recycler - copier - can 'recycle' any power he wants
smiley spike - spike - his head is very sharp, so you don't want to be below him!
bath force - aquadash - he is able of skimming across water like a jetski
slideway - projectile slider - any object can be thrown down his slide
brock cool - fighting shot - he can pound harder than any other superthing
team-shirt - victory lightning - if he fights against villains, he always seems to win!
sparkly groundz - cleaning swoosh - he is really fast on smooth surfaces. don't try to catch him!
captain salty - salt shield - his shield is designed to block anything, including pepper sprays from his rival!
flashguette - hyperspeed - another superthing capable of reaching lightspeed!
lucky 'o green - luck blast - he can give good luck to fellow heroes, a popular superthing
slash - deadly edge - his edge is the sharpest in the world...beware of touching him!
toxfung - giant poison - his poison shots contain dangerous toxic gas
turboscooter - hyperspeed - speed is a great tool
star glass - zoom in - he can zoom in and out using his eyes
powstick - wooden thwack - he is meant to be a sword, but he isn't that powerful
metalteeth - stapler stick - he can pin rivals down with his staples
airspin - air flier - flies through the air in a perfect line toward the rival
Rockstar (rock) VS jerkhammer (jackhammer) [throws himself/flies toward his rival]
Newton (apple) vs treevil (tree) [has a hard body/can grow more arms]
Reflecto (mirror) vs smashing job (hammer) [reflects attacks/smashes anything just by standing]
Seafarer (boat) vs drenchy (sea) [can go underwater/soaks a large place easily]
Rev (motorbike) vs woosh (plane) [super speed/flight]
Flushie (toilet) vs prickleback (toilet brush) [flushes attacks/spiky]
Brickforce (house) vs destructor (dynamite) [helps superthings travel/explodes]
Rollabout (ball) vs pumped (air pump) [super jump/blasts air]
Tuneplayer (tuba) vs noisemaker (kazoo) [bright shine/deafens heroes]
turbopuff (flour) vs groundsmasher (spatula) [shoots flour/whacks the ground]
Volter (lightbulb) vs jarkness (shadow) [shocks/sucks up elec]
Victor vision (glasses) vs optikor (equipment) [can see very far/burns the ground in front of him]
Better basket (shopping basket) vs tough trolley (trolley) [can hold a lot of items/charges]
Grassneak (grass) vs vile violet (flower) [tangles up in his grass/launches petals]
Wetndizzy (washer) vs dryndizzy (dryer) [spins rivals around]
Liquijug (jug) vs hole helmet (sieve) [pours a lot of liquid/attacks just fall through]
Protector (plaster) vs rollinator (bandage) [very sticky/rolls down hills fast]
Super switch (lightswitch) vs shady (lightshade) [lights up any place/hides in darkness very well]
Boing (spring horse) vs swingister (swings) [jumps great hights/swings out to strike]
Great glass (telescope) vs double vision (binoculars) [also can see very far/shoots 2 giant beams]
Out 'o time (hourglass) vs quickspeed (watch) [freezes time when all her sand has passed through/always battles very quickly]
Miss fortune (horseshoe) vs crafty clover (clover) [throws horseshoe boomerangs/shoots clover leaves]
Silver saver (tin) vs twisty (can opener) [very strong bloke/the only one who can pass through his rival's defence]
Blocker (blocks) vs sinister switcher (shape sorter) [throws hard wooden blocks/attacks fly through his holes]
Tabbo (tablet) vs electroman (charger) [reflects attacks/tangles rivals up]
Traffictrapper (stop sign) vs roadspike (cone) [freezes all superthings around it/summons cone spikes]
Bumpy (speed bump) vs spikeface (police spikes)
