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I don't normally do this kind of stuff, but here we are. here's my opinions on power rangers series MMPR - PRCF - 


MMPR - to put it short - I never watched it. the toyline seemed alright, though

S2 - the fact they scrapped the Dairanger suits [but kept Kibaranger's] feels like a stupid choice, as they would later re-introduce them anyway. 

S3/MMAR - they should've called it 'Mighty Morphin' E.T. Rangers', as "NINJAS WONT SELL!!!11!", apparently.

PRZ - never saw it

PRT - never saw it

PRIS - I have no idea why the tech theme of Megaranger was cut - it was the 90's, after all. apparently, the writers actually thought it was space themed - apparently they didn't notice the light-up helmets.

PRLG - ok, this was GOING to be nature themed, until corporate messing changed that, resulting in space a second time.

PRLR - it's alright

PRTF -its alright

PRWF - its alright, YOU'RE KING!

PRNS - the VS concept [as seen in the prototypes with Power Rangers Hexagon] would've worked, I think. the lack of a 3rd thunder ranger is ironic, as Akibaranger has another [Tentoraiger - apparently this was brought in to parody Hexagon - apparently since Disney wanted a thunder ranger of the same colour]

PRDT - once again, dinosaur make dosh.


PRMF - alright

PROO - alright

PRJF - alright, but the sunglasses morpher feels a bit too much like a cash-grab - no fist-morpher for you, it's too violent!!! but we'll still include the blade claw, das alright dat is 

PRR - alright, but the lack of talking vehicles is thanks to the toy-line having no zord-sound things. they actually used this to their advantage for a comedy bit once since they had no other reasoning as to why the zords all seemed to be ALIVE

PRS - with Saban back in control, things went downhill - Disney wanted to do it, apparently. it was also around this time that Toei decided to make Sentai as un-adaptable as possible out of sheer spite towards Disney, since they previously wanted to meddle with Sentai's production in Japan - which they never got, of course 

PRM - SCREW MEGAFORCE!!11! was not my reaction when I watched it - the angel theme was cut out ENTIRELY, even though you can see wings on some finishers. the most dumb thing Megaforce did was remove Datas, because that meant you had to buy corporate vehicle not-in-show-or-even-in-sentai trash to complete Ultra [or hyper, because they lost the plot and "forgot" to edit the Gosei card names out] Gosei Great

PRSM - they had to be right nutters to mess this up - this was a money-maker for Saban, what with all the past rangers. and rangers that never showed up before thanks to screwed editing. the pirate theme was removed, even though...EVERYTHING is pirates. just to prove it, every toy item has at least one pirate logo somewhere on it, the role-play is swords and not-guns [because they don't allow guns, even though they like to shoot eachother a lot in the US]

PRDC - in my opinion, the only decent season to come out of the neo-saban era, and yes, I know I'm gonna be hunted down and killed because of that opinion, but I don't give a damn, because reasons.

PRNS - "ninjas will sell" said the Saban person, but I agree. 

PRBM - "animals will sell" said hasbro, and as a result, cut all traces of spy stuffs out - even though TRANSFORMERS once has spies in the form of Soundwave and Blaster, but that was back in the 1980's [last week], and so they probably thought the idea wouldn't work again

PRDF - good, but haven't seen it, only watched clips. the toys on the other hand? RABBISH! it took them WAY TOO LONG to release the gold ranger's morpher [mosa blaster], as it came out in 2022 - when it SHOULD'VE released the year before - they're L8, M8s!

PRCF - this apparently is the LAST SERIES of powerful strangers that will use sentai footage, and I'm thankful for that. why? well... JUST READ THE BELOW BITS AND FIND OOT



SIDE EDIT: not for the tv, for the toys: turns out they're scrapping kyutama altogether, which is an outright stupid idea, since kyutama = money. what are they replacing it with? a light-up sphere and a thing that listens to the show to react to it with lights. basically, instead of a fancypants sphere item set, we're getting a thing that works exactly like the old LUDUS CBBC app from 2014. GREAT [oh, and apparently they're gonna pretend the swordfish [kajiki] is a shark, which . . . its knot]


EDIT FOR THE EDIT: they're keeping kyutama, but only for the zords? come again???? you're missing profit here! worse, they're making the kyutama 'zordlink', which is messing up their own formula!!!!


