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ah, cash banooca's Road To Nowhere. this is one of THE most hard levels in ANY cash game.

everytime I'd die, I'd say something like: "NO, banooca, that is not a stable platform!!", so you could see I was going insane [also notice how it's called 'N.sane'?'

it took me what felt like a million tries to get to the end - used the side rope cheat too. 

those...pigs [?] got in the WAE a lot too, although that along with the platforms were a MAHOOSIVE problem too.

I only thought to use the D-PAD very later on - on starting the level, I thought 'HMMMMMM', that'll make me fall off of the rope!' OHHOWWRONGIWAS


one thing's for sure, though. I won't be doing the timetrial for this level in a hurry*


EDIT - LATER THE SAME DAY [3 DEC 2021] - guess what?! there is a HARDER version of ROAD TO NOWHERE called 'THE HIGH ROAD'. this version makes ROAD TO NOWHERE look like ELMO'S bum.


EDIT - EVEN LATER THE SAME DAY - FINISHED. IT. missed 34 boxes though. every time I would finish a level and see the 'missing boxes' count, I would say 'I know I've missed some boxes, CASH BANOOCA!'

honestly, the difficulty rating is ramped WAY up more than any other stage in ANY cash banooca game. and no, I will not be getting the PLATT relic either, because of how 'ARD this stage is. but, like I said, this stage makes 'road to nowhere' look like ELMO'S out of all people, let alone MUPPETS BUM.*

THANAX* for reading this very short page, and after I've completed the N.sane trilogy, I will be putting my HARDEST levels here.

not for platinum relics, just to finish them the 1st time. that includes CASH 1, CASH 2, CASH 3 WrApPeD* and CASH 4 - in a big tent.



EDIT - 4 DEC 2021 - the next hardest level [but not as blinking hard as THEHIGHROAD] is SLIPPERY CLIMB. I don't think I will have  as many tries on this level as that BRIDGE. I am still going to get 99 lives, though.

the music I am listening to as I am writing this is the music that plays in crash 2 when CASH BANOOCA is riding a BANOOCA jetpack in BANOOCA space for the first BANOOCARING time. [pack attack music]*



EDIT - LATER ON - FINISHED. IT. yes, banooca, I KNOW I missed a million boxes, but I don't flippin' care!!

the moving platforms were not as hard as you'd think. the only thing I had problems with were the stairs/slides*

plus! they give you 4 extra lives at the end - even though I ground 99 lives from -

N.sanity beach

jungle rollers

up the creek

the lost city




plus - I was listening to '7 times Crash Bandicoot was so hard it made us cry', because it has slippery climb in it. 

also - PAPU FLIPPING PAPU/purple nothing*

oh, and finished with 73 lives. IAMVERYGOOD*

and yes, lights out was next to no challenge for me

the high road. is. NUTS

I also like the lab settings, too

and yes, 'castle machinery' was a bit of a BUM, too

time to smash N.brio, then!

alright, time to smash cortex's supermassive skull!!!!!1!11!!

RIGHT, finished the lab. NOW it's time to smash Mr. yellowhead!!!1!

FINALLY, DONE. IT. GOOD GOD, that was THE hardest boss on this game. apparently, the PS1 version was EASIER. apparently, the hitboxes on Ned's gun are slightly BIGGER on the N.sane trilogy! WTF

that's crash 1 done - crash 2 iz nehxt!1!1!


oh, and NED CORTEX said 'darn you, crash bandicoot' so much, it nearly drove me N.sane!!!*

plus, just realized that only Neo Cortex ever speaks [?*]. Crash and Tawna DON'T. [they are just mute for some reason]




OH, and that CRASH BANDICOOT CUT CUTSCENE [y'know...that really strange ting that CADDY took a look at back in 2018]




EDIT 8 DEC - I'm on crash 3 now! this is the last game in the pack before I list death animations, enemies and my hardes levels.

oh, and the red gem in crash 2 is going to be on the list. y? 2 words. ICE. PHYSICS. they were so slippery to deal with [and the face it took me time to figure out the you can slide-jump while crouching*]


EDIT DEC 9 - oh, those motorbike levels will be here, too. 



