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The slickest, slimiest, slipperiest funguys of them all. The oozey funguys love to hide out in all sorts of damp places. Hunting for these guys can be pretty hazardous and if you do spot one, be prepared…you might get wet! Even if you do grab one, they’re so slippery they might just slither right out of your hand!


Sweaty hetty: sweat mould

An extremely nervous funguy, constantly covered in slimy, smelly sweat and if you are lucky (or unlucky) enough to spot it, sweaty hetty will immediately throw its arms in the air releasing a toxic blue armpit sweat to distract you as it tries to slither away!


Rumblesquirt: baby poop

The youngest of all the funguys, but far from sweet and innocent. This poopy pest is most often found in dirty diapers and nasty nappies. He’s hard to catch, as the sound of a baby’s rumbly tummy will make even the greatest bio busters run for cover


Tommy squeaker: fart

Tommy squeaker, the gassy gremlin. His favourite hiding place is up human nostrils (urgh!) where he always manages to cause a real stink! He has a habit of disappearing into thin air, so is hard to spot. You’ll have to follow your nose for this one!


Flemling: snot

Fleming is a bit of a drip! A snotty mess that you can find hanging from the end of your nose, or hiding in used tissues! He’s always suffering from a cold, and if he sees someone trying to catch him. He’ll violently sneeze in their face to try and scare them off


Chunderbug: vomit

This is one sick funguy! He’s always feeling a little queasy, perhaps because he spends his time rolling around in vomit. If the sight of chunderbug doesn’t turn your stomach, then the smell certainly will! Probably one on your list of funguys to catch!


These techy tyrants are pretty smart and know all the best places to hide. Before the bio busters managed to download them, these funguys used to crawl all around the world wide web. Now they hide in the digital depths, so watch out next time you turn on your TV, computer or phone, you might just see them scurry across your screen!


Arachnocode: web crawler

A creepy crawly of the worst kind! As his name suggests aracnocode spends his time scurrying around the internet, spinning digi-webs and trying to trap computer bugs! There’s only one way to trap this techy tyrant - squash him with a e-book!


Clingon: unsafe attachment

Clingon has an incredibly strong grip and will grab onto anything he can. Once he’s on it’s almost impossible to get him off. He loves causing trouble by infecting computers with all sorts of digital viruses, transmitting them through his wiry hair


Meat head: spam mail

Weirdly, meathead barely has a head at all! He’s more of a shapeless, squishy pink blob. He spends his time rooting through email inboxes, looking for safe emails to eat and then puke back up as spam mail, which he’ll then smother all over your keyboard!


Killer-bug: download error

Resembling a sort of pixelated crocodile, killer-bug is just the worst! He has a big appetite and an even bigger ‘byte’. If he gets loose inside a computer he’ll pretty much eat the whole lot. Watch out for him, this is one funguy whose bark is definitely not worse than his ‘byte’


Slimy smiley: infected emoji

Slimy smiley is a distant cousin of the original smiley face emoji. You wouldn’t even know the difference . . . except of course the maggots that squirm all over slimy’s face! True to his emoji heritage, he always keeps a creepy smile on his face!


Jungles, rainforests, caves and even wild animals; these are the places the tropical funguys hide away. They come from all sorts of far-flung places, and they’re some of the most toxic funguys known to man! Attack is the best form of defence for these vicious vermin so when trying to catch them extreme caution is advised!


Suckler: leech

This one-eyed, wormy, wiggly menace is suckler. He will latch onto anything, but loves humans most of all! Once he gets hold, he can just about sap the life right out of you. Steer clear would be my advice, as meeting this funguy would really suck!


Ringo: ringworm

This is not the sort of ring you’ll be putting on your finger anytime soon! Ringo is a nasty piece of work. His long, dangling tentacles are perfect for wrapping round attackers. If you end up on the wrong side of ringo, expect a itchy little rash for your troubles!


