EDIT 10/AUG 2023: oh my god. I've had this site since something like JUNE 2021.
good god. anyway, this is a page to replace a bit of the homescreen thanks to LAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
WE ARE NOT ADVERTISING FOR MAGICBOX OR ITS PRODUCTS. although it sure feels like it sometimes...
list of series-
this is a wacky bit of my site which sees me invent my own versions of superthings powers [which already have powers invented by MB] just cos I can. it's a bit long and will be updated every time new superthings pics come out
for gogos info and pictures click this
a while back I made some of my own superthings series, but I recently changed bits of them to be better - all changes [if I remember them] are listed on this page: ENJOY MY OWN KABOON SITY ANTIKS!!1111!!!!!1!11!!11!!11!!11!!!
superthings will be ending soon.
a new series called T-racers will be replacing them.
T-racers will NOT be recorded on this site. instead, I will put a button that will link to the T-racers website
also note that this is the ES website. they are working on [I think] the UK website. if you change the 'ES' out for 'UK', you will get an error message [most notably, in spanish] saying that the website is down. when the UK website is up, I will change this message
also, to add even more insult to injury, MOJIPOPS have vanished off of the UK magicbox home page...
to solve this, change the 'UK' in the address to 'ES'. this will get you to the spanish page...
when you get there, right click, and select 'translate to english'.
EDIT MARCH 13- [2021]
they have now added mojipops on to the uk site BUT it shows series 2 [party] NOT series 3 [adventure] despite the magicbox home page having S3 stuff. what is going on?! I will add an 'edit' to this once they have got their act together
EDIT MARCH 22 [2021]-
they have now updated the UK homepage to show T- racers. however, it still gives the error message when trying to open the T-racer UK page. hmmmm.... and the videos are the Spanish ones...
mojipops are STILL not updated...
EDIT MARCH 24 [2021]-
the T-racers products are now on the homepage. the videos are not changed though. T-racers.com/uk is not up yet.
mojipops STILL NOT updated... they are getting ready...
EDIT MARCH 26 [2021]-
the T-racers uk webpage is now up. the videos part is blank though
what is going on...?!
EDIT APRIL 29 [2021]-a SURPRISE new series of superthings has been teased.
they look to be bigger heroes.
3 of them are shown, but they are shadows. the one on the left looks to be a wrapped sweet
a lightning bolt thing flashed on-screen quickly. I think this will be the ultra rare
this was teased at the end of the power machines series webisodes
EDIT 15 JUN 2021-the new series name has been leaked.
superthings kazoom kids. that explains the action-figure looklike superthings
EDIT 16TH JUN 2021-the new bigger blind bags will [hopefully] contain kazoom sliders
someone has made a video on youtube about it. they got the info from a website called - juguetesdondino.com-but the listing for the thing has been removed, signalling that it's the real deal
EDIT 20TH JUN 2021-10 new superthings have been leaked. these are the "kazoom kids". it seems that past villains and heroes have been swapped! old villains now have hero counterparts and old heroes have villain counterparts.
no names have been leaked yet, but I can compare them
strikeberry lookalike
sugar rush lookalike [but hero]
candy strike lookalike
choc shock lookalike [but villain]
krooksant lookalike [but hero]
wondernut lookalike [but villain]
dogfurt lookalike [but hero]
cheese champ lookalike
supersketch lookalike [but villain]
mad blades lookalike
as you can see, the chances are that these are "special" superthings [like superflyers] are high. this means these might be the only ones with the "hero/villain" gimmick
also, looking at these superthings and the ones in the latest webisode, I think that the one in the middle is a pizza slice, like cheese champ.
plus, these images are not of the highest quality, meaning that, again, these are the real deal [hopefully]
another thing. in the last webisode, PROF K'S machine can turn heroes into villains. that explains these photos! the machine might backfire though... villains into heroes!!
superthings... KITA!!! [yes, that is from kamen rider fourze]
also looks like there will be another board game called "mission possible". someone has seen a series of films, then
the game itself is based on the secret spies series
it will come with a colour changing nightcoat figure
there is another game called "the spy hunt". this is also based on the secret spies series
it will come with a colour changing agent headdy figure
looks like someone else has new info. ponytoys.es has got listing for new products:
-superthings secret spies curcuit
-spike roller [sounds like villains] [looks like this will be a boxed vehicle]
-balloon boxer [sounds like heroes] [looks like this will be a boxed vehicle]
-training tower [sounds like playset]
-something called "team terrible". what could that be? a tin?