EDIT DEC 10 2021 - finished cash banooca 3 - WRAPPED! lists will be on here soon [might even be later today, but we'll see]









this was the most difficult game to finish on bare bones [only 2 gems, no relics and no coloured gems*], so you could see how much a slide and slide-jump helps. that said though, there were some stages I thought i#I would be stuck on for ages, so here they are - 

[oh, and please note that I have a very good long-term memory, so stages I find a breeze now will also be on these lists]


-N.sanity beach. yes, I had trouble beating this stage. why? well, I was still getting used to the lives system, and those godforsaken PITS. I kept trying to jump over them, when I kept diving right into them. are you confused? confused or not, this is one of the levels I kept replaying for extra lives before attempting slippery climb. also, that pit right at the end of the level. I kept jumping unknowingly into it. oh, and not forgetting that pit with boxes over it. I died once to that, too.


-jungle rollers. the very next level. I don't recall having problems with the enemies, or the pits. it's the blinkin' rolling SLABS. it's the part where you have to jump over pits while also avoiding those slabz. oh, and not only that, but the part when you have to stand on the rolling slab's path in order to jump across 2 pits. yeah, the first time I played this level, it was the pits.


-the great gate. what to say about this level? well, it's a gate. a gate you need to get over. it's pretty obvious now I've said that, eh?

jokes aside, this level was just a bit hard to finish. one of these WHATSITS was the need to jump up those metal bouncy boxes near the start of the level. I could not figure out that you need to hold jump to bounce higher. this level was hard because I didn't know what button did what. but wait! there's more. there are these BLOKES that bash you off the side of the platform you're standing on. these guys aren't much of a challenge for me, but in the next gate level? THEY WERE A PAIN TO DEAL WITH.


-boulders. this will be a short one. and no, the boulder-chasing bit is no problem. what I DID have a problem with though, is another pit [well 2], where you jump over the first one and fell in the one right after that. 


-rolling stones. this has all the details from Jungle Rollers, but now with more pits! oh, and loves to put rolling slabs in front of more pits! OW NICE, it means I can't see where I'm going to land until I make the jump!!but what's this? there are moving and falling platforms, too?! all above pits and all before rolling slabs? sometimes, there are put all together, which means you need to jump from rolling slab zone, to moving or falling platform, and then back to a rolling slab platform and over maybe again 3 more times!


-hog wild. things come at you fast. 'nuff said, really.


-native fortress. the bouncy metal boxes are back from the great gate, but in this level, there are timed flaming torches! on some parts, you have to jump off of them when they are not burning! that means you can't take too long. oh, and on top of THAT, there is a part near to the end of the level where said shield-man can bash you off the side of the platform you're standing on, which means no matter where you go, if those spikes are up or if the torch is lit, you are gonna have to start form the last checkpoint. OH, and NOT ONLY THAT, but timed spikes and timed torches are TOGETHER in some places, which means you have to time 2 things AT ONCE. PLUS, there is a part where you have to jump off of 2 flaming torches in one go. and not only that, but there's a part with 2 timed spikey-sticky-things AND a flaming torch. slippy surfaces which slide you into flaming torches, 3 torches lined up in a row, and I think the devs realized this, and put 4 lives at the end. no wonder I was stuck on this level for damn ages.


-the lost city. another quick one - the only whatsit thing in this level are the moving walls. and yes, it did take me a while to find out the patterns to them. and, idiotic staircases took a bit of getting used to, as well. and yes, those floors with moving tiles were a pain in the BUM too.


-temple ruins. 2 words. moving. platforms. moving platforms that also drop.


