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series 1/golden treasure series: 

golden beard [ULTRA RARE] - with exclusive golden treasure

the wild crew: 

captain king roar

andy savage

big tusk

wild horne

lucy hook

will hunter

the seaside crew: 

captain deep water

crooky dale

snorkel jack

jake S. parrot

wavy jones

speedy shelly

the champs crew:

captain hat trick

rocky fist

piggy pow

ali hoop

mr. goat

tommy tackle

the downtown crew: 

captain bones

bobbie hatchet

jack hammer

doug pomodoro

cheese cheater

spicy stu

the rebels crew:

captain ollie

robbie rob

buffy sling

johnny banana

jimmy blast

lucky glitch

the show band crew: 

captain tina thunder

stevie riff

movie rick

charlie seal

bunny cotton

scratch joe

1 pack - 1 piratix, 1 treasure [6 treasure to collect]

2 pack - 2 piratix, 2 treasures

fortress pack - 1 fortress [6 to collect - including a rare gold fortress], 1 piratix, 1 treasure

adventure pack - 1 fortress, 1 cannon [6 to collect], 1 missile [6 to collect], 2 piratix, 1 treasure

captain pack - 1 gold captain piratix, 3 piratix, 1 fortress, 1 cannon

gold pack - 1 gold captain piratix, 5 piratix, 1 gold stand, 1 exclusive treasure

mega pack - same as gold pack but now includes a logbook/checklist book

monster treasure - with 3 exclusive piratix [captain charles claw, pete hammerhead and rick shine] and 1 exclusive treasure

sea crusher - with 1 exclusive piratix [captain bobster] and 1 exclusive treasure

sky hunter - with 1 exclusive piratix [captain wings] and 1 exclusive treasure

king shark - with 1 exclusive piratix [captain hermit] and 1 exclusive treasure


series 2/shark treasure series:

big jaws [ULTRA RARE] - with exclusive crystal treasure

the abyssal crew [crystal piratix]:

jelly roger

diver dave

mace tentacle

spike belly

axel red

long sparky

the far west crew: 

captain goldstar [gold]

donny blow

sneaky viper

bruce stinger

bison joe

scouty dale

the party crew: 

captain gondolino [gold]

mr. rufus

waity jack

freddie wings

sweet tooth

timmy crash

the range crew:

captain rooster [gold]

terry bite

madame moo

humphrey boar

shell don

scary jim

the wrecking crew: 

captain persigold [gold]

bull dozer

barney bear

cattori hanzo

erik helmethorn

vin mcmuscles

the frost bones crew:

captain snowball [gold]

fin frosty

quick freeze

big lance

fur fury

ice mcclaw

the wacky crew:

captain newton [gold]

mr. poochie

mad murdock

buzz mars

old joe

al pakino

1 pack

4 pack [4 piratix, 1 = crystal piratix]

sea speeder pack [1 sea speeder [find the gold sea speeder], 1 piratix, 1 treasure - 6 crystal treasure to collect]

captain pack [1 sea speeder, 1 catapult [6 to collect], 4 piratix, 2 treasures]

shark cave [with 1 exclusive piratix [captain hunter] and 1 exclusive treasure]

skull cave [with 1 exclusive piratix [captain skully] and 1 exclusive treasure]

kraken ship [with 2 exclusive piratix [captain big blue + bad horsey] and 1 exclusive treasure]


series 3/crazy jungle: 

Wild mask [ULTRA RARE] - with exclusive treasure


Tribal crew [neon finish]: 

Bunga bam







Hero crew: 

Captain kaizo [gold]

Sven helmetthorn


Karrot lee

Marco lafitte

Jumping jack


Experts crew:

Captain doc bandaid [gold]

Curly styles

Stampy pat

Vinnie terrine 

Ace ball

Will forester


Hidden crew: 

Captain watchtower [gold]


Danny mcgeko

Gaston arpeggio

Happy barry

Richie armour


Bug crew: 

Captain black silk [gold]

Don ringo

Bee john C

Clancy slime

Herman tiss

Wormy digginston


Tropic crew: 

Captain louie [gold]

Rony bamboo

Danny dundee

Zebro stripe

Ally ostrike

Otto longneck


Epic crew: 

Captain pharaonix [gold]

Axe julius

Wild wayne

James bone

Charlie rebel

Arrow teach



1 pack

4 pack [1 neon]

Jungle cage [1 cage, 1 piratix, 1 treasure]

Captain pack [4 piratix, 1 cage, 2 treasure, 1 cannon]

Gorilla bros - boom ben [with captain jambo and 1 exclusive treasure]

Gorilla bros - smash jack [with captain bantu and 1 exclusive treasure]

King croc [with captain jawcrush and 1 exclusive treasure]

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