Ug: cave fungus

Ug, possibly the oldest funguy of them all. It is thought he dates back to prehistoric times, when cavemen ruled the earth. Generally found stuck to the side of the darkest, dankest, dampest caves, ug doesn’t do much, in fact most of the time he’s just asleep!


Fang: snake venom

Fang is just about the most aggressive funguy. He slithers around in rainforests, trying to jump inside the mouths of passing snakes. If attacked, he starts hissing and will spit a highly toxic slime at what or whoever is trying to catch him!

Noctrinal: bat wee

noctrinal provides a powerful stink, must be all the fruit bats eat! He’s usually found splashing around in little pools at the bottom of caves . . . weirdly directly underneath the bat colonies?! Do not approach, unless you're happy to get showered in you know what…


If you go down to the woods today . . . you’re sure for a fungusy surprise. The wild funguys are masters of disguise. Cloaked in all sorts of mouldy, rotten wood and plants, they camouflage themselves extremely well. It's a good thing they do, because they’re not the quickest characters and prefer to spend their time hiding in muddy, soily holes or rotting tree stumps!


Clumpnut: moss

Clumpnut is a strange looking funguy. His long nose is perfect for sniffing out manky tree stumps, where he spends most of his time. Find him by listening out for his long clumps of mossy hair whistling in the wind!


Barkly: wood rot

Barkly, the rotten wood wanderer! He spends most of his time climbing and hugging trees, rotten ones, of course! He’s tough to spot as he has a perfect crusty camouflaged coat that allows him to hide amongst the tree stumps!


Mulch: compost

That pile of compost at the bottom of your garden is home to mulch. A soily fella with a short temper. If you disturb his horrid home, you might just find yourself on the end of one of his manure attacks! Trust me, they’re just as bad as they sound!


Bumpy swellings: poison ivy

Itchy, scratchy spots are bumpy swelling’s bread and butter. Just a touch of his long, leafy limbs will give you a stinging surprise. This makes him tough to catch so make sure you bring some gloves!


Fungiface: mushroom

Fungiface loves to snuffle around at the bottom of tree stumps notice his mushroom handstand feet, perfect for a soup (it would taste horrible) but not so good for moving around! If you manage to spot him you might just catch him!


Body funguys are perhaps the most troublesome and mischievous of them all. What makes them such pesky pests? They follow humans around like a bad smell, trying to cause as much trouble as possible. And the worst thing…they’re very difficult to find as they can be hiding right under your nose…literally!


Walter wart: wart

Walter wart, walt to his friends, can be a real pain! He has a super sticky plunger instead of feet so that he can stick to anything, especially fingers and toes. He’s pretty gross, check out the little hairs sprouting from his head. Urgh!


Pops: spot

Pops, the lumpiest, bumpiest and possibly grumpiest funguy. He’s always in a bad mood as he spends too much time trying to pop his own pimples. There’s not much he can do as even his spots have spots on them, not even the strongest soap will do much good!


Abseth: tooth decay

Dentists hate this guy nearly as much as the bio busters do! You won't find him smiling much and certainly don’t ask him to ‘say cheese’. abseth defends himself with a vicious plaque-attack that turns teeth brown and yellow!


Harrytosis: bad breath

Harrytosis (harry to his friends, he doesn’t have any) is most at home shuffling around in the smelliest of foods; garlic and onions are a few of his favourites! Be warned, hold your nose if you want to catch him, or suffer the consequences 


Pinky: eye infection

Keep and eye on this funguy. Pinky is a ‘vision’ of nastiness! Whenever you scratch your eye. It’s probably pinky causing all the trouble. He actually lives in eyebrows, but occasionally sneaks towards your eye, looking for bits of old sleepy dust to eat!


Have you ever looked closely at the back of your fridge or inside last week’s lunch box? These are just the sort of places the festering foodie funguys love to hang out. They are some of the smelliest, rottenest creatures you could find and to be honest, they smell so bad you probably wouldn't want to find them anyway! But if you do, be sure to trap them in a sealed container!