-road to nowhere. this BRIDGE is one of the hardest levels in this game. want to know why?! well, you've got a bridge. said bridge is no very stable. some of the planks will fall once stepped on. at the first stop-off point, you have a box inbetween TNT boxes [2] you CAN'T spin them [otherwise, BLANG]. after said point, you have to deal with planks that have been broken in half. you CANNOT stand on these no matter what. there are also Tawna tokens to find for a BOUNS round. next, you see the first ANNOYING enemy -

a PIG, out of all things. you CANNOT hurt these guys, so the best thing is to use AUK-AUK or to avoid the entirely. when you've got your head around that, you need to think quickly. there are planks covered in ice, and you slip on these. and since they are all pointing DOWNWARDS, you need to jump of them. after the BOUNS round, there are these turtles that you have to jump off of. but you can also spin them away. and they don't respawn. GOODLUCKKIDS! I used the rope cheat to beat the level. 


-sunset vista. it is like the lost city. 


-generator room. 2words. moving. platforms.


-toxic waste. yeah sure, this level is toward the end. BUTTHATDOESNTMAKEITGOOD. the rolling toxic waste barrels roll down slopes, and if that wasn't enough, later on they start BOUNCING. you NEED to put yourself in the exact right place before you're SQUISHY. oh, and on top of all that, you cannot fall off the middle platform.


-the high road. it's the same as road to nowhere, except the there is no BOUNS round. OH, and incase you missed it, it is possible to backtrack at the start of the level. jump to find the hidden planks! oh, and they give 2 lives at the start. once again, GOODLUCKKIDS!


-slippery climb. moving platforms, lab blokes, retracting stairs and spikes. all of which will ANNOY THE PANTS OFF YOU. I mean, come on, they give you 4 lives at the end, too! but, for me, at least, the level gets easier the more you go on. 


-lights out. come on. I HAVE to include this. in case you can't see what the problem is, let me spell it out. YOUCANTSEE*. you can't get hit AT ALL. if you do, you lose ALL the light. 'nuff said, really.


-jaws of darkness. all the same guff from temple ruins.


-the lab. for god's sake, THE. LAB. mygod, the lab. where to begin here? WITHTHEBEGINNING!* you need to hit switch boxes to open doors and close floors to get across them. not only that, but also timed electric gates, N.Brio's blob monsters from the fight before this stage, lab blokes with electric glove-things [who you can only spin when their gloves are turned off, which is a small time slot] and the fact one of the last opening floors is done on a timed loop, not a switch box. I mean, to be fair, this is the last level before you fight DOCTOR NED CLIMAX*, but still! [and no, the great hall DOESN'T count, because the clear gems are optional]



NOW, CRASH 2 - climax strikes back!


this was a bit easier to finish. 5 clear gems, 4 coloured gems and all 25 crystals.

the yellow gem I don't have, due to the requirements being like a time-trial.


here are the levels -


-snow biz. you've got slippy ice. you've got 2 types of crushy-things - one that is on a timed loop, and one that moves as soon as you move toward it. but really, the ice is the biggest problem for me.


-bear it. SEE HOG WILD


-bear down. SEE BEAR IT


-road to ruin. this stage was only hard due to me not knowing how to deal with those LIZARDS. 


-un-bearable. for the second half, SEE HOG WILD


-cold hard crash. it's like jungle rollers from crash 1, except now there is SLIPPY ICE!!!


-ruination. hard for only two reasons. 1st is the fact that, again, I didn't know how to remove those lizards, and 2nd, those 2 slippery platforms near the end of the level. moving slippery platforms. and the blinkin' tiki head flames.


-bee-having. the stupid bee. again, 'nuff said.


-BOUNS - snow go [red gem]. this was a PAIN to finish. there's ICE everywhere, and all of the usual GUFF being thrown at you in a standard ice stage. NOT ONLY THAT, but there are NITRO BOXES in this gem route, too. GOODLUCKKIDS!







now for crash 3 WARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPED! this game lowered the difficulty from high to EZ. saying that, though, there were a few WOTSIT levels [most of which are BIKE levels] -

oh, and I'm missing the red gem, because I simply WAS NOT going through DEEP TROUBLE after what Caddy said about the red bloody gem.


-orient express. SEE HOG WILD.


