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Cybercrusher - he whacks the same bit of ground for 5 hours

Lasertron - attracts cats. A lot of fluffy cats

Vectorspear - has a stick with a metal on it. Calls it ‘pokey pike’. Don’t know WTF he’s on… [splatalot ref]

Saberquake - bootleg saberspark who monitors earthquakes

Blitzcrash - a singular naffster who crashes into walls all day

Electrostorm - bloke who goes into randomer’s houses just to flip switches

Electrotron - needs to be plugged in, otherwise he explodes

Ultrawave - his hand waves at max speed

Hammerstrike - bonks himself for being horny

Razorfrost - uses freezing razors in his bathroom-room

Steamstorm - takes very hot showers, then has to stand in the rain

Hydrostreak - pours water onto train tracks

Laserstar - goes to nightclubs, but thanks to his lasers, attracts way too many cats

Shockcrash - crashes his car form 

Laserstreak - plonks his nightclub right next to a railway

Shockwing - eats his own metal wings

Thunderspear - insists on doing pole vaults in the rain

Blitz blast - fires his gun randomly

Magnoclaw - uses a magnet as a claw. No idea why he thinks it's a good idea…

Aquacrash - buys a load of bumper boats just to crash them into walls

Mechacrash - breaks into toei’s office just to fight smaller robots [sentai ref]

Hydrostrike - shoots water guns all day

Wildstrike - becomes a furry. Thats it!

Battlewave - fights water for no apparent reason

Magnoshadow - he…he just attracts at night. Why? Who knows

Electroquake - uses electric earthquakes. SCI-FY!!!!1111

Battlecrusher - crushes battle midway through without any warning 

Nitrostorm - throws non-existent boxes of nitro [cash banooca ref]

Metalwave - throws a massive sheet of metal at people

Technoburner - just burns random tech

Ultrabolt - shocks rivals with pretend lightning

Electroclaw - sticks his hands in sockets…knot sm-art, mate

Magnocrusher - smashes magnits for no apparent reason

Magnoblade - his sword attracts metal…POINTLESS

Razorspark - his razor keeps sparking, so its a safety hazard

Steamfrost - takes freezing cold showers

Technofrost - stands in the snow all day

Aqua strike - shoots water

Nitrofrost - gets cold from doing nothing

Magnocrash - crashes into walls

Electrocharger - charges his phone

Metalwave - throws sheets of metal

Shockcrusher - crushes randomers

Scatterblade - throws a load of knives into the air

Steamwave - blasts steam


alton towers/super sentai hybrids - 

Hexatime [hex/timeranger] [H visor logo]

Gaomission [submission/gaoranger] [jaw marble visor]

Airricane [air/hurricaneger] [aqua wind school ranger]

Abareouse [DUEL/abaranger] [laser + anklo motif]

Dekawhizzer [spinball whizzer/dekaranger] [silver]

Magispeed [RITA/magiranger] [crimson fire]

Gekihollow [haunted hollow/gekiranger] [fang motif]

Mutiny-onger [mutiny bay/go-onger] [gokai go-onger]

Goseiteen [TH13TEEN/goseiger] [wood motif]

Neme-busters [nemesis sub-terra/go-busters] [tentacle motif]

Kyormiler [kyoryuger/the smiler] [dino grin motif]

Galactiohger [galactica/zyuohger] [portal motif]

Wicker VS man (S1/S2) [lupat/wicker man] [S1/S2 superzings] [fire motif]

Dungesoul (S3/S4) [dungeons/ryusoulger] [S3/S4 superzings] [dungeon motif]

Covimager (S5/SSS) [covid 19/kiramger] [S5/SSS superthings] [crystal covie]

Wallikaiger (PM/KK/TR1/TR2) [walliams/zenkaiger] [PM/KK superthings] [TR1/TR2 T-racers] [drawring motif]

Retrobrothers (GOK/RF/FvI/GR) [retrosquad/donbrothers] [GOK/RF superthings] [FaI/GR T-racers] [neon motif]

Curse-ohger (NP/MB/CR/LS) [king-ohger/CaAM] [NP/MB superthings] [CR/LS T-racers] [dark purple motif]

boomesis (boomboomger/nemesis retrack) [tank motif]

Detonatzer [detonator] [denatzar ref]

Eclipser [eclipse]

Zodicker [zodiac]

Vortexer [vortex]

Rusher [rush]

Quantumager [quantum]


Villain generater - 


The second tiger: the first one never happened

Deranged monster: he jumps down any hole he finds

The mean mastermind: bootleg neo cortex

Electric elephant: exactly

Nifty ant: VS PoundDec-OriantationMan


Shop generator -  


Konkzone: we sell horny bats to bonk people with

Streettom: tom is always on the street and never at work

Subhow: you’re not the only one with questions

Strip technology: we didn’t know it could do THAT

Petalbank: we pay for everything using petals. It ain’t legal though…

Freaktronics: we hack your tech for free. Catch is, we put jumpscares in the software

Squidland: it’s like WUHS, except with SQUIDDY SQUID SQUID. [diddy tv ref, WHSmyth]

Smartlife: we are you. We’re inside you. [caddicarus ref]

Dynamicdream: ElonMusk is inside you.

Joytechno: the world is run by AltonTowers and cadbury, except not the last one [BobHale ref]

Omegaworld: the shop is expanding. [OmegaMart ref]

Signwheels: we sign your car wheels for only £999999999999999999999999999999999999

Mermaidmobile: we don’t do very well for costumers

Icebridge: we make ice bridges. They aren’t out yet

Micromedia: we don’t do much

Peachpaw: everyone wants to avoid us, maybe it’s the fursuits?

Xxx-la: we wasted all our money on 18+ signs

Donjob: yes, we pirated donbrothers BEFORE gokaiger did. Lie of the year

Amazonworks: very hard, thanks

Nemofruit: MERCH OP!!!!11111Q1111!!!!1

Nightsearch - we do nothing apart from walk around 00:00 - 00:00 all day, everyday

K-corporation: special K’s Kompany Kservice

Cavetube: ripoff of youtube that is moderated in a cave

Hammernite: our goal is to smash the moon like dat vektor bloke from DM1

Marblebeat: our music is us just dropping a load of marbles onto the floor

Heartmaster: he’s like a headmaster, but less creepy


Treeholdings: OUR ARMS ARE TIRED


Honeymaster: don’t judge us, or else we’ll stick you to the floor

Squidpaw: we too wasted all our dosh on 18+ stickers…righty ho, we’re going to JP


Lionman: THEY KNOW ABOUT…US. smart speaker, fly to Japan [furry ref]

Quadmedia: THERE ARE 4OUR OF US.

Tulipwater: we drink it

Grizzlywares: we say bad things about NightNightPorter [grizzly tales ref: 'they use the words to say bad things about me on the internet']

Grizzlymart: RATED 18+ FOR DARK HUMOUR [grizzly tales ref]

Honeyphone: it hasn’t taken off

Datafight: we fight for your personal data…then sell it to randoms

Lemonaid: we shoot lemonjuice in your eyes

Altergene: he changes his genes using the dangerous art of…opening a door

Cliffpaw: this is Cliff. He’s a furry

Dentotom: this is Tom. he dented his car recently but can’t be bothered to get a fix for it

Joysteet: they be doing you on the streets, but you are also Cadbury! 