Drip drop: damp spore

A disgusting slippery, slimy spore, drip drop spends most of his time swimming around in dirty bottles and broken drinks fountains. He defends himself by swallowing stagnant water and then squirting it at attackers


Curd burglar: blue cheese

Curd burglar by name, curd burglar by nature. He loves stinky blue cheese so much that he’ll steal extra blue mould to rub on himself. He uses his awful stench to scare off attackers. A real ‘cheesy’ chap!


Mouldy blighter: bread mould

Carbs are not a problem for this guy, he loves them. Mouldy blighter hides in bakery bins looking for stale bread to feast on. The more bread he eats, the faster he spreads. In fact, if you look closely you can see extra blighters growing out of him!


Sheldon fester: rotten egg

Sheldon fester, perhaps the rottenest funguy of all! Generally found at the back of the fridge, this eggy creature will defend itself by scooping out its own insides and launching them at attackers


Sour puss: off milk

Have you ever left a glass of milk out in the kitchen for too long? That smell, those lumps, the sour taste…well that’s sour puss. He likes the cold so gets very grumpy whenever he’s left out of the fridge (which is all the time)


The best of a bad bunch! Friendly funguys try to help out, spreading their ‘good bacteria’ around the world. The problem is, they’re not the smartest funguys and can be too friendly. If they see a bio buster, they’ll go in for the hug. Not the smartest move when you’re about to be caught. Although sometimes, it’s enough of a distraction for a quick getaway!


Oil-boil: cod liver oil

There’s never too much trouble and toil with oil-boil. He does taste horrible, but then again, he did start life as fish guts, so what would you expect! His oily, scaly skin means he’s a very slippery character, so watch out or he’ll side right out of your hand!


Vitaman: multi vitamin

Where to start with vitaman?! He’s mega hyper, mega crazy and mega fast! Running at speeds up to 100mph, means he’s almost impossible to catch. When he stops for a break it’s generally to refuel on some healthy foods, so keep an eye on the fruit bowl!


Biff: yogurt

Meet biff, an odd long funguy with an extra long nose, perfect for sniffing out his favourite yogurts (strawberry and apricot, in case you were wondering). You’ll find him slopping around in old yogurt pots, trying to lick up the last remaining splodges of yogurt


Hi-jean: penicillin

This funguy certainly packs a punch! Hi-jean’s boxing gloves perfect for battling against aches and pains. The only problem is that he can’t always tell good from bad, so if you wander his way, prepare to come away with a black eye and a bruise or two!


Doughy: bread yeast

Doughy is a weird looking funguy, a bit of a blob and very squelchy! He passes the time by rolling around in bakeries and kitchens, trying to avoid the bio busters by hiding in loaves of bread. He’s a bit of a coward, and strangely, not one to ‘rise’ to a challenge


Comprising of some of the worst infections around, the infuriating Attack Funguys are very persistent. They are mean and will fight dirty against their arch enemies… the Defence Funguys. They are in constant battle with these guys and so where you find one, you will find the other. But be warned… it will be tough and it will be messy to catch all of these Funguys


Rubby: blister

Ever burst a blister and felt something running down your skin? That is Rubby. Using the thick, oozing pus to guide him; Rubby likes to travel as far as possible, as quickly as he can, so you’ll have to hurry to catch him! He has feet for hands and likes making a horrific mess!


Coughman: hayfever

Bless you! Coughman is easy to find due to his sniffing and sneezing. He’s quite a mess with runny, bloodshot eyes and a sore, snotty nose! Coughman can only be found on humans with hay fever. But be aware: Coughman won’t leave easily and can be hugely irritating if you don’t catch him quick!


Band adrian: dirty plaster

On the remains of used plasters, in the dirty corner of gym changing rooms, Band Adrian builds his kingdom. He’s filthy and sticky and eats germs for breakfast. He likes to slip around undetected, to infect vulnerable humans. Approach Band Adrian at your own risk


Mo scratchins: hives

You’ll find Mo Scratchins clung to the centre of the most aggravating, tireless itch you’ve ever imagined. He is incredibly easy to find, but hard to catch as he desperately clings to irritated skin and spreads like a rash. Mo Scratchins loves to annoy humans and Bio Busters as much as possible!