-hog ride. THIS. STAGE. IS. HARD. is what I said after I played all of the bike stages in crash 3. you have to get 1st place. sounds easy, right? WELLNO*, because you race against more LAB BLOKES, who, for some untold reason, have been allowed to drive cars. not only that, but you have to avoid pits, jump ramps and use boost pads. problem is, said boost pads make you turning SO SLOW it feels like cash can't be bothered to even TRY to get 1st place. as you can tell, I'm not a fan of racing games.


-midnight run. SEE HOG WILD


-road crash. SEE HOG RIDE


-orange asphalt. SEE HOG RIDE


yes, only 5 stages were hard for me. and no, I did NOT bother unlocking AERA 51?, FUTURE FRENZY and RINGS OF POWER in the secret warp room, because I only wanted the yellow gem from HANG 'EM HIGH's gem path. and because I can, here are the relics I got for that yellow gem -


-toad village

-under pressure

-bone yard

-gee wiz

-hang 'em high

-hog ride [yes, I waited for the other BLOKES to leave, before getting a sapphire relic]

-tomb time

-dino might!

-road crash [see hog ride's relic]

-double header]




NOWFORCRASH4INABIGTENT - this game was the first crash game I played. too bad it was one of the HARDEST ONES TO GET GEMS ON. the wumpa fruit gems are alright, but the box gem and 3 deaths or less gem can both SCREW themselves.

I mean, for a start, some of the boxes are REALLY hidden, and getting 3 deaths or less is REALLY HARD on some stages [looking at you, cortex castle]

either way, here are my hardest levels in the latest cash banooca game, cash banooca 4 - in a big tent.


-draggin' on. 2 words. BLUE. GEM. that is all.


-all cortex stages, only because I found the dash difficult to use [ship happens*/fossil fueled/shipping error/the crate escape*/seeing double]










there you have it, my cash banooca hardest levels list. t6u5yju735jj74 DONGDONGDONGDONGDONG







Crash 1 -



turtle - you can knock them over and jump on them


flytrap - theydonothing/they also snap shut

monkey - they roll around and stop on certain points

shield blokes - they push you off using shields - and you can use them as bouncy platforms/the ones in riding stages mover left and right

piranha - they come out of the water

snappyplant - the red ones snap as soon as you jump on it/the purple ones snap on a timed loop

lizard - they walk around

bat - they fly toward you from pre-set points. in the tomb levels, they fly toward you

another lizard-thing - they jump in pre-set patterns. there's also a red version, but I'm not sure what it does differently

cobra - they come out of holes. they bite you if you get clos

spider - they drop down 

pig - you can't damage them. they come running in your direction

camera-like robots - they move up and down

animal-like robots - they move side to side

saw-like robots - they move up and down. 

potoroo - they shoot a round of bullets 

bear-thing - they fling toxic waste barrels. said barrels can just roll, or bounce

funny man - they try to grab you

vulture - they fly up and down

lab bloke - they throw flasks of grape fanta*

rat - they come running toward you - even if they are right next to a pit

blob monster - the same blobs from N.bro's fight before

electric lab bloke - they have gloves with electric zaps on them. when they switch off, you can spin to push him into a pit



spiky-pole-things - they move up and down. they are stationary in riding stages

moss - theymakeplatformsslippy

fire - when it is off, you can bounce on them

rolling slabs - they roll around in 1s or 2s

bridge-thing - its got 5 blocks - the middle one does nothing. the others make it spin in the direction said block is in

appearing platforms - they move in and out on a loop

spears - they come in and out on a timed loop

falling platforms - they fall after you jump on them

moving platforms

crushing walls - they move in and out

pipes - they can be silver or orange. the orange ones damage you

fans - they turn on and off on a loop

funny-gates - they shoot electric zaps through the top part, and the bottom part works like the pipes

retracting stairs - they fold into slides


axes - they come swing toward you

retracting floors - they open and close. all but 1 uses a ! box


boxes -

standard boxes - they give 1 wumpa fruit - if you get 100, you get a extra live

? box - they give wumpa fruit or face tokens - for a BOUNS round/the cortex BOUNS rounds have keys at the end - they unlock secret stages

live box - give a extra live

wumpa fruit boxes - bouncy - they give 2 wumpa fruit per bounce - it takes 5 bounces or a single spin