Ding-tom: this is Tom. he rings every doorbell he can

Pluscode: produces a million-digit passcode for your wifi

Spherephone: WTF IS THIS, CURRY’S PC WORLD?!?!?!?!

Microbooks: introducing the brand new MacTiny, produced by the BBC’s comedy department

Joydream: we offer loads of health products ;)


Hatchphone: WTF did you do to lay an egg with a phone inside it? Wot kind of sex is that?!

IceSun: it's too cold here

BetaWorld: the planet isn't finished yett

PixelTales: we are friends with the board of censors

Monster generator - 


Radiant pudding: the…U WOT M8???!!?




Bulltronics: we invent protogens


custom T-racers/superzings names:

Series 1: the race begins

Dj groove [glitchor, soundbreaker] [spinwinner]

Sea speed [surf slide, whale tail] [captain crash]

Mystic speed [metal knockout, dragon sweep] [shazoom]

Saberusher [ice fuel, magma masher] [bite rider]

Astror [blastoff, submerger] [lunartik]

Techbot [asteroid crasher, jetlaunch] [racebot]

Alieo [lightning shock, satellite swerve] [blorg]

RaceMaster [max engine, hyper exhaust]


Series 2: the second lap

Max adventure [power cactus, swift sting] [dusty wheels]

gorrillor [bite fang, bamboo blast] [speed king]

penguin slip [yeti bite, creamy shot] [cool flip]

Super rescue [zippy zap, power engine] [super vroom]

Powergoal [double glove, winning push] [master goal]

Wild ride [super skate, power spray] [freestyler]

Service streak [emergency blast, hose cannon] [nitro cop]

Kraken captain [chestboard, cannonport] [golden kraken]


Series 3: fire and ice

Power boxer [rugby brawl, basket boost] [mr. ko]

constructor [power dozor, drill cone] [top stop]

Stink rat [scrap shift, pathslimer] [gas rat]

Tropic cool [aqua surfer, tropic flier] [tropical hit]

Turbo treat [speed slice, sauce strike] [full chef]

Hidden silence [metal dragon, speed sushi] [silent racer]

Violet hiss [rough rhino, hypno cobra] [scratch cat]

BurningIce [fireball, turbo freeze] [ice flame]


Series 4: glow race

Aquadiver [roboorca, sandstorm] [deep dip]

Magictrick [magicar, hiddencard] [master illusion]

Cool climber [off-road crawler, peak speed] [speed peak]

Extra life [digiscreen, mind controller] [player 1]

Dino pilot [claw rush, giant lava] [rex racer]

Honey sting [crawler creeper, turbo flapper] [turbo queen]

Power sailor [train tracker, engine push] [hard waves]

Professor kaos [gooey chaos, electro sphere] [doctor glow]


Series 5: colour rush

Puzzleliter [hyperslide, trick flip] [crazy tricks]

max rescue [subgrabber, aqua speed] [fast rescue]

Tribal trouble [stone smash, bamboo slip] [jungle kid]

Armourdillo [scorpio slam, cacti catcher] [speed spikes]

Hyperflight [hawk hollerer, jet flier] [super sonic]

Sunset boost [mechahorse, hay roller] [wild ride]

Sweet surprise [cake crash, present power] [wonder shock]

Tagster [carmoleon/roadroller] [tagmaleon]


Series 6: light speed

Victory V [V driller/V lightning] [pow! power]

Rhino blast [wild jaws/tenterror] [auto rhino]

Arachnus [haunted window, batty bat] [speeder girl]

Rocka [string strike, mega mic] [rock start]

Supermask [punchshield, weighturbo] [red shadow]

Creamy [serve drivor, hotdog booster] [race cream]

Sunrise charge [tractor engine, wind fuel] [rural rush]

Maximum galaxy [horizon shot, distance laser] [starfast]


series X1: mix and race

turbomax engine [x racing]

skill speeder [burnout sport]

turbo panther [blast panther]

nosecone swoop [falcon god]

lava streamer [magmax]

goo creeper [slimy beast]

max buzz [mad honey]

pixelizor [glitcher]

metal roar [monster machine]

sky tail [blue dragon]

T-max [T-force]

wreckload [boost wrecker]

punk rocker [super punk]

Series ex: pitstop power

Avian [sting zoom, copter control] [wingspeed]

Demoschool [teletaxi, Crushor] [mr meaner]

Crocovorus [sub shark, tentaclasher] [croco drive]

Tiki time [burning jaws, dragon destroyer] [tiki twist]

Scalie [claw crusher, inkshooter] [crazy jaws]

Troublemaker [race rotor, heliflier] [stuntuner]

Knightackler [burning blade, turbo thrower] [motor knight]

Groundigger [powerdrill, powerbucket] [super miner]

Puffor [hammorhead, fish force] [velocifish]

Terrorsaur [road rex, ptera power] [fastertops]

dragsplorer [turbo tiger, bagpower] [mister scout]

Turbohelp [battery blast, plunger shock] [ULTIMATE RACE]


series T1: mix and race extras

overfreeze [ice breaker]

dragastler [dragon instinct]

nitro rage [turbo flame]

Series 1: meet the superzings! 

Series 2: supercrystal showdown

Series 3: the terror of mister king

Series 4: dual teams team up

Series 5: superfliers land

Series 6: secret spies

Series 7: power machines

Series 8: kazoom kids

Series 9: guardians of kazoom

Series 10: rescue force

Series 11: neon power

Series 12: mutant battle

Series 13.1: EVOLUTION

Series 13.2 and series 14.1: LEGENDS

Series 14.2: kazoom power battle

Series ex: streets of the city


Series 13: glow squad [plasmorus, green eyes]

Series 14: astro voyagers [or galaxy strike] [thingalaxy, hero]

Series 15: aqua league [hydrone, villain]

Series 16: nova sonic [novastar, no eyes]


5 together! combined sentai teams: 

Himtisuger [the legendary secret king!] [goranger shock storm]

Dengekitaiger [the electric gambler!] [V-bomber]

battle forcer [the global warrior!] [pentashocker]

Denshiger [the electro master!] [kaminari smasher]

taiyouger [the burning solar power!] [vulcan cannonball]

Goggleger [the V sparkly fighters!] [goggle hyper break]

Kagakuger [the dynamic dynamite!] [hyper dynamite]

Choudensiger [the biotronic battler!] [bio electron]

Dengekiger [the mythical master!] [ultra bazooka]

Choushinseiger [the bright fighter!] [vulcan cannon]

Hikariger [the super aura!] [jet bomber]

Choujuuger [the wild soul!] [quintuple bazooka]

Kousokuger [the youth rider!] [ZV bazooka]

Chikyuuger [the V saviours!] [ultra V ball]

Choujuuger [the soaring power!] [crush bomber]

Kyoryuger [the wild dinosaurs!] [growling cannon]

Goseiger [the heavenly QI!] [qi bomber bazooka] [goseiger ref]

Ninjager [the hidden ninjas!] [ninja shocker]

Chourikiger [the emergency civilization!] [bigger bang buster]

Gekisouger [the crazy safety patrol!] [formula omega]

Denjiger [the digital astronauts!] [multi-attack blaster]

Seijuuger [the galactic animals!] [transkiba]

Kyuukyuuger [the ultra rescue!] [survival bird]

Miraiger [the time travelling warriors!] [D-vol bazooka]

Hyakuujuuger [the hundred terrors!] [million-beast sword]

