindiddy spin spin, focus on the buttons." "press the lellow ones!" - Silver Dragons.
SkyBike - upside down, you need to cycle across to open 3 flags which have the 3-part code on.
Shrinking Room - you must find the correct 2 keys to unlock the box containing the key. the room gets smaller, however.
Balancing Balls - tilt the planks to get the balls into the net. you need 2.
Pyramid - pull the chained bags off of the pyramid to get the key. the bags are heavy, however.
Underwater Netball - push a ball through the net underwater, and untie any knots. then push the ball up through the tube to reveal the code.
TIPPING POINT - put bolts on wobbly blocks. don't tip them over, though.
FLOATING TOWERS - place blocks on a floating platform, but don't make it sink.
BALANCE OF FORCES - put figures on a disk, but don't let it fall.
Hammocks - is a straight out race to the code, but on hammocks
Dizzy Dash - you will be spun in a chair, then go along the beam, and collect pearls. pour the pearls into the cylinder to lift the key.
Stand Tough - fill counterweights with corn to propel the opposing member into the air.
Underwater Balloons - inflate the balloons in the cylinders until they pop. when they do, the code will be released.
Haunted House - works like Rock the Boat. you need to find 2 disks with the 2-part code on.
DOMINOES - place dominoes, but don't topple them.
Spin Cycle - run in the washing machine to put the arrow in the green. keep it in there for long enough, and the water cylinder will fill, and the key will be raised.
​Creature Count - move each creature in the boxes from one side to the other, the total amount of creatures in each box equals one of 3 numbered pool balls for the box, which will be picked out from the bowl and roll out to the rest of the team outside. match all 3 numbers to get the key
Library: the key is in a box in a tower of books. get the key from the tower, but for every book to be removed from the tower, the ceiling will fall, blocking off the doorway
​Ketchup Factory: press the button to open the cage holding the tomatoes. make your way across the tomato gloop to collect tomatoes, then make your way back to feed them into the machine to raise the key. but touching the gloop will close the cage and you'll need to press the button again
Garbage Grinder - swim in the water and look for the red bottles and put them into the tube to raise the key. but the walls of the room will be closing in on you
Turnstile - In a turnstile with rotating paddles in the middle. Unscrew the wing bolts to the key but you will need to keep ducking and jumping
and here's a list of some of the games from the "adult" version of the show, which started in the 90's. this will also include challenges from the other versions of the show:
EXCALIBUR - Pull the sword from the stone then use it to chop the rope holding the key
Make it to one end of the tangled tunnel to get a tool, then go back again to unlock the key
Move across the beam on one wall while keeping yourself steady with the other wall. The key is at the other side
Move up the tube to get to the key
Cargo net maze
Move through the tunnel and stick your head out, and find code parts
Roll the ball across the maze but control certain sections with your body​
Use the shield to block the spinning fan to get the key
Move the bags to the other end of the seesaw, then look in the drawers for the key
Move the pole through the maze
Spin the screw around to raise the key, but there's a nutter using his own strength against you
Heavy buzz wire
Dig through the sand to get through the room to get boxes to put on the pole to reach the key
Box maze to move the barrel with the tool to undo the vice holding the key
Swing the bag then jump on the plate to lower the boxes. This will make the bag hit one of two buttons to release the key
Fill the tube with water to fill the cylinder to raise the key at the end of the obstacle course
Angle the catapult to shoot cannonballs into the barrel
Put the wheels into the high machine, when you've got enough the key will appear
Raise a team mate on a platform so they can pull the lever and get the key
Get the key, then remove the metal bricks to escape before the door lowers
Get in the egg cage then shuffle forward then leave
Knock yourself through the two parts of the room to use leavers that move the key up
spin the wheel to fill the tank with water that pushes the boat with the key along
cog puzzle
throw coconuts to knock over the cans [one of the cans has the key], while an opposer tries to block your shots
use your strength to connect the wires to the circuit. hold it there long enough to get the key
move the rope through the room so it winches the key up
using a circular maze that you put your head through, roll all the balls into the cylinder
grab a disk using giant chopsticks and move it while you deal with the obstacle course
transfer the corn from one end of the room to the key box
complete 3 puzzles by getting the remaining pieces out of the traps around the room
cycle on the bikes to move one of 3 bike icons along a tube. the first two have keys for the locks on the next 2 bikes, and the 3rd one has the key
hook the key through the grate using a string rod
unscrew the bolts on the conveyor in time
​roll on the barrel upright to the end of the room with the key
get the key out of the box by moving it through the holes using the wires before the bomb goes off
use blowing power to get the boat to the end of the maze with the key
floor tiles puzzle
get the key from the string, but the opposer will nick it away from you
open the presents to find the key, but among the presents are bugs and firecrackers
balance on the beams to get to the key, but you will need to move the beams around
break the chains on the anvil with the sledgehammer to get the key
collect the water from the booths to pour it into the cylinder with the key, but you won't know which booth is currently pouring water
run on a conveyor and get in a sack for a kind of SackRace to get to the key before the opposer
get into a first mud water tank and reach down for the tool. then use the tool to open the second tank and reach to the bottom of it to get the code
PHANTOM TRAIN: ride a ghost train car into the next room. there's some spooky stuff in there, and bugs get added to the tank that you have to search around in for the code​
SPIDER: a room with a sticky floor. get the balls off the floor and hit the target with them to move the key further down the cylinder
DINO RODEO: ride the dino rodeo and use your bag to hit the key further along the rail
ZOO: put the animals into their matching boxes to get the key
CURSED TEMPLE: the cursed temple contains an obstacle course with moving obstacles and a thin [moving] balance beam. the key is at the end
​GARAGE: get in the seat then push to button to flip into the other room. then fill the bucket with water then make your way back to fill the cylinder with water to raise the key
BANK: in the first room of Boyard Bank, look for the key to open the door through to the next room smash the glass then pull the grate off the wall while you're being soaked in water. once you're in the vault, get the sledgehammer and open the vault door then smash through the bricks to get to the room with the key. THEN RUSH BACK
WORLD UPSIDE DOWN: travel between the 2 rooms of the house via the spinning tunnel. find eggs to put into the cylinder to move the key - but don't smash them. the 2nd room turns you upside down [camera trick like what was done in older CITV show Terror Towers - to be accurate, it was done in the Nightmare Room]!
CROCO WORLD: swim through the croc cage with the key on top. nudge it along to the exit, but beware - the lights will go out at some point
ABANDONED DUNGEON: make it through the dungeon by making it past the various obstacles
INFERNAL CELL: the key is protected by fire. to put it out, you must make it through the obstacles and hit the button that allows you to activate a switch that moves the water tank up until it empties over the fire
WATCHMAKER: you'll be running on a round spinning platform - press the button when your selected clock hand is in the target zone. then go back and crank the lever to move the key closer to the target hole. but beware - the target zones for the clocks get smaller and smaller