-starter pack
-blister 10
-blister kazoom sliders
-kid box. what could that be??
-kazoom sliders. I was right, this WAS real
-1 pack
EDIT-22 JUN 2021-BIG NEWS! a website called "blissdistribution.co.uk" has got photos of the NEW superthings kazoom kids!
here's what I found-
packs are going to be red. could this be a homage to series 1?
the gold super rares are: jazz flash [saxophone] VS heavy riff [electric guitar] heavy riff is a gold ver. of super riff from series 2, but this one is a villain. jazz flash is a gold ver. of darkblues from series 3, but this one is a hero
superthins in the 10 pack are-a calendar [hero]
a trash can. [villain, like max stink from series 1]
a digital clock [?] [hero]
a orange squeezer [hero, like jack the juicer from series 1]
there is also a pinata [villain, like candy cracky from power machines] fighting the wrapped sweet. maybe rivals?
the blister kazoom slider-
a ice cream. [villain] could be rivals with the drink cup. [like coolizer from series 1]
a furnace [hero]
a banana skin [?} [if it is a banana skin, it's like badnana from series 1] [villain]
a silver bowling pin [like jack balance from series 2] [villain]
what looks like a caramel apple [hero]
there is another one that I can't figure out [lollipow]
I also got a good look at the kazoom sliders. here's what I found:
they are like the supersliders from series 3
they have different logos on the front. what could this mean??
there are more ramps, but they look like the one from series 3...
unlike series 3, this a 4 [pack, not a 5 pack
a first for superthings-1-there is only 1 hidden superthing in the pack
kazoom kids-
I was right. they ARE bigger ver
more powered-up ver. of the kazoom kids superthings
BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE. the ultra rare is called "NEONBLAST"! he's the lightning bolt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!111!!!!
SO! what are these "kazoom kids"?????
well, they are HUMANS
neonblast shoots every object with kazoom energy, it makes them go wild
when regular human kids touch these objects, they turn into the kazoom kids!
these NEW bigger superthings are-
badnilla [ice cream/villain] [like coolizer]
superslice [hero/pizza slice]
starberry [drink cup/hero]
trasher [trash can/villain]
smash crash [pinata/villain]
sugarfun [wrapped sweet/hero]
NOW I KNO WHO THOSE SHADOWS WERE!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now that I'm done SHOUTING, back to this-
on the 1 pack box, you can see a nail-like silver hero. if it is a nail, it will be like nailord
neonblast looks to be both hero/villain
new superthing-looks like a hero juice carton, like juicetice
on the comic guide cover-
there is another superthing [don't know who] [EDIT - cheestar]
it says "follow the NEW adventures" maybe the same CGI as T-racers??
new superthings-toothpaste [villain, like kid shine]
a fridge villain seems to be the rival of the furnace [like coldfrido]
as always, it comes with a metal kazoom slider
balloon boxer will seem to be the name of another exclusive superthing to a vehicle. comes with 3 ex superthings
spike roller will seem to be the villain counterpart of balloon boxer
because they are gold, I expect balloon boxer to be a balloon and spike roller to be a cactus, like the gold super rares from series 1.
training tower-it IS a playset
this will have light and sounds, a superthings first
DAS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[that's the most ! marks I've ever put.]
EDIT-24 JUN 2021-I forgot to put the kazoom slider names on the edit from a few days ago-so here they are-
turbo crust
nitro flavour
soda sonic
trash clash
party hard
candy flash
the superthings that come with the kazoom kids will NOT be exclusive
and no, the balloon boxer is just the name of the vehicle, not the superthing
balloon boxer-3 ex superthings [the air action team]
spike roller-3 ex superthings [the spike power team]
training tower-I really do not know: the des. is marked with TBC...