Ninpuger [the hurricane ninjas!] [sextuple gadget]

Bakuryuger [the wild rampagers!] [superior dino bomber]

Tokusouger [the ultra police force!] [D-revolver magnum]

Mahouger [the magical family!] [mega magistick]

Gogoger [the 30th! The supercharged treasure hunters!] [hyper survibuster]

Jukenger [the infinite jungle spirits!] [nunchaku tonfa]

Engineger [the powerful engine bonds!] [ultra skyway buster]

Samuraiger [the elemental samurai!] [moeru daizantou]

Tensouger [the elemental angels!] [gosei cannon]

Kaizokuger [the 35th! The rebel space pirates!] [gokai galleon cannon]

Tokumeiger [the super-ops agents!] [lioblaster super mode]

Zyudenger [the electric dinosaurs!] [kentrosmasher]

Resshager [the superspeed trains!] [connection crasher]

Shurikenger [the elemental ninja who don’t hide!] [ichiban crusher]

Doubutsuger [the 40th! The human and zyuman combo!] [zyuoh buster final mode]

Uchuger [the galaxy saviours!] [kyu the weapon clones]

Kaitouger/keisatsuger [the clashing sides! Split down the middle!] [VS cannon]

Kishiryuger [the powerful and BRAVE soul!] [max ryusoul ken] [kyoryuger ref]

Mashinger [the sparkly drivers!] [kiramai drillin’ buster]

Kikaiger [the 45th! The legendary robots from another world!] [max zenkai cannon]

Avataroger [the mysterious demon hunters!] [sunglassmasher]

Ohsamager [the royal insects!] [super ohgercalibur]

Bakuageger [the hyper dynamight!] [maxboon handle]

Hikoninger [you what? We’re one person!!!!] [oversized otaku sword]




Conjurelegal: makes random things legal





Powerwatch - he watches you.

Buzzlane - he makes a weird noise when he drives

Leadcharge - this eeviltun shoots poison at you

Fistfist - he has a fist in his fist

Armourburner - he removes any spare armour he may have

Cloudclutch - he holds as many clouds as he can

Duneburts - be detonates sand

Heavyfist - his fist is too heavy

Solaracer - he drives himself on the sun

Sunburst - he wants to blow up the sun

Ripscream - when he rips paper, he screams

Armourcase - he carries armour in a case all the time

Retrotrap - he goes to AltonTowers and cannot leave [retrosquad ref]

cliff dive - don’t do it, cliffdive

Junkcast - rubbish voice-acters

Savageburner - amazing burn from that bloke SB!!!

Avianfoot - furry invasen 





Go go router rangers 

Routy mcroutyface 


PR toys with custom rangers

Black turbo ranger/green space ranger: astro galaxy navigator

White astro armour [white digizord]

Red astro armour [red digizord]

Mighty morphin’ silver [silver titanus]

Mega V2 [lunar black]

Mega V3 [lunar blue]

Mega V4 [lunar yellow]

Mega V5 [lunar pink]

Mega V6 [lunar silver]

Galaxy white [galaxy navigator; lost galaxy version]

Black galaxy armour [black digizord]

Transblue galaxy armour [blue digizord]

green/yellow dual defender armour [green/yellow digizord]

Blue defender armour [blue digizord]

Space racer ranger [galaxy morpher]

Quasar blaster: astro galaxy ranger

Gold galaxy armour [gold lost galaxy megazord]

Transgreen turbo rescue armour [X-ray rescue megazord]

Transred turbo lightspeed armour [X-ray lightspeed racer]

Wild silver armour [silver G-phone]

Crimson wild ranger [ultimus megazord]

Grey wild ranger [soul bird zord]

Gold ninja armour [gold ninja sword]

Tyranno blaster [action megazords/zod controller]

Abare navy/abare silver/abare emerald [blizzard force megazord]

Crimson dino armour [thundermax saber crimson]

Swat shadow ranger

Swat omega ranger

Orange krybot

Purple krybot

Omega blaster [delta blaster]

Alpha megazord [mega adventure set] [predazord blue moon]

Fire RIC [RIC]

Solaris blade [solar cell morpher blade]

wilzard [mystic light night wolf]

Green dragon fire ranger 

Dragon fire solaris knight [mystic morph solaris knight]

Mystic fury armour [mystic morpher fury ed]

Solaris knight battle staffs [should be used by dragon fire solaris knight]

Mystic pistol [used by red dragonfire ranger] [delta blaster]

Solaris staff [solaris knight gear] [dragon fire staff]

Mystic saber max [used by red dragonfire ranger]

Crane armour [torque force red]

Drill armour [torque force black]

Crane armour [torque force blue]

Mixer armour [mega torque red]

Skydrive megazord [transmax vehicles set b] [2/3/9]

constructor megazord [transmax vehicles set c] [6/7/8/9]

Red lightning flier megazord [triple transforming megazord]

2 - black muscle megazord

3 - black gigant megazord

Turboverdrive armour [overdrive tracker turbo ed]

Overdrive mach armour [max drive defender]

Drivemach armour [red battle suit ranger]

Super drivemach armour [black battle suit ranger]

Dualmach armour [blue battle suit ranger]

Flashdrive armour [silver battlesuit ranger]

Drivemach ultrarmour [black battlized ranger]

Ultrafleet armour [blue battlized ranger]

Drive pistols [training sets] [delta blaster]

Delta drive megazord [adventure set b] [omegamax megazord]

Delta patrol megazord  [spd megazord]

Goldenheart megazord [unizord]

Flashmach megazord [re-colour overdrive megazord]

Dragomach saber [overdrive saber max]

Scope shot [red ranger gear]

GO · GO BoukenLaser [transtek mission gear] [go go = boukenger/gogo v]

Aero fury megazord [micro zords set b]

Road fury megazord [micro zords set c]

Beastmaster team [beast master megazord]

Jungleking team [jungle king megazord]

Rumbler team [rumble megazord]

Hybrid fury ranger [claw cannon zord]

Blue jungle chucks [blue training set]

Torque power team [micro zords set C]

Shogun team [micro zords set F]


custom sentai team:

Supreme sentai flareranger [flare-buster!]

Eclipse sentai abyss 5 [planet knuckle!]

High coronal sentai stoneranger [rock knuckle!]

Metal sentai swampman [magma pistol!]

Sacred sentai dread V [dread form: monster forms]

Super invisible sentai gateman [invisisaber!]