Super cyclone (fan) vs horrible heat (radiator) [blasts a massive wave of air/emits loads of heat in SUMMER]
Police power (jail cell) vs mindbender (crowbar) [attacks with metal bars/breaks himself out of jail]
Highness hygiene (tissue box) vs germinator (germ) [captures her rival's germs/throws germs to infect]
Awesome aqua (submarine) vs terrible truck (truck) [goes underwater/really heavy]
Weightbuster (body scales) vs master measure (kitchen scales) [changes the weight of things/used to be a judge]
The thingalaxy (galaxy) [creates new superthings planets for them to live on] [hero]
flagreat [flag, hero] [blows a high-power wind]
stink twins [socks, villains] [throws a stink]
Aeromaster [plane] [hero] [flight]
Quickdraw [paper pad] [hero] [uses his pencil like a spear]
Heated [thermometer] [villain] [can make anyone hotter or colder]
Pow couch [sofa] [villain] [other villains use him as a crash-mat]
Clasp grasp [tongs] [hero] [catches attacks]
Snugglez [bed] [hero] [heroes use him as a crash mat]
Launchapult [rubber band] [villain] [flies a long distance]
Liquizer [bottl watter] [villain] [shoots a powerful stream of water]
Groundpounder [ink stamp] [hero] [stamps villains and leaves a mark]
The Hedgehog [comb] [hero] [very spiky]
Wallclimber [sticky note] [hero] [sticks to any surface]
Bubblez [soap] [villain] [squirts soap at rivals]
Skribbler [pencil] [villain] [draws walls to block attacks]
Cashgrabber [wallet] [villain] [duplicates money]
Chain gain [locket] [villain] [grabs with a chain arm]
Livid lips [lipstick] [hero] [attacks with lipstick slashes]
Dizzie [spinning top] [hero] [spins at speed to knock villains over]
Super loader [dump truck] [hero] [dumps a load of rocks onto rivals]
Dreadful dome [bowl] [villain] [can hide someone underneath]
Neckster [necklace] [villain] [can tie a rival up]
Bladey [nail file] [hero] [cuts through anything]
Polishy [nail polish] [villain] [makes any surfaces slippy]
Spike [needle] [villain] [dives toward rivals]
Squeaky [pen/mouse] [hero] [the squeaks he makes when writing drives rivals mad]
Laseriser [laser/cat] [villain] [attracts others using a laser]
Hurricane [hand fan] [villain] [blows rivals away]
Hyper roller [rolling pin] [villain] [charges toward rivals and flattens them]
Counter [clock] [hero] [freezes time]
Tangler [shoe lace] [villain] [tangles rivals up]
Ned neon [glowstick] [hero] [lights up the darkest of places]
Flatop [table] [villain] [can stand upside down]
Seatbelter [seatbelt] [hero] [attacks with metal whip]
Mighty monitor [monitor] [hero] [collects data]
Toughjaw [clamp] [villain] [crushes with his jaw]
iron jaw [vice grip] [hero]
Freezie [ice cube tray] [hero] [freezes rivals in blocks of ice]
Hoopy [ring] [villain] [traps rivals]
Giant smell [perfume] [hero] [creates scent traps]
Framed [picture frame] [hero] [throws his frame like a boomerang]
Timestopper [clock] [villain] [stops time for as long as he wants]
The packer [cardbox] [hero] [traps villains inside]
Hyperacer [tape roll] [villain] [leaves sticky trail]
High jumper [spring] [hero] [jumps very high]
Pokehead [toothpick] [villain] [charges] [AKA edgehead]
Screwed [screw] [villain] [pins rivals down]
Catch chap [cup] [hero] [catches attacks]
Electro [charger] [villain] [shocks]
Absorber [outlet] [hero] [absorbs electric attacks]
Snappy [nail clippers] [villain] [breaks attacks]
Newsmaster [newspaper] [villain] [when rolled up, becomes a baton]
Voice catcher [cd] [hero] [records info]
Thermo [thermostat] [villain] [changes tempo]
Chalk it [chalk] [villain] [shoots chalk dust]
Creditz [credit card] [villain] [extracts valuables]