THIS STOCK WILL ALL COME IN ON AUG. 21-if covid-19 is still around we will order these off amazon
if we are missing gold/silver/neonblast we will buy off EBAY
I bought it off EBAY!
just to fill time until these are released, here is a story and series guide-
series 1-
the mysterious ENIGMA takes the kazoom. heroes panic. villains panic. enigma uses the kazoom to...TOP SECRET!*
series 2-
prof. K knows that engima has the kazoom and wants him to give it back. however, enigma knows that prof. K is evil and will use the kazoom for evil stuff. at certain points, MR king plans his takeover from his CLANK CORP tower...*
series 3-
MR king wants to take over kaboom city with villains. to do this, he has the help of a number of villains, like prof. K and the mysterious MAX
series 4-
in enigma's place, he helps kid shine [who was lost in a kazoom mine back in series 2]. he turns him into kid kazoom to beat the hell out of MR king. kid fury is seen [eyes] inside his creation chamber at the end of the last webisode
series 5-
kid fury shows up to face kid kazoom.* oculus MAX is seen [shadows] at the end of the last webisode, along with lord torch
secret spies-
oculus MAX uses his cameras to uncover the pieces of the map to the electrodome that enigma left. doctor volt and mech fixer are seen at the end of the last webisode
power machines-
they finally find the cyberdome*. inside, they find DR volt, robotic inventor. he tells them that his machines have been stolen by villains and he needs the heroes' help to get them back
by the end, prof. K invents a machine to turn all heroes into villains
the heroes show up, and destroy the machine, making it backfire
neonblast shows up for a few seconds*
MR king and prof. K get locked up in the police station*
kazoom kids-
neonblast shows up and causes chaos, shooting bolts of kazoom energy at objects.
when regular human kids touch these objects, they are transformed into the kazoom kids.
guardians of kazoom-
neonblast touches both the blue and red kazooms at once, and that results in him transforming into kazoomblast, and his superthing-creating power still remains intact
rescue force -
emperorder and moonarchaos appear out of nowhere, and give the rescue force and chaos crashers kazoom armours to fight agains eachother
neon power -
colourflash, enigma's old master, arrives. his powerful neon attack gives the new kazoom kids and professor K's exoskeletons new neon colours
*well, how would they make more series if it wasn't!!!11!
*to tease series 3
*to tease kazoom kids
y'know...the same one chuckchain ESCAPED from back in series 2?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!
*they changed the name
EDIT-15 JUN 2021-I was right. team terrible IS a tin. it is a villain squad-and the superthings are-
winner's cup [leader] [like pow postion]
football [like tricky]
helmet [like headstrong]
hockey stick
tennis racket [like smash]
website- dispersajuguetes.com
a new silver has been found. a game controller [like games master] 3/6 silvers found!
1 more new superthing has been found. it looks like a pillow [villain, like supersoft]
no new images of:
balloon boxer
spike roller
training tower.
we will get these pictures soon!
EDIT-16 JUN 2021-we have info on the spike roller vehicle-
the spike power team-looks to be plants [flytraps/flowers]
there is a exclusive kazoom kid-a cactus. with a [partly] gold finish, you can see this IS a homage to series 1
hopefully, there might be more info on
-balloon boxer
-training tower
these 2 are the last 2!!
EDIT-29 JUN 2021-
we FINALLY have pics/info on
balloon boxer
training tower
plus bonus info on
spike roller
looks like balloon boxer will come with-
a ex. kazoom kid [balloon]
x3 ex. superthings [
it is also [kind of ] gold.
balloon boxer will be like spike roller, but with different weapons
also-in a screenshot, it looks like neonblast will be clear with glitter
I am going to update my guide...I DID IT
training tower-it looks like this will also come with a kazoom kid
HOLD ON-the hockey stick from team terrible MIGHT be a boomerang. if so, it is like boomerangry
EDIT-1 JUL 2021-I found something weird. if you put in your search bar "superthings.com/UK", it will come up with a error message saying that the page does not exist instead of redirecting you to superthings.com/uk WHY
UPDATE 13/AUG/2022 - they've fixed this
LATER-more info on balloon boxer and training tower has been leaked.
here are the ex. superthings.
balloon boxer will have beach items like-rubber ring/ball/balloon
as for training tower, it looks like it will come with a ex. kazoom kid and ex. superthing
bit of a push, but I think rocket-themed. if so, it will be like rocketzing
EDIT 2 JUL 2021-HOLD EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some new superthings have been leaked.