Ultimate living sentai bomb V [nuclearlaser, EVIL TEAM]

Holy grand sentai bronzeman [bronzammer]

Neuro sentai riskman [brain-link system] [neuralink ref]

Explosive sentai moleculeman [molecule-transfer]

Radium sentai mindranger [mindagger]

Millennium sentai neonranger [neon armour]

Power sentai crystalman [shard saber]

Revenge sentai voidman [vortex blaster, EVIL TEAM]

Armour sentai magnetismaster [magnet-armour]

Chase sentai sinnerman [remote controller] [ITV's the chase ref]

Glue sentai vision V [glue gun]

Akiba sentai painger [green, purple and orange akibarangers]

Logical sentai infiniteman [clone ability]

Superchrome sentai diamondranger [chrome · diamond armour]

Brain sentai rogueman [double brain, EVIL TEAM]

Chemical sentai mecharanger [mechbot armour]

Explosive sentai savageranger [knife tonfa, EVIL TEAM]

Neutron sentai mazeman [maze trap]

Trap sentai chronoman [electrodecks]

Hunting sentai dataranger [internet brace]

Inochi sentai mizuranger [anchorgun]

Great sentai himitsuger [goranger’s purple, orange, black, white and gold/silver]

Toxic sentai atomicuger [defector shield]

Victory sentai nemesis V [evil goranger] 

Horror sentai mechanicalman [deathatchet]

Data sentai pulsaranger [pulsar cannon]

Rainbow sentai geneticranger [geneticizer]

Rival sentai ultraman [ultraxe] [ultraman ref]


Mini rangers [like mini den-o]


custom ultra rare kazoom kids:

Enigma = enigmaster [prototype name for real]

Professor K = mega K

Mister king = master king

Kid kazoom = kazoom power

Kid fury = fury storm

Oculus Max = oculussus

Doctor volt = shockbrain

Neonblast = neonspark

Kazoomblast = kazoom fury

Emperorder = sunperior

Moonarchaos = crecenterror

Colorflash = neonmind

Morph = mutanterrible

Galacticool = starglider

plasmorus = cosmike

Thingalaxy = starrior

Hydrone = 

absorber = heavy head

novastar = starcrasher


sentai/PR morpher/changer:

Dino buckler/power morpher

Ranger stick/blade blaster

Thunder slinger

Ryugeki ken/power sword

mothbreaker/power axe

Trice lance/power lance

Saber dagger/power dagger

Ptera arrow/power bow

Howling cannon/power blaster

zyusouken/dragon dagger


Super qi-power bazooka/power cannon

kakuremaru/aquitan saber

kakulaser/aquitan laser

Shinobi knuckle/aquitan fist

Power brace/zeoniser

Battle stick/power pod

King blaster/zeo laser pistol

King smasher/advanced zeo laser pistol

Circle defenser/zeo 1 power disk

Twin baton/zeo 2 power club

Delta tonfa/zeo 3 power axe

Square crusher/zeo 4 power hatchet

Star riser/zeo 5 power sword

Big bang buster/zeo blaster

King stick/golden power staff

Ole bazooka/zeo cannon

Accel changer/turbo morpher


Car navick/turbo navigator

Navick blaster/autoblast defender

viblade/turbo blade

Fender sword/turbo lightning sword

Muffler gun/turbo hand blaster

Engine cannon/turbo thunder cannon

Side knuckle/turbo star charger

Bumper bow/turbo wind fire

Giga formula/turbo RAM

Giga booster/turbine laser

signaizer/senturion synergizer

digitizer/astro morpher

keitizer/digi morpher

Mega sniper/astro blaster [mega magnum, mega shot]

Drill saber/spiral saber

megarod/lunar lance

megatomahawk/astro axe

megasling/star slinger

megacapture/satellite stunner

Multi-attack rifle/quadro blaster

Ginga brace/transmorpher

Bull riot/magna sword

Starbeast swords/quasar saber

Aura changer/magna defender morpher


Beast attack rod/quasar launcher

Gogo brace/rescue morpher

Five laser/rescue blaster

Life bird/rescue bird


V-mode brace/battle booster

Go blaster/thermo blaster

Chrono changer/chrono morpher

V commander/quantum morpher

Time emblem/time force badge

Double vector/chrono saber

Voltech bazooka/vortex blaster

DV defender/quantum defender

G-phone/growl phone

G-brace phone/lunar caller

Beast king sword/crystal saber

Lion fang/red lion fang

Eagle sword/golden eagle sword

Shark cutter/blue shark fighting fin

Bison axe/black bison axe

Tiger baton/white tiger baton

Haja hyakujuuken/jungle sword

Gao mane buster/lion blaster 

Gao hustler rod/lunar cue

Falcon summoner

Hurricane gyro/wind morpher

Gourai changer/thunder morpher

Shuriken ball/samurai cyclone morpher

hayatemaru/ninja sword

ikazuchimaru/thunder staff

Dry gun/hawk blaster

Sonic megaphone/sonic fin

Quake hammer/lion hammer

Triple gadget/storm striker

Horn breaker/crimson blaster

Stag breaker/navy antler

Double gadget/thunder blaster

Victory gadget/thunderstorm cannon

Shuriken’s bat/samurai saber

ninjamisen/lightning riff blaster

Dino brace/dino morpher

Dino commander/brachio morpher

Dino minder/drago morpher

abalaser/thundermax blaster

Tyranno rod/tyranno staff

Tricera bunker/tricera shield

Ptera dagger/ptera grip

Dino bomber/Z-rex blaster

Dino thruster/brachio staff

Wing pen tact/drago sword

styriser/shield of triumph

Sp licence/delta morpher

Master licence/patrol morpher

bracethrottle/omega morpher

Swan licence/kat morpher

Murphy K9/R.I.C.

