[there are 6 acts per world/3 acts in terminal velocity]
tropical resort
cyan laser [act 3]
BOSS [rotatatron] [to destroy-homing attack on his eye/cyan laser on eye/arms]/in DS it's globeatron
sweet mountain [unlocked after tropical resort]
yellow drill [act 1] [was in tropical resort in the WII ver.]
orange rocket [act 3]
BOSS [captain jelly] [to destroy-homing attack him/hit him underneath w/ yellow drill]
starlight carnival [unlocked with sweet mountain]
blue cube [act 1]
green hover [act 5]
BOSS [frigate orcan] [to destroy-homing attack to smash it to bits]
planet wisp [unlocked after sweet mountain/starlight carnival]
pink spikes [act 1]
BOSS [refreshinator] [it's rotatatron, but the platforms are round so it's harder to stand on them.]/in DS its drillinator
aquarium park [unlocked with planet wisp/asteroid coaster]
BOSS [admiral jelly ] [it's like captain jelly, but it's underwater]
asteroid coaster [unlocked with planet wisp/asteroid coaster]
purple frenzy [act 1]
BOSS [frigate skullian] [it's like frigate orcan, but its got 2 machine guns and can now teleport away]
terminal velocity [unlocked after planet wisp/aquarium park/asteroid coaster]
FINAL BOSS [nega-wisp armour] [to destroy-homing attack+final color blaster
in DS ver.
more wisps- red burst/violet void
secret FINAL BOSS-nega mother wisp
egg shuttle [time attack] [unlocked with planet wisp/aquarium park/asteroid coaster]
credit star [unlocked after the credits]
game land [there are 5 red rings per act [no red rings in bosses or in terminal velocity] get 10 to unlock another game land stage. there are 7 types with 3 acts each. at the end of the 3rd act, a chaos emerald appears. get all 7 to unlock super sonic]
options satellite [settings/glows yellow after unlocking super sonic] [sonic-blue/super sonic-glow yellow]
super sonic-
50 rings are needed to activate
uses 1 ring per second
wisp powers disabled when active
unlimited boost
increased jump height
enemy invincibility
can destroy chroma cubes
[all paths that would normally require wisps now have springs]
[can't activate in BOSSes, [or gameland] [or egg shuttle]]
more wisps [sonic colours/sonic lost world/team sonic racing]
white boost [colours [wii/ds] /racing] [boost/shockwave]
yellow drill [colours [wii/ds]/racing/lostworld] [drill underground/underwater] [invincible/auto drive]
cyan laser [colours [wii/ds]/racing/lostworld] [move fast] [shoots a laser]
blue cube [colours [wii]/racing] [turn blue cubes into rings and vice versa] [works like blowfish from transformed]
green hover [colours [wii]/lostworld [wii u] ] [jump in the air using rings]
pink spikes [colours [wii]/racing] [climb walls] works like the shells from mario kart]
purple frenzy [colours [wii] ] [destroy everything [the more you remove, the bigger you grow]
violet void [colours [ds]/racing] [works like frenzy, except stuff gets pulled towards you] [sucks attacks in]
orange rocket [colours [wii/ds] racing/lostworld] [rocket skywards] [works like firework from transfromed]
red burst [colours [ds]/racing/lostworld [3ds] ] [works like hover] [throws fire]
indigo asteroid [lostworld] [works like void]
crimson eagle [lostworld [wii u]/racing] [fly] [works like red/blue shell from mario kart]
magenta rhythm [lostworld [wii u]/racing] [bounce on music notes] [works like blooper from mario kart]
ivory lightning [lostworld [3ds]/racing] [move along wires] [drops lightning]
grey quake [lostworld [3ds]/racing] [stun enemies] [works like swarm from transformed]
black bomb [lostworld [wii u [special ed.]/racing] [roll over enemies/explode] [if you hit it several times, it explodes.]
jade ghost [racing/colours ultimate] [invisible]
EDIT-3RD OF JUNE [2021]-sonic colours ultimate got revealed. jade ghost will be in it, however, I do not know what it will do.