EDIT FOR THE EDIT FOR THE EDIT: turns out they're not using the kyutama full stop. the kyutama on the zords are... just a zord. POOR. also as it turns out they could be using the talon/dark dino charge ranger. but they're not using the INDAVERS. first time in ages where they scrapped a foot soldier in favour of a 'better' one


EDIT FOR THE EDIT FOR THE EDIT FOR THE EDIT - THE FINAL: it also turns out Hasbro wants to STOP USING SENTAI FOOTAGE, which means OG POWER RANGERS THAT AREN'T FROM JAPAN!!!!!!! bout time, they've screwed it up too mush


FINAL THE EDIT: the ultimate final send-off for Power Rangers [cosmic fury] is apparently taking parts of other Sentai and MUSHING THEM TOGETHER LIKE NOTHING. Naria = Jadana and here, she is TOTALLY downgraded. instead of being the chick who grows eviltons [by using medals she kissed, seriously now], she is now a person who got trashed after 2 episodes. WOT A JOKE. 

I mean, Cosmic Fury is just Ryusoulger, Kyuranger, Zyuohger and LuPat GLUED TOGETHER. Zyu and LuPat for the monsters, and the other 2 for the footage. the TV show is mashed up into nothing and the toy-line is basically not happening, what with the $73 DOLLAR MEGAZORD THEY CAME OUT WITH RECENTLY, WHICH IS THE SAME PRICE YOU CAN GET THE MUCH BETTER JAPANESE VERSION FOR


and now, an info bit - 


HASBRO'S PR SERIES - INFORMATIONAL BIT. [they're scrapping sentai footages alltogether, SO JOIN ME AS I POINT OOT Y]


ToQger - TRAINS. basically translates to "never doing it"​

they aren't gonna do this one. if the toys fail, that could rip ASBRO apart. they could use the concept of a 'rainbow ranger', as thats the kind of thing they seem to want to like, as shown with the chromafury COLOUR-READING sword, y'know, the one which is meant to read KEYS?!???! also, they'd need to explain Wagon, and I can 100% confirm they'd just skip round the issue, like wot 4KIDZ did with SONICX...that...that was painful to watch. pointing fingers instead of guns?! what are you, the police or some random blokes from the high street?!?!


HASBRO REASONING: the trains just got the better of them all, plus the rainbow ranger 


Zyuohger - ANIMALS. basically means "we'll see"​

likely. animals will sell, and BM proved it. the megazords? they will need fixing. the role-play gear? perfect for hasbro...the flippin gun even has a orange cap on it!!!!!!!!


HASBRO REASONING: the megazords, most probably. also the fact there's no gimmick. "ARGH THE FURRIES" was what they're were most probably thinking . . . oh, and Naria. they can't do Naria


UPDATE ON COSMIC FURY [29 release dae]: you know how I said they can't do Naria?! Jadana proved me wrong, except she didn't, as she only appeared for 2 episodes and screwed off. they could've nicked Jagged and used him, or the VIKUNG, or any other bloke, but for SOME REASON they went with Naria. well, at least they didn't adapt the medal slots... WWWWWWWWWWWW


[note: "WWW" is basically the JAPANESESY way for saying LOL]



the VS concept could work for the toys, but for the just no. in LUPAT, the lupinrangers AND the patrangers both aim guns at themselves and the villains. hell, the goodstriker has a FACE on it!!! also, they'd need to explain the lupin collection, as certain bits are based on items from sentai that have been adapted into pr, but other pieces haven't. they've kind of already done the 'item collection' idea with PRBM, though. keeping the lupinrangers' story would also be really hard, since the reason why they needed to nick off with the lupin collection is because they want to bring their dead friends and family alive, which is a plotline america can't have without the board of censors getting their... orange capped guns out


HASBRO REASONING: ack. this one was probably decided to be NERFED [hah] as soon as it came out in 2018 thanks to the KOPS VS ROB idea, and the dual X ranger. AND OF COURSE THE FACT THAT IN ALL THE FOOTAGES THEYRE POINTING GUNS AT EACH OTHER [and the villains (most notably, Gauche) probably didn't help]. oh, and the story probably made their minds up 


UPDATE ON COSMIC FURY [29 release dae]: they've got hold of your mate Pecker and stuck them in Kosmik Furry, too. BUT Y


Kiramager - VEHICLES. means "WE'LL SEE"​

good luck, hasbro. I'm saying that cos this is actually very likely to be adapted, thanks to both the vehicles and the sparkly stuff the kiddie blokes all seem to really like. it'll sell toys, you see. they'll cut out the talking vehicles, though [which could've worked based on the fact that there's no human-like features on the vehicles like in RPM]


HASBRO REASONING - exact same reason as Zyuohger: no gimmick, although if they WERE to do it, they'd miss out half with MASHIN ARMS in the toys, which as a TOY COMPANY, they CAN'T DO!!!