D-magnum/delta blaster

D-knuckle/deltamax striker

D-sword vega/shadow saber

D-revolver/delta enforcer

magiphone/mystic morpher

griphone/solar cell morpher

Fire wolzaphone/wolf morpher


Magilamp buster/laser lamp

magipunch/mystic force fighters

dialrod/mystic lion staff

acellular/overdrive tracker

Gogo changer/mercury morpher

survibuster/drive defender

Scope shot/double o zip shooter

Bouken bo/drive lance

Radial hammer/drive slammer

Blow knuckle/drive vortex

Bucket scooper/drive claw

Hydro shooter/drive geyser

sagasniper/drive detector

Dual crusher/drill blaster

gekichanger/battle claw

gongchanger/wolf morpher

saiblade/rhino morpher

Geki nunchaku/jungle chuck

gekitonfa/jungle tonfa

Gekitonfa long baton/jungle bo

gekihammer/jungle mace

gekifan/jungle fan

gekisaber/shark saber

gekibazooka/claw cannon

Super gekiclaw/claw booster

go-phone/cell shift morpher

Shift changer/rev morpher

Wing trigger/sky morpher

Mantan gun/nitro blaster

Kankanbar/rail saber

Kankan mantan gun/rail blaster

Handle blaster/wheel blaster

Rocket dagger/cloud hatchet

Wing booster/skyshift blazer

Road saber/street saber

Garage launcher/turbo cannon

Racing bullet/zip charger

Highway buster/road blaster

Bridge axe/turbo axe

cowlaser/rocket blaster

Junction rifle/turbo plasma launcher

Super highway buster/RPM enforcer


inromaru/black box

shinkenmaru/spin sword

Rekka daizantou/fire smasher

Water arrow/hydro bowgun

Wood spear/forest spear

Land slicer/earth slicer

Heaven fan/sky fan

sakanamaru/barracuda blade

kyoryumaru/shark sword

Mougyu bazooka/bullzooka

Super mougyu bazooka/super bullzooka

tensouer/gosei morpher

Leon cellular/robo morpher

Gosei blaster/mega blaster

Gosei tensword/ultra sword

Super tensword/gosei ultra sword

Skick sword/dragon sword

skick shot/phoenix shot

Sky buster/sky blaster

Landick axe/snake axe

Landick claw/tiger claw

Seaick bowgun/shark bowgun

Landsea buster/land-sea blaster

mobilates/legendary morpher

Gokai cellular/legendary silver morpher

Gokai saber/super mega saber

Gokai gun/super mega blaster

Gokai spear/super silver spear

Gokai galleon buster/super mega cannon

Morphin brace/beast-X morpher

Morphin’ blaster/striker morpher

ichigan buster/beast-X blaster

Sougan blade/beast-X saber

ichigan buster special mode/beast-X cannon

driblade/striker saber

GB custom visor/beast-X visor

gaburevolver/dino charge morpher

gaburichanger/gold ptera morpher

Gabutyra de carnival/T-rex supercharge zord

gaburicalibur/dino saber

gaburucannon/dino blade blaster

gaburicarnival/T-rex supercharge morph blaster

Gabutyra fang/T-rex smasher

Parasa shot/para chopper

Fang shot/T-rex chopper

Stego shield

Zakutor slasher/raptor claw

Drice lance/tricera drill

shieldlanslasher/triple spike

kentrospiker/dino spike

Zandar thunder/gold ptera saber

Ninja ichibantou/ninja star blade

shoubuchanger/lion fire morpher

Ninja gekiatsuto/ninja superstar blade

Karakuri hengen/ninja battle morpher

Star swordgun/rockstorm guitar blaster

Gamagama gun/ninja blaster

Ryusoul changer/dino fury morpher

Ryusoul ken/chromafury saber

Mosa changer/mosa blaster

Gaisoul ken/void saber

Max ryusoul changer/dino knight morpher

Ryusoul calibur/dino master saber

Mosa blade

Mosa breaker/gold fury blade blaster


custom sentai/PR:

Power rangers cosmic defenders/kyukyoku sentai galaxiger 


Red cosmic defender/galaxy red [astro sword, galaxy plastic]

Blue cosmic defender/galaxy blue [star mace, neon yellow ball]

Yellow cosmic defender/galaxy yellow [sun blaster, galaxy ball shooter]

Green cosmic defender/galaxy green [alien defender, UFO shield]

Pink cosmic defender/galaxy pink [galaxy axe, galaxy plastic]


Power rangers elemental storm/nature sentai chikyuuger 


Elemental red/flame red [agito saber, agito mockup sword]

Elemental blue/hydro blue [hose blaster, hosepipe]

Elemental yellow/rumble yellow [shock spear, lightning rod]

Elemental green/rock green [rock hammer]

Elemental pink/cyclone pink [turbo fan, desk fan]


Power rangers astrosurfers/techno sentai uchuranger


Red surfer/cyber red [circuitsword, circuitboard plastic]

Blue surfer/techno blue [cog star, throwing star]

Yellow surfer/powered yellow [energy shield, clear plastic]

Green surfer/digi green [digilaser, circuitboard plastic]

Pink surfer/electro pink [charge whip, electric wires]


Power rangers mythiardians/legend sentai mythicuger


Mythic red/drago red [flight saber]

Mythic blue/phoenix blue [blaze fan]

Mythic yellow/wolf yellow [fur trap]

Mythic green/kitsune green [nuzzle guard, shield]

Mythic pink/unicorn pink [horn spear]


Power rangers cyber league/digi sentai electruger 


Cyber red/masshin red [masshin armour, kiramei red armour]

Cyber blue/tele blue [tele gun]

Cyber yellow/denji yellow [denji gloves, denjiman denjipunch mockup]

Cyber green/sound green [sound shield]

Cyber pink/metallic pink [metallic smasher]


Power rangers super mages/mage sentai mahouger


Red mage/mage fire [wand fire]

Blue mage/mage aqua [wand aqua]

Yellow mage/mage earth [wand terra]

Green mage/mage wind [wand wind]

Pink mage/mage shine [wand shine]

Voidus/mage shadow [wand dark]

Power rangers nighttackers/lunar sentai dreamager


Lunar red/mage shockfire [fire-lightning sword]

Lunar blue/mage aquafreeze [aqua-ice hammer]

Lunar yellow/mage plantrocker [plant-rock glove]

Lunar green/mage soundtex [sound-tech speaker]

Lunar pink/mage lasenergy [laser-energy blaster]


Power rangers chaos force/destruction sentai chaoticuger


Chaos red/blaze red [blaze spirit]

Chaos blue/storm blue [storm spirit]

Chaos yellow/quake yellow [quake spirit]

Chaos green/hurricane green [hurricane spirit]

Chaos pink/mental pink [mental spirit]


Power rangers constructors/build sentai contructuger 


Build force red/dozer red [dozer barrier]

Build force blue/crane blue [crane lance]

Build force yellow/jackhammer yellow [jackammer spear]

Build force green/forklift green [forklift fork]

Build force pink/medical pink [medical shield]


Materialeager team:


Silver steel ranger [steel saber]

Sapphire cyan ranger [cyan saber]

Emerald green ranger [green shield]

Topaz yellow ranger [yellow blaster]

Ruby pink ranger [pink spear]

Diamond white ranger [white bow]

Brickranger [brick shield]

Cementuger [cement shot]

Soiliger [vine whip]


Power rangers nitro force/turbo sentai machranger


Red mach ranger/red turbo [nitro saber]

Blue mach ranger/blue heli [heliblade]

Yellow mach ranger/yellow dozer [earth mover]

Green mach ranger/green cycle [rev crasher]

Pink mach ranger/pink medic [aid shield]


Power rangers arturbo/create sentai worldblaster [dual colour ranger]


Canvaspeed ranger [canvashield] [red, crimson]

Aerobrush ranger [aeropack] [blue, cyan]

Painturbo ranger [paintsaber] [yellow, orange]

Origamaster ranger [paper shuriken] [black, white]

Pencilancer ranger [pencil lance] [grey, brown]

Sculptorus ranger [clones] [pink, gold, silver, green]


Power rangers digibots/internet sentai technouger 


Cyber red/computoranger

Cyber blue/ringoranger

Cyber yellow/gamoranger

Cyber green/watchoranger

Cyber pink/phonoranger


Power rangers nanologers 


Nanite red

Nanochip blue

Nanites green

Nanocell yellow

Nanobot pink

Nanobio gold


more own kazoom kids:

Ice queen [hero, ice cube]/frostbite [villain, snowflake] [colour code: cyan and white]

Leafy [hero, leaf]/treevil [villain, tree] [colour code: green and brown]

Shockwave [hero, lightning bolt]/bolt [villain, lightning bolt] [colour code: yellow and white]

Raven [villain, raven]/tropicus [hero, tropical bird] [colour code: black and violet]

Shadow [villain, shadow] [colour code: black]

Zomboy [villain, zombie] [colour code: purple and orange]

Vortex [villain, vortex] [colour code: red]

Cyclone [hero, tornado] [colour code: orange]

Overload [villain, plug socket] [colour code: pink]

more own ultra rares:

Hypernova [infinity charge] [shooting star, hero] [metallic grey]

Dark matter [shadow, villain] [metallic violet]

Quantum [space flier, black eyes] [metallic gold]

Titan [mechzing, purple eyes] [metallic silver]


collectible series' teams/groups:

KOBOTS teams:





Silicon copper




Zomlings streets:


Spooky street

Wacky waters

Icky igloo

Freaky farm

Creepy circus

Haunted hotel


Beastly big avenue

Murky museum

Broken bridge

Pongy park

Deadly downtown


Acid aliens

Zany zoms

Cranky critters

Manic mutants

Zippy zomtronics


Mojipops teams:









Glitter: ultra rare
















Trash pack teams:


The grubz

Hard rubbish


Bin critters

Bin monsters

Bin-fections [clear]