Boogerloo: flu

Approach with caution! A close friend of Coughman, Boogerloo is especially unkind. He has learnt Coughman’s tricks and added a few of his own. He is sneaky, cunning and is always plotting his next hoax. Running riot on mucus covered tissues is where you will find Boogerloo.


The Defence Funguys have the best of intentions and are always willing to put themselves in the firing line. They are caring and feisty and they will never stop fighting crimes committed by the Attack Funguys. As nice as they seem, they are still a terrifying group. Therefore, these Funguys still need to be caught and detained, so keep your eyes peeled for the mini wars being waged all around.


Auntie histamine: antihistamine 

Look closely and Auntie Histamine will be easy to spot due to her colourful appearance. One of the most charming Funguys there is, Auntie Histamine is a sweet smelling, flower-loving soul who works hard to fight against sniffs and sneezes. Although seemingly pleasant, this Funguy still needs catching!


Anti-bac jack: anti biotic

Bold, courageous and heroic, Anti-Bac Jack will fight any Attack Funguy he finds. He’s a busy bee who believes that attack is the best form of defence and will rush in head first. Wherever you find an Attack Funguy, Anti-Bac Jack will be somewhere close by!


Balm pot: antiseptic

Follow the slimy, stinky residue and you will find Balm Pot. He is another brave Funguy who will daringly fight all Attack Funguys. He can, however, be a little slower to the battle due to his snail like image but helps to calm and soothe the aftermath of combat.


Disinfestor: cleaner

You shall not pass! At least not if you’re a pesky parasite! Holding down the battlefront, not letting any Attack Funguy through; Disinfestor is a strong, hulking character. One of the biggest Funguys there are; he will be easy to spot but tiresome to capture!


Bubbles: soap

One of the friendliest Funguys you will ever meet, Bubbles likes to make friends everywhere! He is always willing to lend a hand and will back up all Defence Funguys. He’s floaty, airy and incredibly buoyant but will get upset when you try to take him away


They may be related to the Tropical Funguys, but the Exotics are as disgusting as they come. Each is ghastly in their own unique way and repel all other creatures. Living in all four corners of the Earth and good at blending into their habitats, they are extremely difficult to find and even more difficult to catch. These pesky parasites are a troublesome bunch that will go out of their way to surprise unsuspecting humans.

Apescrape: monkey dandruff

What a cheeky monkey! He’s loud and he’s brash but his mischievous ways will make you smile. However, don’t let this fool you! This is his defence. Roaming around the monkeys back, disguised as a dry, flaky scrap of skin is where he’ll be.


Ink stink/dirt squirt: squid ink

A very sticky Funguy! Found in the depths of the ocean, Ink Stink is very shy and incredibly hard to find but beware… when seen, he will be most difficult to catch. If cornered, he will squirt a sticky, slimy, ink that distracts you and makes it easy for him to escape!


Fish stank: fish tank poop

Fish Stank can appear quite slow but is slippery, wet and really difficult to hold onto. Ever looked in a fish tank and seen slimy, snake-like trails in the water? That is Fish Stank. He prefers to drift around lazily in dirty water, feasting on foul fish poo! Gross!


Sporenana: mouldy banana

Don’t slip on that banana skin! However, do inspect it. Somewhere there you will find Sporenana. He’s slushy and mushy and blends into bruised banana flesh. With his two left feet and playful, slippery ways, he likes to trip Bio Busters, so they fall face first to the floor!


Aracknip: spider bite

One of the more aggressive Funguys, Aracknip is a tricky fellow. He’s an eight-legged fiend, so be careful! If you are lucky enough to get near him, he will be happy to take a nibble on human fingers! You need to be quick; he only appears for a short while after a spider bite!


