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here's some ADDVERTZ I remember/I found on YouTube - 


first up, BANDAI US. they got a LOAD of things wrong in these adverts.


Power Rangers Operation Overdrive [yes, all of the series videos are called that]


-[Drivemax Megazord/Dualdrive Megazord] - the things on the helmet of Drivemax are pointing the wrong way. also, for some reason, the voice-over refers back to a thing called 'Dualmax Megazord', I think he meant the Dualdrive Megazord, BUTSTILL

and, as an added offence, they show footage of Super Drivemax Megazord, a thing they aren't talking about.


-[Overdrive Saber Max/Turbodrill Max Vehicles] - this is just toy-only guff. the Saber max thing is from the Mystic Force toyline as a toy-only item, and the Turbodrill things are already toy-only


Power Rangers Jungle Fury


-[Animorphin' Rangers/Air Blaster] - the target shot thing at the end can't be bothered


R! P! M! - 


Nitro Blaster/Cell Shift Morpher - for some reason, calls the Engine Cells 'keys'. don't know why. and in the end shot, the green morph cell appears, even though none of the on-screen products come with it


High Octane Megazord - has Eagle Racer's wings down in land mode, and the end shot shows the MicroZords


Samurai - 


Samurai Weapons/Samurai Megazord - calls the FoldingZords 'Mystic Zords' - ARE YOU STUCK IN 2006?!

ClawZord - red is riding it, not gold, and the arms/weapons are wrong for each formation


Megaforce - [it's around this time the adverts start to look like YouTube Kids videos - BAD, DAMNIT!]


Masks/Blaster - they gave the Robo Knight kid a Gosei Blaster - he should have a Leon Laser


Super Megaforce - 


nearly all of them - has the key's arms down in key mode

Legendary Megazord - shows the wrong key with the ZeoRacer and MysticDragon


Dino SuperCharge [the ads are decent enough, aside from this one]


Dino SuperDrive Saber - the on-screen text moves with the camera, and, at the end, the entire thing moves to fit - I think this is just the YouTube version, though





-Samurai Role-Play - the kid with the gold mask has a SpinSword, not a BarracudaBlade





Samurai Megazord - the helmet isn't inside of the Dragon FoldingZord. they give the zords genders, and I don't know why. THEY'RE ROBOTS, DAMNIT!!!q!!!!!h!hh!u!!!!!o!op!o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!kmkhgyhyjuoP!!!


BeetleBlaster Megazord - for some reason, they rotate the mandible up when it doesn't need to

SwordfishFencer Megazord - refers to the NetherWorld as 'UnderWorld'

TigerDrill Megazord - uses the Battlewing helmet

ClawbattleZord - for the first 1 [SOUTH], the arms are showing the screws




NinjaMasterBlade - in the final shot, it shows stars not included with the shown products

LionFireMorpher - the sword changes in-between shots [Starblade/SuperStarBlade]




thats alright, then - hears moar - 



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