Limited edition 


[glow in the dark characters are in most teams]


The grubz

Hard rubbish


Bin critters

Bin monsters

Astro trash [metallic]

Limited edition


[mouldy trashies are in most teams]


The grubz

Hard rubbish


Bin critters

Bin monsters

Movie trash [wall crawler]

Limited edition


[colour change trashies are in most teams]


The grubz

Hard rubbish


Food of the world

Trash toys

Beach trash [sandy]

Limited edition [glow in the dark]


[biters and mini trashies are in most teams]

The grubz


School trash

Food of the world

Sewer trash

Frozen trash [clear ice]

Scrap trash [coloured fleks]

Limited edition [metallic]


Ancient eggs-hibits 

Scrambled animals

Puke eggs [clear green rubber]

Hard boiled trash [solid]

Eggs-cavated trash

Eggstint trash

Limited edition [metallic]


Germ worms [clear]

Household germs [clear]

Pet germs [clear]

Sports germs [clear]

Vicious virus [clear]

X-ray [detailed clear]

Cold ‘n’ flu [colour change]

Limited edition


[prototype names: INFECTION, GROSS GUTS]


Grossery gang teams:


Gross greasies

Sour dairy

Half-baked bakery

Awful sauces

Badly frozen

Scummy sodas

Barf-room supplies

Stinky snacks [prototype name: quick bites]

Mouldy veg [flocked]

Sticky sweets [clear/sticky]

Trashed cans [limited edition, metallic]


Gooey breakfasts

Sour dairy

Barf-room supplies

Gross greasies

Untasty treats

Fungus fruits

Awful sauces

Summy sodas

Glowin’ gadgets [clear, glow in the dark]

Cruddy lost ‘n found [metallic, limited ed]


[most teams have colour changers]


Trash alley

Fish market

Vile vermin [biters]

World food

Cruddy sport

Gross greasies

Junk yard

Barf-room supplies

Stinky snacks

Clean team [metallic]

Gunky gas station [oil finish, limited ed]


Foot soldiers

Hair force

Para crawlers 

Dessert warfare

Gravy officers


Stationary officers

Bug brigade

Army preserves

SWAT [clear, sticky]


Scrappy camo [metallic, limited ed]


Putrid pirates

Time wasters

Jurassic muck

Scabby samurai

Medieval muck

Rotbots [rubber/plastic]

Vile west

Computer virus [clear]

Fungus fossils [stone, limited ed]


Fungus amungus strains:























[creepy] Crawlers



sentai/PR mecha/megazord:



Zyutei daizyujin/mega dragonzord

Kyukyokyu daizyujin/ultrazord

ryuuseioh/warrior mode

Won tiger/warrior mode

daimugen/warrior mode

dairenoh/thunder megazord


Qi palace/thunder ultrazord

Muteki shogun/shogun megazord

Super muteki shogun/shogun mega falconzord

Kakure daishogun/ninja megazord

Super kakure daishogun/ninja mega falconzord

Red puncher/red battlezord

tackleboy/warrior wheel

Ohranger robo/zeo megazord

Buster ohranger robo/zeo mega battlezord

King pyramider/pyramidas

King pyramider battle formation/zeo ultrazord [super zeo ultrazord with ohblocker]

ohblocker/super zeo megazord



RV robo/turbo megazord

VRV robo/rescue megazord

Scramble intersection robo/rescue turbo megazord

Delta mega/delta megazord

Mega winger

Galaxy mega/astro megazord

Super galaxy mega/astro delta megazord

Mega voyager

Wing mega voyager/winged mega voyager

Gingai oh/galaxy megazord

bulltarus/defender torozord

gigarhinos/centarus megazord

gigaphoenix/stratoforce megazord

linerboy/max solarzord

Max victory robo black/lifeforce megazord

Victory robo/lightspeed megazord

grandliner/supertrain megazord

Max victory robo/lightspeed solarzord

Victory mars/omega megazord

providus/transwarp megazord

timeshadow/timeshadow megazord

V-rex robo/quantasaurus rex

timerobo/time force megazord

Timerobo shadow/shadow force megazord

gaoking/wild force megazord




gaoicarus/isis megazord

Gaohunter blue moon/predazord blue moon

gaokentarus/pegasus megazord

tenkuujin/samurai star megazord

senpuujin/storm megazord

gouraijin/thunder megazord

Gourai senpuujin/thunderstorm megazord

Gourai senpuujin/thunderstorm ultrazord

Tenrai senpuujin/hurricane megazord

Tenrai senpuujin/hurricane ultrazord

abarenoh/thundersaurus megazord

killeroh/dino stegazord

bakurenoh/replicant zord

maxohja/mezodon megazord

maxryuuoh/triceramax megazord

Dekabase robo/delta command megazord

Dekabike robo/omegamax megazord

Dekaranger robo/delta squad megazord

Riding dekaranger robo/cyclemax megazord

Super dekaranger robo/deltamax megazord

Dekawing robo/SWAT megazord

travelion/solar streak megazord

magiking/titan megazord

saintkaiser/phoenix unizord

magilegend/manticore megazord

daibouken/drivemax megazord

Super daibouken/super drivemax megazord

Ultimate daibouken/drivemax ultrazord

sirenbuilder/flashpoint megazord

daitanken/dualdrive megazord

daivoyager/battlefleet megazord

saidaioh/rhinosteel zord

gekitohja/jungle pride megazord

gekifire/jungle master megazord

Saidaigekitohja/jungle pride charge

Go-roader GT/road attack zord

Engine oh/high octane megazord

gunbiroh/valvemax megazord [AKA velocimax megazord]

Engine oh G6/zenith megazord

Seikyuuoh/mach megazord

Engine oh G9/skyrev megazord

kyoretsu-oh/paleomax megazord

engine  oh G12/RPM ultrazord

daigoyuu/light megazord

shinken-oh/samurai megazord

daikaioh/claw battlezord

Daikai shinken-oh/claw armour megazord

Mougyuudai-oh/bull megazord

Samurai ha-oh/samurai gigazord

Gosei ultimate

Gosei great 

Hyper gosei great/ultra gosei great

Gosei ground/gosei grand megazord

Ground gosei great/gosei great grand megazord

Gokai oh/legendary megazord

gozyujin/Q-rex megazord

Kanzen gokaioh/ultimate legendary megazord

Go-buster ace/racer zord

Go-buster beet/wrecker zord

Tategami lioh/beast-X king zord

Go-buster oh/beast-X megazord

Buster hercules/striker megazord

Great go-buster/beast-X ultrazord

Go-buster lioh/beast-X king megazord

Go-buster king/beast-X king ultrazord

pteraiden-oh/ptera charge megazord

plezu-oh/plesio charge megazord

Gigant bragi-oh/titano charge megazord

kyoryuzin/dino charge megazord

Raiden kyoryuzin

Spino-dai oh

Bakuretsu kyoryuzin

Gigant kyoryuzin/dino charge ultrazord

Lion ha-oh/lion fire megazord

shurikenjin/ninja steel megazord

Bison king/bull rider megazord

King shurikenjin/ninja fusion zord

Haoh shurikenjin/ninja ultrazord

gekiatsudaioh/ninja blaze megazord

Kishiryuoh three knights/dino fury megazord

kishiryuoh/T-rex champion zord

Kishiryuoh five knights

Kishiryuneptune/mosa razor zord

Gigant kishiryuoh/fusion ultrazord

yokuryuoh/ptera freeze zord

Kishiryuoh jet/ptera smash ultrazord

King kishiryuoh/primal ultrazord

shishi voyager/cosmic lion zord

ookami voyager/cosmic wolf zord

oushi voyager/cosmic bull zord

kajiki voyager/cosmic shark zord

chameleon voyager/cosmic chameleo zord

sasori voyager/cosmic scorpion zord

ryu voyager/cosmic dragon zord

koguma voyager/cosmic grizzly zord

tenbin voyager

washi voyager/cosmic eaglezord

hebitsukai voyager/cosmic cobra zord

kyurenoh/cosmic fury megazord

ryuteioh/cosmic dragon megazord

ryutei kyurenoh/cosmic fury ultrazord


Alton towers - 


2000 - hex [spinny house]