Grubs are some of the smelliest Funguys around and love living in the dankest, dirtiest places. When cornered, Grubs main defence is to create a horrifying odour and they are not afraid to invade human nostrils in order to escape! However, they are also very wet and slimy making them even harder to catch. So, approach with caution and make sure you are prepared with a sealed container to keep them in!


Germafrost: frozen germ

This is one cool Funguy. Germafrost is a cheeky chap who loves to play hide and seek. He can be one of the hardest guys to find: preferring to disappear in the deepest, darkest depths of your freezer. Germafrost happily thrives in amongst the remains of long forgotten food.


Rotten roe: rotten caviar 

A very stinky Funguy! Ever smelt rotten fish? That is Rotten Roe. Often found oozing around in old, mouldy tin cans and slithering around old caviar. When cornered, he viciously attacks by leaking a toxic gas from the disgusting boils that cover his body. You’ll need a nose plug to catch this guy!


Shred head: sauerkraut

Hiding amongst large, leafy greens is where you will find Shred Head so you’ll need to follow your nose to catch this guy. He loves to chew on ancient, soggy cabbage and anything bright green, which is how he makes himself so foul! As they say… you are what you eat!


Wheyface: cottage cheese

Wheyface: Slimy, lumpy, gooey and green. A disgusting Grub whose pungent aroma will make your stomach turn. Living in the back of your fridge, feasting on old, rotting cheese is his favourite place to be. He is greasy and grimy and will put up a fight when finally found.


Crustbuster: lime scale

Dank and stale, Crustbuster is not a nice Funguy. Living in the lime scale filled, hard to reach corners of your shower and bath, he looks rather grim. Crustbuster stinks of old, putrid water and is very stubborn to move. Be prepared to work hard to capture this guy!


Related to the Body Funguys, the Infestors are a bothersome bunch. Infecting humans in new, horrifying ways; these fearsome Funguys enjoy causing mischief and mayhem. Infestors are some of the most disgustingly contagious infections to advance around the human body and they will quickly bloom in built up pockets of grime and gunk. They don’t like to leave their warm, cosy dwellings and won’t appreciate Bio Busters knocking on their doors!


Sandy pits: sleep dust

Sandy Pits is slow and sleepy with dribble sliding down his face. His eyes are crusted over with months’ worth of sleepy dust and he snores like a train. He is grumpy and he is foul. Sandy Pits is one of the most revoltingly slobbish Funguys you will ever find.


Crudnugget: ear wax

Deep down in human ears, Crudnugget lives in his waxy den. He only ventures out to find more dirt to make his home even more disgustingly comfortable. He is slimy, grotty and really quite crusty. Crudnugget likes to make humans uncomfortable, so you need to find him quick!


Trout pout: coldsore

Unliked and unloved, Trout Pout is a hideous character. With his sore, swollen, spotty lips he is not a pleasant sight. He is even more ill-tempered and everyone leaves Trout Pout well alone. Look carefully where ever there is a cold sore near and be sure to protect yourself!


Toe jim: athlete’s foot

Toe Jim is vulgar and needs to be captured. But, prepare yourself… he is sneaky and attaches himself deep in the nails fibres, making it tough to prise himself from his unwilling host. Spreading over dirty, injured toenails is where you will find Toe Jim.


Porebung: in-grown hair

Porebung is a stubborn mule who likes to create sore, swollen pores on unknowing humans. He is mischievous but takes the joke too far when getting hairs stuck in the pores. He will be difficult to find and even harder to yank from his firm grip of the hair root.


Found all over the globe, the Nature Funguys are grubby and love to wander in open, wild lands. They are a slippery, oozy bunch who prefers damp places to make their home. With the ability to travel (albeit slowly at times) and understanding the art of camouflage, they are incredibly difficult to find. But look carefully and you will find these Funguys taking a bite to eat alongside the critters of the woods.


Giddy-plop: horse manure

Giddy Plop is an infuriating, pungent character who lies around in open fields, sneakily waiting to climb into and stick to the soles of people’s shoes. Although happy travelling from place to place, Giddy Plop is a little dopey. Follow the grotty trail and you will find him!


