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heroes of goojitzu


thrash-super strechy/tusnami flex

tygor-super squishy/flash burst

wolfpain-super crunchy/crunch attack

sahrio-super sandy/desert crush

blazeagon-super gooey/lava slam

pantaro-super mushy/cryo freeze

frostbite [ultra rare] super smushy/ice hammer

simian-super strechy/sling shot

silverback-super crunchy/bone crash

scorpius-super oozy/radioactive sting

viper-super sandy/sand strike [only in 2-packs]

rockjaw-super crunchy/fang fury

mantor-super sandy/sand force

brawler-super spongy/plasma smash

graplock-super strechy/strech surge


iron man-super gooey

captain america-super strechy

hulk-super squishy/gamma glow hulk

spider man-super mushy/radioactive spider man

groot-super goopy

black panther-super gooey

venom-super squishy

miles morales-super mushy


vibranium power black panther [squishy]

super venom [goopy]

4 pack - vibranium power black panther [metallic] metal suit miles morales [metallic] radioactive spider man [GID] thunder power thor [GID]

hulk vs infinity power thanos [crunchy/squishy]

spider man [squishy]

ghost spider [squishy]

war machine [scrunchy]

miles morales [gooey]

goo shifters armoured energy war machine [squishy]

goo shifters blue strike spider man [stretchy]

goo shifters red smash hulk [mushy]

goo shifters vibranium energy blast black panther [squishy]

goo shifters battle attack thor [scrunchy]

goo shifters iron armour spider man [stretchy]

goo shifters goo enhanced green goblin [squishy]

glow surge hulk​

glow surge iron man

glow surge spiderman 


new water blast attack [all figures have this]



golden blazeagon- [2-pack ex]  oozy

golden pantaro-[2 pack ex] oozy

rockjaw [2 pack ex] squishy

battaxe [2 pack ex] mushy

hydra [ultra rare]-strechy





DINO POWER/SERIES 3 [new chomp attack]




braxor-crunchy [ultra rare]




DINO X-RAY/SERIES 4 [new 'see my bones!' clear fx]

terrack [scrunchy] [bones]

ultra rare smashadon [mushy] [bones]






joker- [2 pack ex] goopy

thor [super squishy]

the riddler [squishy]

heavy armour batman - squishy

kryptonian armour superman - gooey

reverse-flash - strechy

tuxedo joker - squishy

metallic batman vs riddler [gooey/squishy]

arctic armour batman VS mr. freeze [squishy/gooey]

ultimate spider man VS doctor octopus [squishy/stretchy]

goo shifters hydro attack king shark [mushy]

alien armoured blue beetle [squishy]

gold charge flash [squishy]

night power batman [stretchy]

galaxy attack/series 5

crusticoid [eye pop attack] [ultra rare]

sun fire blazagon VS dark matter terrack [gooey VS scrunchy/see my bones!!]

air vac thrash [pump power]

solar blast blazagon [gooey/visor flip]

astro thrash [squishy/visor flip]

saternaut [stretchy/2 colour goo]

merculok [scrunchy/cosmic shape]

cosmic pantaro [goopy/visor flip]

star shadow [stretchy/squishy/cosmic shape]

air vac orbitox [pump power]

solar blast blazagon/astro thrash/merculok [gooey/squishy/stretchy]

galaxy blast/series 6

astroblast thrash VS quickdraw rockjaw [squishy/gooey] [water blasting] 

blazagon [squishy/water blasting] 

tyro [gooey/water blasting]

rockjaw [scrunchy/water blasting]

orbitox [stretchy/water blasting]

warsnap [goopy/water blasting]

brainboom [ultra rare] [squishy] 

air vac blazagon [pump power]

cosmic attack

air vac - thrash/blazagon/orbitox

goo shifters/series 7 - [new 'core' thingy]

primal thrash [core/chomp attack] [gooey]

primal rockjaw [core/chomp attack] [squishy]

thrash [core/goopy]

corruptagon [core/squishy/light up core]

pantaro [core/oozy]

bengal [core/gooey]

liquid gold pantaro VS shadow orb scorpius [core] [goopy/squishy]

stretch and strike thrash mobile

glow shifters/series 8 - [core glows in the dark]

blazagon [core, squishy]

ultraglow tyro vs shadowclaw rockjaw [gooey/crunchy]

tyro [core, gooey]

tritops [core, squishy]

bengal [core, mushy]

scorpius [core, oozy]

gigatusk [core, water blast, crunchy] [ultra rare]

ultra raptor 3 pack = dinogoo tyro [light, sound], blazagon [x-ray, stretchy]], shredz [x-ray, oozy]

ultraglow blazagon [glows in the dark] vs shadowfang viper [squishy, stretchy]

deep goo sea - [new action features]/series 9

blazagon [water squirt] [super stretchy]

foogoo [head butt attack: head moves up] [super oozy]

exoshock [ultra rare] [eye pop attack] [super crunchy]

mantara [water squirt] [super mushy]

squidor [suckers] [super squishy]

thrash [biting] [super squishy]

double goo tyro [stretchy/squishy] [claw attack]

double goo bowlbreath [crunch/stretch] [eel pop attack

king hydra [stretchy/squishy/gooey] [triple heads attack: blast missile/sounds - lights/stretch]

tidal smash thrash VS hammerhook [squishy/stretchy] [chomp attack]

cursed goo sea/series 10

blazagon [gooey] [curse colour change]

ill eel [stretchy] [curse colour change]

rockjaw [ultra rare] [squishy and stretchy] [curse colour change]

graplock [squishy] [curse colour change]

thrash [oozy] [curse colour change]

pantaro VS squidor [gooey/squishy] [curse colour change/suckers]

stretch strikers/series 11

Blazagon (squishy)

Thrash (scrunchy)

Pantaro (squishy)

Rockjaw (gooey)

Black knight orbitox (stretchy) (ultra rare) (battle damage)

Sir thrashalot vs redback (stretchy/crunchy)

Knight blazagon vs corruptagon (stretchy/squishy)

Deluxe blazagon

Deluxe rockjaw

Lava fury king hydra

Hero creator blazagon

hero creator thrash

Hero creator rockjaw

smash strikers/series 12

Blazagon [crunchy]

Pantaro [gooey]

Tygor [squishy]

Mantor [ultra rare] [stretchy]

Terrorbull [scrunchy]

Battle pack: tyro [squishy] VS rockjaw [stretchy]

all stars 4 packs: 

ex-blazagon [water blast]

ex-pantaro [visor]

ex-tyro [bones]

ex-hydra [squirt]

ex-blazagon [water blast]

ex-rock jaw [beads]

ex-tyro [chomp]

ex-smashadon [bones]

ex-thrash [chomp]

ex-pantaro [water blast]

ex-blazagon [bones]

ex-braxor [chomp]

ex-tyro [water blast]

ex-blazagon [bones]

ex-shredz [chomp]

ex-corruptagon [squish]

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