2001 - submission [spinnyflippy rideyride for +13]

2002 - air [guest getter #5/BIRD - THE RIDE]

2003 - DUEL [zappyzaps] berry bishbash [bonkhouse - berry edition]

2004 - the flume - unplugged [BAFTUBB]/spinball whizzer [spinning wizard]


2006 - CATCF - the ride [SlightlyCreepy: TheRide]

2007 - dungheap [SlightlyCreepy: mushroom edition]

2008 - mutiny bay [ITSNOTPIRATES!!!11!] 

Battle galleons - squirtysquirt

Marudarrrrrrrrrr’s mayhem -spinnyspin


2009 - cloud cuckoo land [nutz - the area]

Twirling toadstool - spinning plantz [™]

Frog hopper - bouncy animalz [™]


Sharkbait reef [SPONS BYE SEELYFE]

2010 - TH13TEEN [guestgetter #6/freakyweaky]

2012 - nemesis - SUBTERRA [NEMMY DROPS YOU]

2013 - the smiler - [guestgetter #7/HAHAHAHA, THEYELLOWWILLMELTYOUREYES!!!!!]

2014 - cbeebies land - TAKEALONG/SHORTBREEK

Treetop adventure - WHY ARE THEY BLOBS





Nina science lab - WHY IS IT BROKEN





2015 - octonauts [WHY ARE THEY TALKING]

2016 - galactica [THIS ISN’T LUDUS!]

2017 - go jetters [WHY IS THERE A TALKING UNICORN] furchester [WHAT EVEN ARE THEY]

2018 - wicker man [guestgetter #8/DONTKILLTHEM]

2019 - the dungeons [WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY AGAIN]/peter rabbit [WHY IS HE HERE]

2021 - the world of David Walliams [yes.]

GG - the ride - cardboard people

RBBB - FartTower

RC - re-used idea

Funk N’ fly - light-up paper

Rollerdisco - NightClubMan

Mixtape - MusicPlaya

FFF - not-retro at all, he lied

2022 - Spinjam - spinning jam jars

Duggee - the pointless bloke is here!

Jo-jo - looks better than CaL


2023- Twistatron - Spinny bot

CaAM - freaky NEW house


TOQ ressha - make the megazords separate to the role-play, no ressha connectors

TOQ changer - remove the transfer and mecha buttons [moulded]

Renketsu bazooka - make the energy ressha foam [include a smaller energy ressha]

Yudo breaker - remove the door, shove the ressha in [super mega arms]

Daikaiten cannon - make the spinning turntable stationary 

Zyuoh cube - use with a rail system with zyuoh buster [mini zords] 

Zyuoh changer - mould the top part with matching stickers [push buttons]

Zyuoh buster - reads zyuoh cubes [rails]

Zyuoh the light - moulded bottom button [spin the cube]

Zyuoh the gunrod - stuck in gun mode 

Whale change gun - doesn’t fold out

Zyuoh changer final - repaint of zyuoh changer [zyuoh changer final edition]

Kyutama - doesn’t slide, mecha different to role-play 

Seiza blaster - mould the handle button, don’t move kyutama, leave handle down

Kyu the weapon - all pieces 1 item, make more items for it

Ryutsuender - shorten it, keep it as a gun [also as a morpher]

Houoh set - stationary kyutama [doesn't spin]

Dark seiza blaster - repaint seiza blaster

Hikari kyutama - 2 different kyutama

Saiko kyutama - moulded button, moulded ring, no light/sounds, made much smaller

Dial fighter - mecha/roleplay different, no dial 

Trigger machine - mecha/roleplay different, no trigger

VS changer - stick in lupinranger formation for all rangers, no turning

Pat megabo - no voice thing, bat already out

X-changer - no mecha


Kiramei changer - buttons, no spinning wheel

Kiramai sword - no button

Shiny kiramai changer - mould 2 buttons

Shiny breaker - make the claw bigger, manual operation

Yodon changer - DONT DO IT

Kiraful go arrow - no touch buttons

Sentai gear - adds rail system to backs of gears

Geartlinger - remove stand 

Geardalinger - remove gun mode, works like gold ninja steel morpher

Zenkaiju gear - make it normal gear

Zenryoku zenkai cannon - mecha separately

Geartozinger - NOT HAPPENING

Donblaster - doesn’t work with sentai gears, moulded infrared button, no infrared

Zanglasword - no infrared, no spinning avataro gear

Ryukonogeki - leave it in spear mode, sell axe mode separately as other morpher

Tiguardora - no infrared, no reader

ohger calibur - no switches

king's weapon - no extra modes

crownlance - crown doesn't come off

Arcle - mould all buttons apart from red

Pegasus bowgun - leave it in bow mode

Dragon rod - make it smaller, leave it open

Rising - goes over arcle, no sounds

Storm halberd - leave it open

Flame saber - leave it open

Additional G3-units, do nothing - same with GX-05

Shining calibur - stays open

V-buckle - use rails on the boxes and have the rouse cards separate 

Dragvisor - no moving parts

Darkvisor - doesn’t read rouse cards

Dragvisor zwei - doesn’t read rouse cards

Faiz phone - doesn’t turn to gun, make that seperate. Mission memory doesn’t come out

Faiz gear - no sounds

Faiz accel - mission memory is separate

Faiz edge - one light pattern, extra trigger

Kaixa phone - no mission memory

Kaixa blaygun - no gun mode

Delta phone - doesn’t use voice, orange part doesn’t move, gun is separate as is mission memory

Faiz blaster - handle is straight, no light

Blade buckle - don’t need to connect it

Blayrouzer - reads cards, doesn’t store them - get another version to do that

Chalice rouzer - doesn’t read cards, doesn’t come out

Chalice arrow - doesn’t close

Garren buckle - works like blay buckle

Garren rouzer - works like blay rouzer

Rouze absorber - works like the other rouze series, only has blay cover

Leangle rouzer - doesn’t open, works like the other rouze series

King rouzer - doesn’t take cards

Sickle wild slasher - doesn’t close

ongekiko/equipment belt/tuning fork - stays as one thing/doesn’t use as a drum/doesn’t fold