Freshy [air freshener] [hero] [sprays air freshener]
You ess bee [USB] [villain] [keeps info]
heatsnake [scarf] [villain] [tangles rivals]
light poler [street light] [hero] [shoots bright light]
terror turnip [turnip] [villain]
Battlemarker [bookmark] [villain] [marks where battles took place]
Yellow safety [rubber gloves] [hero] [protects against poison attacks]
Edgy [letter opener] [villain] [cuts any incoming obstacles]
Blastface [boombox] [villain] [uses high-powered sonic attacks]
Fruitster [apple] [hero]
Snailen [snail shell] [villain] [attaches to other superthings]
Bubblez [soap] [hero] [cleans anything she touches]
Zappy [outlet] [villain] [shocks those who attack his plugs]
Chalky [chalk] [hero] [throws chalk dust at rivals]
Rollster [rolling pin] [villain] [runs over rivals]
Wrench it [wrench] [villain] [grabs with his head]
Lasher [charger] [hero] [lashes his cable]
Grinder [sandpaper] [villain] [very sharp]
Boing [spring] [hero] [jumps up very high, but has to watch to not get stuck]
ann vill [anvil] [villain] [smashes down from high places]
Cillit shock VS kaboomy [sprays cleaner]
Snapshot (camera, hero) [shoots flashes]
Party castle (bouncy castle, hero) [very bouncy]
Scrubby (bar of soap, villain) [shoots bubbles]
Pinky and whitey (marshmallows, hero) [squishy, deflects attacks]
Chris X (battenberg, villain)
Take-off (plane, villain) [flies]
Crumbly (biscuit, hero) [throws crumbs]
quinn quiver [bow, hero] [shoots arrows]
dedoderhead [deodorant, hero] [removes any bad smells]
elektro [wires, villain] [delivers electric shocks]
wavy [radio, hero] [shoots out radio waves]
lock-up [locker, villain] [locks heroes inside]
2-0-1-8-2-0-2-3 [keyboard, villain] [types in a code nobody can understand]
springtrap [spring, villain] [jumps up very high]
superthings glow squad [plasmorus] [glowing superthings, glowing exoskeletons, glowing kazoom kids] [plasmorus = glowing alien, green eyes]
superthings astro voyagers [thingalaxy] [glitter superthings, glitter exoskeletons, glitter kazoom kids] [thingalaxy = glitter/clear galaxy, hero]
superthings aqua league [hydrone] [totally clear superthings, clear exoskeletons, clear kazoom kids] [hydrone = clear aquabot, villain]
superthings nova sonic [novastar] [double colour superthings, double colour/weapon exoskeletons, double colour kazoom kids] [novastar = double colour shooting star, green/pink eyes]
T-racers neon force [nightspeed = neon colour] [nightblast = disco ball] [sign up = neon sign]
T-racers chromium dash [metallica = silver] [fur force = silver leopard claws] [mirror deflect = mirrors]
Series 1: the race begins
Dj groove [glitchor, soundbreaker] [spinwinner]
Sea speed [surf slide, whale tail] [captain crash]
Mystic dash [metal knockout, dragon sweep] [shazoom]
Saberusher [ice fuel, magma masher] [bite rider]
Astror [blastoff, submerger] [lunartik]
Techbot [asteroid crasher, hyper blastoff] [racebot]
Alieo [lightning shock, satellite swerve] [blorg]
raceMaster [max engine, hyper exhaust]
Series 2: the second lap
Max adventure [power cactus, swift sting] [dusty wheels]
gorrillor [bite fang, bamboo blast] [speed king]
penguin slip [yeti bite, creamy shot] [cool flip]
Super rescue [zippy zap, power engine] [super vroom]
Powergoal [double glove, winning push] [master goal]
Wild ride [super skate, power spray] [freestyler]
Service streak [emergency blast, hose cannon] [nitro cop]
Kraken captain [chestboard, cannonport] [golden kraken]
Series 3: fire and ice
Power boxer [rugby brawl, basket boost] [mr. ko]
constructor [power dozor, drill cone] [top stop]