TNT boxes - if you jump on them, it starts a 3-second countdown. if you spin them, you blow up

metal box - you cannot break them at all

bouncy box - you can jump on them/the metal versions cannot be broken

! box - they make outlined boxes appear

C box - checkpoint

aku aku box - gives you a akuaku mask for a extra hitpoint - get 3 to become invincible. he can also be found alone - or as a candle, in the dark levels

nitro box - if you touch them at ALL, you blow up



papu-papu - he spins his stick in a circle. he stops, and smashes his stick where crash is standing. jump on his head to damage him

ripper roo - he jumps from platform to platform, on a set loop. jump on big TNT crates at the right time so they explode and damage him.

koala kong - he throws rocks. jump over the small ones, and spin the big ones back at him. minecarts get in the way of the bigger ones, and TNT boxes detonate, too

pinstripe potoroo - he shoots bullets. he will stop at certain points. spin him when this happens

N. [nitrus] brio - he flings 2 types of potions - the green ones unleash blob monsters that you can jump on to damage him. the purple ones damage you. when he is on 1 block of health, he drinks both potions and turns into the brio monster, who smashes his arms down. you need to jump on his head using the bricks

N. [neo] cortex - he shoots energy balls. the purple ones come toward you. the blue/grey ones bounce/move along the top and bottom. the green ones can be shot back at him, but they still damage you








enemies -

mole - they work like the crabs from crash 1

spiky turtles - they work like the turtles from crash 1, but they are spiky, which means you can't spin them

penguin - they stop and spin. they can also slide down slopes

seal - the first type works like the moles. the second type slides down slopes

pirhana - they jump up

snappy plant - works like the plants from crash 1/they shoot bombs - when you get near, it hides, and you can bellyflop them

vulture - they swoop down

sawblade turtle - like spiky turtle, but you can only spin them

hedgehog - if they see you, they extend their spikes

spikey rat - they have spiky armour. 

eel - they start electric zaps that move throughout water

sponge bot - they slip around walls and floors

spiky bot - these hover in place [or move] 

flamethrower men - they use flamethrowers. when they turn off, you can spin them

lizard - they wear spiked helmets

gorilla - they throw logs

monkey - they jump and roll around

gekko - they just move along. WHATATHREAT

lumberjack man - they slam hammers down

brain bot - you cannot touch their heads. they move around

octo bots - when they are flattened, you can jump on them. when they are folded up, you can only spin them

shield blokes - they try to push you away using shields

the saw bots return from crash 1, but they have lights


things that get in your wae -

crushy things - the first type smashes as soon as you step near it. the second type smashes on a loop

mines - they blow up and slow you down

electric gates - they zap you

fan - these spin. 

toxic barrels - they roll around

totem-things - they move around. you can tell when they are about to when their faces change

bee - they come out of hives, and chase you, no matter what

moving platform - you can't touch the sides



ripper roo - he jumps around, revealing TNT crates that explode. then, he does the same thing, but with nitro. after that, he gets dizzy, and you can spin him

komodo bros. - one of them spins around until they get dizzy. after that, the other throws knives. during the final part, along with the spinning, there is more knives

tiny tiger - he jumps around platforms and chases you. when they turn red, they fall. you need to get him to fall.

N. [nitrus] gin - he starts off using laser beams inside of his mech's hands. next, his mech's shoulders shoot rockets. finally, he brings out a bigger laser inside mech's chest. every time said weapons start, he exposes a few of his weak points. you need to throw wumpa fruit at these yellow spots to damage him

ned cortex - you need to chase him through space. when you get to him [after avoiding asteroids and mines], spin him


boxes -

locked boxes - you need to belly flop them







enemies -

goat - they walk side to side

frog - they jump around on a loop

sword man - they swing swords around

swimming man - they swim around. if they see you, they jump up and grab you

wizard - they shoot magic

sword bloke - they slash their sword. they can also throw them

carpet bloke - they block your path

pocket monkey* - spin them to put a pot on their head. when this happens, they become bouncy, and require another spin to remove