Onteki - doesn’t fold, not a whistle

Reppu - the front part can be attached, but not to equipment belt

Onjou - stays open

Ongeki gen - strings stay attached

Armed saber - doesn’t use voice control

Zecters - use rail system, can’t cast off, no buttons, no lights-sounds

KunaiGun - stays in gun mode, sell dagger mode separate

Drake zecter - can’t remove from grip

Sasword zecter - stays attached

Double calibur - doesn’t come apart

Perfect zecter - other zecters don’t come off, no buttons

Dengasher - sell extra parts separate

Zeronos belt - sell extra cards 

K-taros - no buttons, stays open

Denkamen sword - doesn't spin

Garulu saber - stationery 

Ixa belt - doesn’t read fuestles

Ixa calibur - doesn’t switch forms

Tatsulot - doesn’t spin, doesn’t work with weapons

Ixariser - works like faiz gear, doesn’t have fuestles

Zanbat sword - doesn’t move, can't store fuestle

Sagarc belt - doesn’t spin

Ridebooker - doesn’t open

Diend driver - can only read certain kamen rider cards

K-touch - goes over decadriver, no touchscreen

Gaia memory - has rail system

Doubledriver - maximum drive slot does nothing

Metalshaft - doesn’t open

Triggermagnum - memory slot works like metalshaft

Fang memory - no dinosaur form

Acceldriver - maximum drive does nothing

Engineblade - works like metalshaft

Trial memory - looks like every other gaia memory

Xtreme memory - 2 memories

Prism bicker - sword and shield don’t go together

OOO medals - grey medals don’t do anything, can be foam

OOO driver - doesn’t slant, scanner has no lights

Medaljalibur - no lever

Astroswitch - no activation methods 

Fourze driver - has 4 new buttons to replace astroswitch activation

Billy the rod - only 2 ports

Hee-hack gun - doesn’t extend

Meteor driver - no motor

Meteor galaxy - no touch

NS magphone - no phone, just switch. No limitbreak 

Meteor storm switch - doesn’t spin

Meteor storm punisher - doesn’t extend, uses a different switch for spinning top

Cosmic switch - stays open

Barizun sword - doesn’t close

Wizard ring - no visor

Wizardriver - turn it yourself

Wizarswordgun - no reader, just button

Drago timer - no motor, not a wizard ring

Hyper beast ring - doesn’t open

Mirage magnum - no mirror

Axcalibur - no touch, just button

Lockseed - no lights or sounds

Sengoku driver - knife not spring-loaded, cannon change faceplate

Mousou saber - make the 2 modes different things

Genesis driver - no motor, cannot take unit out

Hinawadaidai DJ ju - can’t turn switch, works with any lockseed

Kiwami lockseed - works like any lockseed

Shift car - no lever mode

Handle ken - handle only turns one way

Break gunner - can’t press gun, can’t read shift cars

Signal bikes - don’t work with any of drive item

Mach driver - top button is moulded, can’t take shift cars

Zenrin shooter - doesn’t spin

Dead heat - 1 shift car, 1 signal bike

Trailer cannon - stuck in cannon mode, doesn’t read shift cars

Shingou axe - button is moulded

Tridoron - no lights/sounds

Ghost driver - lever doesn’t change the eyecon slides

Gan gan saber - no infrared, sell other parts, leave it with sword

Gan gan hand - doesn't pump

Eyecons - don’t have lights/sounds

Mega uluouder - doesn’t move, buttons are moulded

Eyecon driver G - NOT HAPPENING

Deep slasher - NO EXIST

Gashat - not lights/sounds

Gamer driver - has a pinset to read gashats

Gashacon breaker - buttons are moulded

Buggle driver - no electronics

Mighty mighty brothers double X gashat - uses 2

Gashacon key slasher - keys are moulded, has 1 finisher port

Gashat gear DUAL - no holder, uses 2 gashats

Parabla gun - buttons are moulded

Maximum mighty x gashat - no button, uses 2

Hyper muteki gashat - doesn’t open, get extra version to work as gashat

Fullbottle-  no shake, caps don’t turn

Drill crusher - no motor

Transteam gun - no light or reader

Steam blade - valve doesn’t spin

Rabbitank sparkling - uses 2 fullbottles

Sclash jellies - no squish

Sclash driver - no reader

Crocodile crack - no lights/sounds

Twin breaker - only takes fullbottles

Hazard trigger - no sounds

Fullfull rabbitank - uses 2 fullbottles

Fullbottle buster - no reader

cross-Z magma knuckle - no light, doesn’t work in build driver

Evol driver - bottles don’t move, also, DOESN’T EXIST

Genius fullbottle - no lights/sounds

Ridewatch - doesn’t turn, no lights/sounds

Zikuu driver - doesn’t spin 

Ridewatch gadgets - faiz works the same as hijacked faiz phone

Decade ridewatch - no reader

Ride heisaber - clock hands don’t spin

Miraidewatch - don’t open, no lights, no sounds


Jikandespear - no touch, no extra heads

ZI-O II ridewatch - don’t connect

Strongest gilade - doesn’t glow in the dark

Geiz revive ridewatch - no sand

ZI-O TRINITY ridewatch - doesn’t open

Ginga miraidewatch - doesn't spin

GRAND ZI-O RIDEWATCH - doesn’t open

Progrise keys - have pins

A.I.M.S. shotriser - use new belt, no reader

Attachecalibur - no case form

Forceriser - no reader

Assault grip - no sound, cannot attach

Thounsandriver - both progrizekeys

Thousandjacker - doesn't pump

MetalClusterHopper progrisekey-  no hinge

0-2 driver unit - doesn’t scan

Wonderide book - pins, don’t open

Seiken swordriver - can’t change riders

Saikoudriver - not a sword

Primitive dragon wonder ride book - actually, THIS is the only one to open

Xross saber - doesn’t move

Vistamp - pins, no stamp

Two sidriver - doesn’t take vistamps

Barid rex vistamp - can’t read vistamps doesn’t close

Volcano vistamp - can’t connect to baridrex

Rolling vistamp - doesn’t spin

Holy wing vistamp - doesn’t close

Thundergale vistamp - no motor

Giffard rex - doesn’t connect

raise buckle - no function

desire driver - doesn't spin

laser raise riser - doesn't come apart


Warning sentai kikenger [dangerger] [danger laser]

Mental sentai kowaranger [brokenger] [death saber] [EVIL TEAM]

Movie sentai eigao [very clever!] [movie/smile sound the same] [camera gun]

Crazed sentai kuruttraveller [deranged-traveller] [kuruma = car] [armed wheeler] [EVIL TEAM]

Gokai sentai kaizoku-banger [bootleg-ger] [cheap pistel]

Sound sentai ongakuger [musicger] [hibiki beater]

VS sentai jigokuger [hellger] [VS US in adaption] [fire trident]

War sentai fukushuger [vengeanceger] [arm cannon] [EVIL TEAM]

MJ sentai hanshager [I DID A KELVER FING!!!!1111111111] [reflection-ger] [mirror smasher]

Hanzarizer [crime-rager] 


17 Mar:

So I had this weird dream involving the Donbrothers. Here it is:

Onisister had been captured by some furries and taken underground to be screwed with [by that, I mean put her in a maid dress].
At cafe Donbura, the others notice that Haruka is missing and go looking for her. After about 5 hours, they find the furry’s underground base. They force themselves through a very tiny hole to enter it. 
Turns out the ‘furry’ was just a single person who turned into a hitosuki called ‘Furryki’ using his desire to be loved by someone.
Donbros fight him and change into the Goseigers to finish him off using an upgraded Miracle Goseiger finisher. 
After Furryki is killed [no mecha battle], everyone just walks through the brick wall at the other end of the underground base. They all end up on some stairs where there was a festival. Don Momotaro says his line and he goes crazy.


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