Slobberchops: dog dribble

Super slimy and sopping wet, Slobberchops is an over-friendly, playful mutt who bounces around greeting everyone with a lick! He’s unpredictable, which can make him tricky to find. Slobberchops is a messy Funguy who leaves a slippery track wherever he goes; covering everything in a thin, sticky layer of saliva.


Fingerlitchen: sloth moss

The slowest of all Funguys, Fingerlichen is a master of camouflage. He is solemn, sleepy and seriously soft. However, he won’t be easy to find. In the depths of the forest at the top of a tree; riding around slowly on the back of a sloth; he blends into its moss-covered fur.


Splutter: smog

Wispy and light, floating in the breeze is Splutter. Causing coughs and sneezes from toxins in the air, he is an annoying character who enjoys making humans suffer. Follow the ghostly wisps of his long, grey beard and you will soon discover this fearless Funguy.


Slimeball: pond scum

Slimeball by name, Slimeball by nature. One of the ugliest Funguys to ever escape, he can be found drifting on slimy, scummy ponds. You will need to be careful of this Funguy! When seen, he releases an oozy, stinky spray from vile, bubbling warts that cover his body.


These digital delinquents can cause quite a ruckus! Taking lessons from the Digital Funguys, they have learnt the best places to hide and how to avoid the Bio Busters. As much as possible, they like to conceal themselves inside older technology and only come out to destroy anything shiny and new. They are at their best, creating havoc and turmoil for unsuspecting humans; so look closely at your screen, you may just see one lurking in the depths!


Surge splurge: old battery

One of the more vicious Techy Funguys, Surge Splurge has horrible acidic breath and a nasty nature that goes perfectly with his grumpy, wrinkled face. Gathering dust, he roams around in old, lost toys; daring brave boys and girls to come and catch him.


Easy-flo: infected resistor

Easy-Flo is a tricky troublemaker, who looks to cause trouble wherever he goes. With his tongue sticking out, you will find him looking for fresh, new power sources to infect, as this is what he does best. You need to find Easy-Flo quick, before he creates too much chaos!


Bugsy: computer bug

Buzzing and scurrying through the internet, you can find Bugsy. Looking like some form of mutant between spider and fly, he looks quite odd and he uses this to his advantage. He is quick, he is cunning, he is very annoying and he really doesn’t like to be caught!


Pattie: poo emoji

A childish character, Pattie is loud and brash and likes to tell a joke or two. He will play happy and pretend to be easy to get. But be aware, Pattie always makes a stink! Much like mouldy, old babies nappies full of you know what; you’ll need a strong stomach to get near this Funguy.


Rusty sparks: obsolete circuit board

Rusty Sparks is the oldest and loneliest Funguy. He hides away in old computers, long forgotten and rarely disturbed as he is considered obsolete by all other Funguys. When you find him be sure to ignore his grumbling and groaning about “youngsters and their new technology”.

BATCH 3: no site info for this one, just a list of names and me guessing

slops: [more body funguys?] R.terry/junior leavings/nicky slice/blunderpuss/sir lava [SPIT, OBVS]

airborns: [flying evils] coming atchoo [sneeze]/rusty waters/brown owl/tumbledown/pest-aside [DETTOL]

mouldies: [more foodie funguys] dirty dog [hot dog]/kaley cup [cup]/barby spew [meat]/vinnie gurr/grimey smith [apple core]

soilers: [more wild funguys] rooty toot [tree stump]/muckraker/dusty rex [fossil]/numbskull [old bones]/mouldy reg [carrot]

crawlers: [bugs] major tyrant/tubby grub [grub]/slarky mark [slug]/scuttlepup/trundledump [dung beetle]

slicks: [sewer stuff maybe??] ratscat [rat]/poop chute [pipe]/bumbelina/bincent van cough/stretch wretch

chums: [more friendly funguys] pal amino/anita medic/ray matter [brain]/magnet eyes/burnie

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