EDIT 2 OCT 2021-the jade ghost is unlocked in tropical resort and will allow the player to pass through solid walls. [act 5]
also, in each world there is a "rival rush" thing that is unlocked after you get a certain amount of red rings. these are-
tropical resort-act 3
sweet mountain-act 3
starlight carnival-act 1
planet wisp- act 1
aquarium park-act 2
asteroid coaster-act 2
you race against metal sonic.
also, tails hints-
tropical resort act 1-
even just a single ring is enough to keep you safe when you take damage!
those are white wisps! they give you boost energy. rescue them to fill up your boost gauge!
tap [] for a short jump.
press and hold [] longer for a spin attack. that'll take you higher than a regular ol' jump!
if you see a lock-on cursor appear in mid-jump, hit [] again for a homing attack! press [] at the lock-on cursor's sweet spot to get a boost!
press [] for a boost! the gauge at the lower left has to have energy to use it though. when boosting, you'll collect nearby rings as well.
you can get across here using a homing attack! once you see the lock-on cursor, hit []!
woo-hoo! you got park tokens! spend park tokens in the options satellite on customization and extras!
pass through this checkpoint and you'll be able to restart from here if anything should happen.
get on rails to grind! move left or right while grinding to switch rails.
dash rings give you a speed boost. rainbow dash rings also give you a bonus.
act 2-
press [] again when you're in the air and you'll do a double jump!
act 3-
now you're in quick step mode! move left and right to dodge obstacles!
change forms with a cyan wisp for the super-fast laser form! in laser form, prisms and optical cable open up new routes.
hit [] while running to slide! it's perfect for getting under tight spaces.
you can also hit [] while you're jumping for a stomp attack!
if you fall, I can save you. you will be dropped off at a safe location and keep all your rings!
access that channel in laser form to race along it underground at super high speed!
ooh, you can break through that platform with a stomp attack!
act 5-
change into ghost form with the jade wisp. in ghost form, you can fly around and attack enemies. you can even target enemies through solid objects. earn ghost energy for each successful attack on an enemy. look out for ghost anchors. attack them to find secret paths!
its weak point is its face, there in the middle! use the platforms to get closer!
sweet mountain
act 1-
you can take sharp turns while running by drifting!
change forms with a yellow wisp into drill form to drill through soft ground and chroma cubes! you can boost in drill form to go faster. but your gauge will drain quicker.
you can burrow here in drill form!
act 3-
change forms with an orange wisp for the mega high-flying rocket form!
this guy isn't going to show himself until you take care of that ship! there's a switch in the back. break it to stop the ship's functions!
the battle's only just starting now that he's shown himself! don't let him pressure you. stay cool, then attack!
starlight carnival
act 1
that's a blue wisp. it'll allow you to change into cube form! shockwaves from cube form will destroy chroma cubes and damage nearby enemies. blue rings and blue cubes will swap when you change to cube form.
you can still move while you're diving, so don't let your guard down!
run into the side of motobugs to push them out of the way.
act 5-
change forms with a green wisp for the air-soaring hover form or boost near rings to do a ring dash!
chase that ship down, then start whaling away! just keep an eye on those machine guns.
planet wisp
act 1
change forms with a pink wisp for the wall and ceiling-running spike form!
its weak point is its face, there in the middle! use the cups spinning around it as platforms!
aquarium park
act 1-
you can push that box around! hit [] while pushing something to kick it.
even you can't breath underwater, so you'll have to get to the surface. but bubbles like that are a way to grab some air while you're down there!
if you boost, you can run across the water without falling in!
this guy isn't going to show himself until you take care of that sub! there's a switch in the back. break it to stop the sub's functions!
the battle's only just stating now that he's shown himself! don't let him pressure you. stay cool, then attack!
asteroid coaster-
act 1-
change forms with a nega-wisp for the berserker frenzy form!
chase that ship down, then start whaling away! just don't be surprised when it warps. find it again, and BLAMMO!
terminal velocity-
soni...eggman is... nega-wi...powerful...careful! he's...
press [] to perform an assist change! you'll swap places with the other virtual hedgehog.
also, random bit of trivia-
ghost does not appear in the final boss battle [or in the cutscene op]
the eggman logo firework also does not appear, but the sound FX still plays.
45 story acts
7 chaos emeralds
180 red rings
6 rival rush
44 S ranks [D/C/B/A/S]
also, the European launch trailer counts white wisps as a proper power-up. WRONG