snake - they move around

crocodile - they jump out of pits

pot-thing - they come out of pots to throw projectiles

switch bloke - they flip switches to activate falling block traps

flamethrower bloke - they work like the crash 2 one

fish-thing - they spin and try to block your path

FIREMAN SAM* - they throw things that start fire

two headded man - they throw their clubs. if you knock him over by jumping on their head, you can bounce off them

coffin bloke - they try to squish you. if you hit them, they come out as mummies. they them require another spin

bee bots - they launch down at pre-set points

lab blokes - they drive UFOs. you can't touch the sides of said UFO. certain ones a timed laser

spiky dome things - they are spiky. every so often, a cover covers the spikes so you can spin it

scarab - moves around

spiky boot bloke - they jump around

shield bloke - they to block your path with bouncy shields

bigger robot - he shoots 3 rockets, then you can hit the green weakspot on his back



poison arrows - the light spots trigger poison arrows that launch

spears - they come up on a loop

steam thing - they shoot steam on a loop

laser gates - they turn on and off on a loop

turning platforms - when they are green, you can use them. when they are red, they turn to the side


bosses -

tiny tiger - he jumps around. when he gets his trident suck, spin him. after that, he unleashes a LOAD of lions

dingodile - he drops fireballs. after that, he shoots bursts of fire. that destroys his shield so you can spin him. after you spin him, his flamethrower explodes after a short time

N.tropy - first, he shoot balls that follow you. [there also is a type that avoids you] next, he has lasers move across the platform. then, he makes platforms appear that you can use to get to him to spin him

N.gin - you pilot a ship to shoot at N.gin's weak yellow spots. after you've destroyed his first ship, he comes back with a upgraded version. you also get an upgrade to destroy his ship

ned climax - he shoots energy balls. after that, he flings mines. then, his forcefield disappears and you can spin him. during the ball and mine parts, you also have to avoid aku aku and uka uka's beam and spinning