Stink rat [scrap shift, pathslimer] [gas rat]
Tropic cool [aqua surfer, tropic flier] [tropical hit]
Turbo treat [speed slice, sauce strike] [full chef]
Hidden silence [metal dragon, speed sushi] [silent racer]
Violet hiss [rough rhino, hypno cobra] [scratch cat]
burningIce [fireball, turbo freeze] [ice flame]
Series 4: glow race
Aquadiver [roboorca, sandstorm] [deep dip]
Magictrick [magicar, hiddencard] [master illusion]
Cool climber [off-road crawler, peak speed] [speed peak]
Extra life [digiscreen, mind controller] [player 1]
Dino pilot [claw rush, giant lava] [rex racer]
Honey sting [crawler creeper, turbo flapper] [turbo queen]
Power sailor [train tracker, engine push] [hard waves]
Professor kaos [gooey chaos, electro sphere] [doctor glow]
Series 5: colour rush
Puzzleliter [hyperslide, trick flip] [crazy tricks]
Super rescue [subgrabber, aqua speed] [fast rescue]
Tribal trouble [stone smash, bamboo slip] [jungle kid]
Armourdillo [scorpio slam, cacti catcher] [speed spikes]
Hyperflight [hawk hollerer, jet flier] [super sonic]
Sunset boost [mechahorse, hay roller] [wild ride]
Sweet surprise [cake crash, present power] [wonder shock]
Tagster [carmoleon/roadroller] [tagmaleon]
Series 6: light speed
Victory V [V driller/V lightning] [pow! power]
Rhino blast [wild jaws/tenterror] [auto rhino]
Arachnus [haunted window, batty bat] [speeder girl]
Rocka [string strike, mega mic] [rock start]
Supermask [punchshield, weightbuster] [red shadow]
Creamy [serve drivor, hotdog booster] [race cream]
Sunrise charge [tractor engine, wind fuel] [rural rush]
Maximum galaxy [horizon shot, distance laser] [starfast]
Series ex: pitstop power
Avian [sting zoom, copter control] [wingspeed]
Demoschool [teletaxi, Crushor] [mr meaner]
Crocovorus [sub shark, tentaclasher] [croco drive]
Tiki time [burning jaws, dragon destroyer] [tiki twist]
Scalie [claw crusher, inkshooter] [crazy jaws]
Troublemaker [race rotor, heliflier] [stuntuner]
Knightackler [burning blade, turbo thrower] [motor knight]
Groundigger [powerdrill, powerbucket] [super miner]
Puffor [hammorhead, fish force] [velocifish]
Terrorsaur [road rex, ptera power] [fastertops]
Turbohelp [battery blast, plunger shock] [ULTIMATE RACE]
S1 hideout boxes [normal hideout art]
S1 blister boxes [darknetic, brain freeze]
S2 hideout boxes [normal hideout art]
S2 blister boxes [rocketball, striker]
S3 superslider boxes [normal superslider art]
S3 blister boxes [mad roller, big dunky]
S4 blasterjet boxes [normal blasterjet art]
S4 blister boxes [flamespark, mag mistery]
S5 aerowagon boxes [normal aerowagon art]
S5 blister boxes [bad data, fight foam]
SS hideout boxes [normal hideout art]
SS blister boxes [hard brick, megachomp]
PM powerjet boxes [normal powerjet art]
PM powerbot boxes [normal powerbot art]
PM blister boxes [electriker, paper pack]
KK kazoom slider boxes [normal kazoom slider art]
KK kazoom kid boxes [normal kazoom kid art]
KK blister boxes [enjoystick, bad smile]
GOK kazoom jet packets [normal kazoom jet art]
GOK kazoom kid capsules [yellow top]
GOK card blister
RF rescue jet packets [normal rescue jet art]
RF kazoom kid capsules [red, blue and yellow top]
RF card blister
NP exoskeleton packets [normal exoskeleton art]
NP kazoom kid capsules [green top]
NP card blister
MB exoskeleton packets [1 of 6 exoskeleton arts with marked bags]
MB kazoom kid capsules [orange/red top]
MB card blister
E superjet packets [1 of 6 superjet arts with marked bags]
E kazoom kids capsules [neon yellow top]
E card blister
fire and ice turbo wheel
glow race turbo wheel
colour rush turbo wheel
lightspeed turbo wheel