UPDATE ON COSMIC FURY [29 release dae]: come to think of it, WHY DIDN'T they use the Kiramage suits?! sparkly guff will sell apparently [just look at SUPERFINGS], so . . . Y NOT?!?!?!?! 


Zenkaiger - FITJGIO. means "D.O.S.H. WHAT DOES THAT SPELL? DOSH!"​

everything after MSK they don't have the rights to, but they could purchase everything else. if they do so, it will be a giant problem for the editing people, as a failed adaption of KSZ could mean a repeat of PRSM, and we all know how well that went. the numbers on the members' helmets, ZENKAISER, the sentai gears, it's all production nightmares


Donbrothers - QWERTY. basically translates to "NOT 'APPINING, MATE!!!"​

the momotaro theme means this one is getting the axe out of the gate. come on now, you cannot pass a peachbloke off as a samurai or a ninja, can you??!?!? if you could, blue ranger is a MUNK, black ranger is a dog and pink ranger is a BIRD...and both black and pink use CGI...AND there's the avataro gears, which will repeat the nightmares of KSZ all over again [oh. and pink's a guy, which Hasbro can't do thanks to the stupid useless thing called GENDER ROLES that apparently Hasbro has to follow in order for kids to like them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid]


King-ohger - MECHANICAL. basically means "MAKE OUR OWN GIMMICK!!!!"​

the only real problem I can see with this one is no collectible gimmick. the suits, the footage*, the robots are all fine.


*except its NOT. in all episodes so far, every time a ranger breaths on a foot soldier, their blood flies out. sure, it's only black, and it's a clever SENSORING tactic in case ASBRO wants to adapt this series, but that could still be a problem

[OH! and the robots get SO BIG they'd have to make every zord in the toy line, which, as you know already, THEY CAN'T DO! AS PROVEN FROM MISTER BEEST MOPPERS AND DYINO FURRY!!!1111!11!!111!1!Q1111!]


BoonBoomGer - KABLANG. basically means that ASBROS SCREWED​

from the look of it, BoonBoomGer will be vehicles/explosions, which probably won't slide in MURCIA thanks to america being the place of stupid people, and they probably won't want to offend anyone. that aside, the overall theme probably would be too hard to adapt anyway, so WHY BOTHER


EDIT 6/OCT 2024: halfway through BoonBoom, and there's no explosions, but there IS a lack of "evil evil" villains in the main line-up. basically, the SanSeaters have a "good guy" vibe to them, they only raise their evil level when their captains order them around. Yarucar would probably get kicked out due to his design, but the other two [decotrade and itasha] would probably stay, although it'd be a bit weird seeing itasha in power rangers due to the culture changes. the only REAL "evil" villains are the captains, which get swapped out every now and then, and while hasbro COULD fudge them together for a weird 3-member team [possibly also with decotrade], that wouldn't help, since the monster growing methods ALWAYS use Yarucar, and it would basically not work if they were to cut him out, unless they were to make a new monster growing method, which they haven't done before [for the record, cosmic fury chickened out and only used squidrills most of the time, which didn't have the ENLARGE INROS that most of space shogunite jark matter had, thus letting hasbro not worry about editing that footage down]


GoZyuGer - BITEY BITEY BITE. basically means that it's really hard

there's a rumour that the gozyuger changer for the core 5 will also be the base mecha - meaning that the changer will be multi-functional again. this also means that the mecha's "zord" mode will be their changer, and not individual animal machines, unlike what we've been used to for the last 50 million years


EDIT 10/7/23 found out last night at 1 AM that 4KIDS [the YUGIOH companie] decided to adapt ULTRAMAN TIGA. they did a JOLLIE GUD JOBBO of it as far as I can tell, and they did a mush better job of this than 'ABAN did to MASKED ROIDA

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