boxes -

slot boxes - they swap between boxes

metal checkpoint box - works like switch box and checkpoint box






cash 4 - in a big tent



enemy -

the crabs are the same. the pig thing works the same also

spider - it floats around

thrower mask - works like lab blokes from crash 1

hammer mask - they use a hammer

crazy zombie - runs around fast

bomber jetpack - they fling bombs

sawblade zombie - runs toward you

helmethead zombie - his head is on fire! as such, you cannot jump on him

chainsaw cyborg - he slashes his chainsaw-arm along the ground

rat slasher - they move left and right

dragon slasher - they slash their swords

octopus slasher

crab basher - they charge forward

rat swinger - swings side to side
shark thrower - they throw fishbones

eel - their heads lash out

lionmask - they charge

dragon - they fly around

gong men - they bash gongs that send shockwaves out

ghost - they float around

clown wheel - they move back and forth

clown box - they jump up out of their boxes

helicopter clown - they fly up and down

bats - they drop nitro boxes

walking man - they move around

fisherman - they shoot swordfish out

wheel bloke - they stumble around

chainman - they throw chain balls

lab drone man - the control drones that move around

ski lab blokes - they ski down slopes

red dino - you can knock them over and jump on them

horned flying thing - it flies around

bug - they move around

electro alien - their staff makes a electo-gate

electro bot - they shoot balls of electic zaps

UFO - they emit a yellow beam

eel mouth - they snap on a loop

electric alien

starfish - they snap if you stand on it

dustbin bot - they spin their arms along the floor befor becoming dizzy

drone - they drop TNT and nitro

suction bot

bug - the start zaps on a loop

rat - they use spikey shields

blobs - they roll around

bats - they fly around

green dasher - they zip forward - FAST

zapper bot - they shoot electric zaps



rolling slabs

disappearing platforms

flamethrower - turns on and off on a loop

electric gates - they can be stationary or moving

wrecking ball - they swing from side to side

spiky bars - they move up and down or side to side

cannon - they shoot on a loop

lillypad - they snap when stood on. another type snaps on a loop

shooting shrines - they shoot green magic


ghost trumpet - they shoot fireballs


flytrap - they can whip the ground or sweep 

laser gate

spinning metal edge

electric ball - they shoot zaps out


boss -

n.gin -you have to spin helmethead zombies to damage his equipment. while you do that, he has his mech shoot energy disks. [jump over the green, duck under the red] after 3 zombies hit him, do a platform to fin his mech. on his last hitpoint, he makes the bossfight like a stage, where zombies pop up randomly

n.brio - he throws 2 types of potions - green [for blobs that damage him] and purple [for shockwaves] for the last regular phase, he sends you into N.verted mode. after that, he turns into the brio monster, and smashes his fists before he gets dizzy and you can spin him off the platform

ned climax 1 - he has 2 types of attack - shooting missiles and unleashing energy disks/tornados. while these attacks a in progress, a punchbot mk. 2 spins along the floor, and you can spin it back at climax to damage him. the final hitpoint has some of the floor removed, and a new red slide-only tornado is indroduced

n.tropy - you need to make it to their base [jumping along moving platforms and avoiding a laser]. then the first moving part has you move forward and avoid blue balls and spin laser gate generators. the other one is the same, but includes bigger gates with blue balls and another gate that chases you. the final phase is like the first phase, but with more regular blue balls

ned climax 2 - there are these zapperbots that shoot shockwaves. you need to jump on them while the floor falls. after you deal with a wave of this, a blaster lab bloke appears that shoots green balls. after you wipe the first one out, the floor phases in and out. this, along with another lab bloke, and onto the next phase. now, he uses lasers [jump over the red, duck under the blue]. next, he turns the screen upside down, and uses more lasers. then, he slows and speeds up the attacks [the platforms drop]. next, 3 lasers spin around, and 4 zapperbots appear. then, 4 blokes appear, 1 at a time

box -

wumpa fruit box - it gives a load of wumpa fruit

flame box - you can't break it when it is on fire-mode

timed box - hit the ! box to make timed boxes appear












*yes, I did intend for that to be randomly worded

*altogether now, THAT WAS AN ASHENS JOKE!

*that is me trying to replicate the voice filter on N.sane menu [for warped, when NED CLIMAX says 'crash bandicoot WARPED', except the 'WARPED' part has a voice filter put over his real voice]

playstation magazine says - 'crash 2 soundtrack - 5/10 - usual plinky plonky soundtrack' ARE YOU MENTAL, MAGAZINE?!?!*

*altogether now, THAT WAS A CADDICARUS JOKE!!! [this is going to be a repeating thing]

*now that. was. APAININTHEASS!!1!

*altogether now, THATWASACADDICARUSJOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!1!

*oh, and on top of that, those BLOKES did not make it any 'ARDER for me. and no, I WILL NOT be doing stormy ascent at all. why?! ITS DLC, AND NOT REQUIRED TO FINISH [?] THE GAME. [not a part of the PS1 version - or any other version other than switch version] [EDIT 19 AUG 2022 - I DID IT ANYWAY SOME TIME AGO. TAKE THAT, MEH!!!]

*I was being sarcastic


*putting that there because I don't know if any of the other bosses talk [N.Brio/Ripper Roo ECT]

*but I thought that you could only do that while in a slide...DUH

*oh, and no keys, so no secret levels

*yes, that was yetanother CADDY joke

*yes, yetanother CADDY joke


*drum roll...CADDY JOKE!

*HAHAHAHA, toysforbob! this game is rated 12 for a reason!

*but for another reason - the end part is DIFFY!!1!, because you move fast, and have to deal with weird gravity. and if you're going for the box gem, you can't miss a single box, because it's an auto-scroller.


*I don't know, I just wanted to call it that

*CADDY JOKE! [how many of these are there on this page?!]


hello, I'm SPONS! [the fact he was able to make a character out of sponsorships was and still is AMAZING]

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