-lollipop. prev. unknown. hero like rocky pop/sweet madness
-present box. villain. like sir prize
-a bottle of some kind. hero
-a bag of some kind. villain [FUTURE - I'm talking about stinky spine]
-birthday cake. villain. like kreamer
we are getting somewhere...
looks like the kazoom kids will head teams of 3 superthings, another first
cream team {?} [villains]
-badnilla [kazoom kid]
ice cream
chocolate bar
super pack [heroes]
superslice [kazoom kids]
pizza slice
cheese [?}
fresh force [heroes]
starberry [kazoom kid]
milk [?] bottle
drink cup
candy combo [heroes]
sugarfun [heroes]
wrapped sweet
candy apple
splash trash [villains]
trasher [kazoom kid]
banana peel
trash can
trash bag [?] [stinky spine]
bad party [villains]
smashcrash [kazoom kid]
gift box
birthday cake
I counted 19 superthings [not including ones marked "kazoom kids"].
it DOES say 80+ on ther packs, so I am thinking 41 superthings maybe..?
there are some superthings not on this list like-
the juice squeezer
the pillow
the digital clock
so I expect LOTS more to come in future EDITS!!
EDIT-3 JUL 2021-
earthtwerps, this is super important! [ludus ref]
seriously, TOYNEWS has posted a document about the kazoom kids series
RED ALERT! RED ALERT!! [I prefer green alert myself]
here's what I found [under the force of marketing]
series [UK] aug. 20th launch date. BRILL, cos that means we will be seeing more info leaks soon!
the ultra rare [in their words] will be called SPARKY. I think that's a prototype name, as you can see the name "neonblast" in the offical description
[this kind of thing happened with series 4 aswell]
[sparky is the name of a rare silver from series 1. THEY DID NOT THINK]
another place who thinks they know it all-TNP.MEDIA
give it your best shot!
it turns out it is the same as the first one. BORING
EDIT-5 JUL 2021-the training tower ex. are called-
astro turbo [kazoom kid/rocket] [like rocketzing]
acewing [space helmet]
[both hero]
later-the entire list has been leaked
for more info on rivals, check the superthings page of this website.
EDIT 18 JUL-I had a close look at the tin from KK-he's a hockey stick, not a boomerang!
also, the superthings that come with balloon boxer/spike roller will just be called "air action team" and "spike power team", so no proper names for those ones
there is not long until they are out in SPAIN. only...18 more days!!! [hopefully]
also, they have FINALLY made the t-racers english vidz. HOORAY
EDIT 2 AUG-this is the month they release!!
speaking of, there is another tin you can find on amazon.es if you punch in "superthings"
it's called the "superspecials" tin, and its marked "series 1"
if it's real [and I think it is], then it will contain silver [if not, some silver-it's hard to tell], gold and [possibly reposed] enigma
[they might not make more at this stage, but we will see]
I think I will have to wait this one out, as they are showing no signs of release yet
EDIT 11 AUG 2021-the superthings kazoom kids gubbins have appeared on the magicbox uk shop
EDIT 14 AUG 2021-the team terrible names have been found-
[these are pixelated, so may not be %100]
captain-goldoor [?]
angry puck
bad tackle
I DONT KNOW, BECAUSE THEY ARE PIXELZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT 17 AUG 2021-they have FINALLY updated the website
there will be NEW content added to this site
FINAL EDIT-24 AUG 2021-THEY ARE OUT NOW IN THE ENTERTAINER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HERE IT IS IS-----------------------------------------------