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after breaking out of prison island thanks to mr king's plan, him, professor K and the shady villain oculus max plan their next missions in their new secret base. what they don't know, however, is that max also helps heroes in their mission to find all pieces of the map to the electrodome to get hold of pow alloy, the hardest material ever. the villains want this map, too, so max helps them. but, thanks to his dual-sided power, he has to be careful that neither side spot his alternate forms. he is also after the pow alloy, since he also want to knock out mr king. eventually, both heroes and villains find out about his dual-sides...but what is inside the electrodome?

inside the cyberdome, doctor volt waits for heroes to come see his amazing inventions. the villains also show up, and professor K reveals that he and volt are rivals in the inventing world, and K ends up creating a machine that turns all heroes into villains. the heroes destroy the machine and lock the K and king up again in the police station...but, thanks to K's machine failing, a spark of energy ends up running amok...

neonblast, the result of K's failed villain machine is now running amok, shooting kazoom energy at objects. when normal kids touch these, they turn into kazoom kids, leaders of their own teams of 3

at the kazoom expo, neonblast touches both the kazoom and the fury kazoom at the same time, which makes him become kazoom blast. he goes on to create more kazoom kids

kazoom blast creates so much chaos that he awakens emperorder and moonarchaos. these 2 give the new kazoom kids special metallic armour

colourflash arrives to see enigma after leaving him to fight the villains. his attack re-colours the kazoom kids, superthings and professor K's new exoskeletons 

mister king wants to break the villains out of prison island with his drill. professor K mixed all his stuff together and created morph, he can turn from villain to hero without control. the wave that generated when morph was created gave superthings and kazoom kids colour change power

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